6& Falling
A/N: I dedicate this to RinKurniaP because she's my best online friend (And real friend too tbh, my life is unsocial as fuck, haha). Love ya<3
Harry was relieved when the meeting ended on time. That was barely ever the case, close to never, normally.
But the head of this meeting was a middle-aged, sharp woman with obvious dislike for long meetings. She right out interrupted anyone who talked on for too long and too complicated just to sound smart. That was usually how meetings went, dragging on and discussing pointless things you couldn't even do anything about at the moment, and trying to talk longer than necessary just to make your point sound more complex than it was.
Just like when he had been in school in subjects like english or politics. Harry hated it. He was never good at talking. Funny how life lead him into becoming a business man, oh well.
He looked at his wrist watch and smiled to himself. He could visit Louis earlier than ususal. Packing his things quickly, he left the building, smiling at the people he passed.
Harry decided to drop by a candy shop, remembering how Louis told him about his love for lollies. And in this candy shop were many colourful, huge ones. Buying a medium sized red- pink stiped lolly, he tried to not think about how Louis would look while eating it. Lips darker, pinker, stretched atound the head...
Harry shook his head, trying to shake those thoughts away. He couldn't think like that, not like that, and not right now. How was he supposed to to look into Louis' eyes when he just fantasized inappropiately about him a few seconds before?
Harry smiled to himself when he replayed to events of the previous evening in his head. It was magical to Harry, it really was. And he hoped he wasn't the only one who had felt like that.
He rounded the familiar corner with a light skip in his steps. He didn't notice the lack of the usual welcoming music until he was actually standing at Louis' accustomed spot. Confused, he spun around one time, then a second time, trying to spot any sign of the musician. When he didn't find anything, he just shrugged and leaned against the wall, deciding to wait. He was earlier than usual. Maybe Louis didn't start around this time.
Harry watched the people walk by and smiled at the children. He loved children. The people were quite entertaining to watch and Harry didn't mind waiting for Louis. And the weather was nice, not too warm and not too cold, the sun shining but a light breeze wafting.
Harry looked at his wrist watch and frowned. It was now the usual time for Harry to visit Louis so he should be here. Maybe his wrist watch was just wrong. But taking out his mobile phone, it showed the same time, four o'clock, four PM.
He shoved the phone back into his pocket and looked around, hoping to catch a glimse of Louis. Harry didn't find anything, but also didn't want to give up hope. So he stayed leaned against the wall, waiting.
After another fourty-five minutes he sighed resigned, accepting that Louis wouldn't show up today. Harry had another really important meeting at seven o'clock in which the last details would be discussed. Hopefully it would be the last meeting with this particular client. That didn't mean that Harry was done with everything. He still had meetings with another company and two more clients these last few days.
Harry tried to not think about it right now. The most important thing at the moment was Louis, at least in Harry's mind. He contemplated what could have happened that Louis broke his routine today.
Harry tried to not think too pessimistically. Maybe just something came up. Not necessarily something bad had to happen that Louis didn't play. It's only this one day. Maybe his other jobs needed him currently or he just didn't feel like playing today. Or maybe something happened to his clarinet and he had to bring it to a specialist to let it be repaired.
It was sad for Harry because he lost one day without seeing the man, but he guessed he could entertain himself for those few hours. Too bad that they hadn't exchanged numbers or else Harry could have just asked him what was up.
Harry couldn't help himself when he walked to Louis' flat, remembering where it was from the previous evening. Louis wasn't home, but that was okay. Harry would see him tomorrow.
Harry didn't see him at four PM the next day. Louis didn't show up again.
Harry coudn't help but be worried. About what exactly, he didn't know, but he knew that he didn't want to leave Verona without seeing Louis again. So he went to the café Louis had shown him he worked in.
He asked a kind looking waiter if Louis was there and if they knew where his bar tending job was. Sadly, he got a no for both questions. So Harry stopped by at Louis' house next but the musician wasn't there either.
Harry sighed, frustrated, and ran his hand through his hair. He didn't know where else Louis could be. He could be just glocery shopping or something but he wouldn't give up his routine for that. And he wasn't there yesterday either.
Harry just decided to look around the city, hoping to find Louis. It wasn't very likely but Harry was willing to take the time and risk. He was through with his meetings today anyways, presupposing Liam or his secretary didn't decide to take the free time from Harry by ordering him to another meeting or something.
He went up the familiar, most famous main street, then he turned into a byroad and went down the parallel street again. That's how he continued his venture: The search for Louis. He started with the more familiar streets, then ended up in the more remote streets.
He had almost given up hope to find Louis anymore. He just wandered around because the small spark of hope always stayed there. That's why he was pleasantly surprised when he distantly heard the familiar, hollow sound of a clarinet. Harry almost missed it because he had kind of given up and didn't really search for the sound, but once he heard it a surge of excitement settled in his chest.
Quickening his pace, Harry listened carefully to where the delicate notes came from. He once rounded a corner only to realize that he was distancing himself from the music again. So he turned around and walked back, trying to pinpoint where presumingly Louis was playing right now.
A huge grin spread over his face when he found Louis standing at the beginning of a beautiful bridge, playing an unfamiliar song. Harry couldn't help himself when he took out his phone and snapped a few pictures of Louis with the bridge in the backround.
Then he took the last steps towards Louis, waiting for him to finish this song before saying cheerily, "Hey, Lou."
Louis didn't seem to have heard him because he didn't react at all. He just examined his clarinet and adjusted the wood thingy at the mouthpiece. So Harry stepped closer and tapped his shoulder, "Lou."
Harry's wide grin fell when Louis looked at him with a neutral expression, asking, "Can I help you?"
"Err..." Harry stammered, lost as to why Louis was acting like this, "I was, erm... looking for you, you know. Because, I, erm... you know, normally you're uuh... at four-..."
"What do you think why I'm here now?"
Harry was taken aback by Louis' harsh interruption. "Err... I- I don't, I don't-"
"Because I didn't want to see you." Louis didn't let Harry finish. He looked away so he didn't have to see the utterly heartbroken look on Harry's face, prefering to watch the silver hatches on his instrument.
"Oh." Harry swallowed, "Why?" He asked barely louder than a whisper.
Louis looked back at Harry, but he couldn't stand the way the taller man made himself seem smaller, looking like someone just ran over his cat or something, "Gosh, you're annoying. Can you please just leave? I'm working here."
Harry swallowed the lump in his throat. His picture of the perfect Louis was obviously not real, just an illusion. "Okay." he whispered and turned away.
But he stalled when he heard Louis sigh heavily. It didn't sound like relief, more like regret.
He remembered the few encounters they had. The daily talks, the way they just clicked, how they had the same humor and could talk for hours without getting bored. Then he remembered the evening he took Louis out on a friendly dinner, how it was comfortable, familiar. And how, despite Louis saying he didn't want to date Harry, he still looked at him in a way nobody else had ever done, how he was patient with Harry's stutter and rambling, even looked fond sometimes. And the dance, the almost kiss, it was something straight out of a sappy movie but better because it was real.
How could Louis just forget that? Throw it away?
Well, Harry wouldn't just throw it away. He was determined and convinced that this was something special.
So he turned back around and stomped to stand directly infront of Louis, "Why don't you want to see me anymore?" He asked, hoping to sound stronger and braver than he felt with his heart beating rapidly against his chest.
Louis sighed heavily, "Harry, just-"
"No!" Harry interrupted before Louis could tell him to leave again, "Was it something I said? Did I say something wrong? Because I'm sorry, really. Tell me what to do. What do you want to hear? I mean, that evening, two days ago. It was beautiful to me but something must have happened. What is it? Why do you go and find some different place to play so much further away from your home just to hide from me? I don't understand."
Louis glaced at the expectant Harry, then sighed heavily and ran his and through his hair. He finally just decided to blurt it out, "I found myself falling for you."
"W- what?"
"I said, I found my-"
"No, I heard you." Harry interrupted, his voice shaking a bit but the wide smile radiated off his face. "Oh, wow. I didn't expect that. I- I, I think you know that, err... Does that mean we can-"
"No, we can't."
Harry's smile fell, again. "Oh." Harry breathed out, "Why not?"
Louis did this thing again where he exhaled sharply and ran a hand through his hair, "Harry. You're some business man from England. I live here, I love it here. It will never work."
"Then we'll find a way to make it work." Harry said eagerly.
"We barely know each other." Louis protested.
"Then let's get to know each other." Harry proposed.
"Haven't you heard me? Even if we got to know each other, it could never work."
"How do you know that?"
"Because long distance never works."
"But Lou." Harry sighed, thinking of another way to proceed with this. He didn't want this to be the last moment they had together, "Okay. I still have two full days here. Please spend them with me. Then I can disappear from your life forever if that's what you want."
Louis eyed him carefully and in deep thought.
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