5% The night
A/N: I dedicate this to Lukes_under_ashton because you voted and it makes me happy.
Sorry for the late update. I have a busy last school year at the moment.
Anyways, enjoy. Love you<3
"I think I found a way to pay you back." Harry said when Louis turned to him after finishing playing, not even giving him the time to greet him.
"Harry, how many times do I have to tell you, you don't have to pay me back anything."
"No, no but this is different." Harry's heart pounded and he gripped the keys in his pocket tightly.
Louis examined him carefully, "You're nervous." He stated.
"Yeah, I'm- I mean, no. I'm absoluely calm." Harry stammered.
Louis just raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "Okay."
Harry breathed out heavily, "Okay." He looked at Louis for a few seconds but saw nothing but patient curiousity, so Harry just went for it. It shouldn't even be a big deal. Harry didn't know why he was so nervous. Well, maybe because Louis was undeniably attractive. Definitely. "Come with me." He blurted out.
He felt a bit uncomfortable under Louis' watchful, calculating gaze. "Is this some kind of suprise you'll bring me to?"
"Not really. I just- I thought I could maybe take you out, friendly, of course. Like, just, grab something for dinner." Harry tried to explain.
Something twinkled in Louis' eyes. Amusement, maybe, but there was something more, but Harry couldn't place it. "But I have to play." He brought his clarinet to his lips and induced a few notes.
A few seconds Harry got distracted by Louis' lips. How they were wrapped around the embouchure of the clarinet delicately. He had to keep his head down to play so he looked up at Harry through his beautiful long eyelashes.
Then Harry registered what the clarinet player had just said and he cleared his throat. "You said you do that for fun, not because you have to."
Louis went a note deeper than the current one, making the melody sound enclosed, before he took the instrument from his lips, "That's not the point, Harold. It's about the principle. This is my routine, I do it everday and then there comes this curly sweetheart of a business man and wants me to break it?"
Harry grinned, "You think I'm sweet?"
"At heart, yeah." Louis shrugged nonchalantly, "And you're face is not that salty either."
Harry giggled stupidly, then cleared his throat, "Okay, then come with me."
Louis sighed, faux- troubled, "I don't know."
"Come on, Lou. It's free food." Harry tried to convince him.
"Lou? So we're on nickname basis now?"
"You called me Harold. Harold is not my name."
"It is." Louis argued, "Harry is the short form of Harold."
"But my mum named me Harry, so it's just Harry."
"Okay Harold."
Harry glared at him playfully.
"Why are you glaring at me, Harold? I just agreed to come with you on your date."
"You did?" Harry's face lit up, then he felt blood rush into his cheeks, "I mean, it's not a date. I mean, it can be, if you want, but, I mean, I just thought, it was more for, like paying you back and spending time with you and stuff, but... i mean, there's nothing against-..."
"Harry." Louis laughed, "It's okay. I was just teasing."
"Oh." Harry's blush intensified.
"Not that I wouldn't date you." Louis hurried to reassure him, "It's just, I don't do long distance."
"Oh, yeah. I understand." Harry said, although he didn't agree. He was a hopeless romantic and a firm believer that love could overcome any distance.
And Louis was a really loveable person and Harry didn't give up hope, although he didn't even know him, really. It was just a silly dream everyone had when they just met someone that struck their liking.
Harry watched as Louis took the clarinet box, taking out the money and letting it disappear somewhere into his pockets. Then the player disassembled his clarinet and put the pieces in the different shaped notches. It was interesting. Harry had never known that you could just take an instrument to pieces like that and then put it together again and still worked the same.
Louis closed the box and took it on the handle on top like a suitcase. "So where're we going?" He asked.
"Err..." Harry started, "I looked up a few places on the internet but if you have a better idea we can also go there. I don't mind. Actually, do you want to go right to a restaurant or do something else first? I mean, it's not even half past six."
Louis shrugged, "We could just walk around and look if we find something and if not, we'll go to whatever you looked up. I could show you around a bit now."
Harry smiled, "I'd like that."
They ended up at a bar at ten in the evening after their fancy dinner in a restaurant in a part of Verona that Louis hadn't even known before. Probably because he didn't really had enough money to even consider going into a fancy restaurant. Not that he was poor, he was thankful for what he had, he just couldn't afford too expensive amenities.
The bar was cute though. With life music and wooden walls and small booths. There was a small stage or something that Harry didn't get the purpose of. The musician was standing in another brighter corner, playing guitar and singing a song, probably an older song, he didn't know.
Their dinner and the stroll until they ended up here was almost like their daily street conversations. They told each other stories about work and families and bantered. Like always, Louis teased Harry mercilessly, making him blush and stumble over his words.
Though Harry was sure that there was a difference. They were becoming more than just acquaintances that talked on the steets whenever they meet, whatever this 'more' may be.
Harry watched as Louis listened carefully as the guitarist played the last few notes before he started talking. Harry didn't really listen to what he had to say, too focused on the way Louis was clapping with a amazed twinkle in his eyes. Louis really seemed to love music. Not that Harry didn't, Louis just had that Special connection to it.
The corners of his eyes crinkled and white, straight teeth were revealed beautifully as he laughed along with whatever the singer said. Harry distantly heard a roaring sound from the laughter of all the other people in the bar but all he focused on was the slightly highpitched laughing sound that escaped Louis' mouth.
And suddenly, blue eyes locked with Harry's own. A mischievous twinkle blinked at Harry, causing him to blush and look away.
Louis straightened his back and cleared his throat, "So... this band is good."
Harry raised his eyes to Louis' face again, seeing the man's eyes pointedly locked onto the stage. Harry knew it had something to do with his staring that Louis had tensed up. He didn't know if it was good or bad or what he was thinking.
While Harry was contemplating about it he didn't realize he was staring at the other man again until he registered their eyes locking again. Harry blushed as Louis gave him an unreadable look, but didn't look away this time. Instead he blurted out,
"Are you gay?"
Louis frowned a bit and Harry knew that the look in his blue eyes didn't mean anything pleasant so he hurried to add,
"I mean, are you-... I don't know, into guys. You could also be bi, I don't mind... I just, I mean-" Harry took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts before continuing, "You know what? That was stupid, I shouldn't have been so forward, I'm sorry."
Louis' expression was tense and disapproving, making Harry swallow harshly.
"Harry," Louis said softly, "I told you I don't do long distance. We can be, I don't know, friends or something, but..." He trailed off, the 'nothing more' going unsaid.
Harry nodded slowly, defeated. He negigibly registered the band getting off the stage and decided to attemt to lighten up the mood, "Hey, did you know that I was in a band in school?"
Louis eyed him, "Hmm... well, I know now." He laughed, "Were you any good?"
Harry shrugged, "I don't know, I guess. It was pretty cool, especially singing infront of people."
"Oh, you sing?"
Harry shrugged again, "Well, you know, I did in the band and now in the shower. Nothing big."
Louis watched him intently, "You should sing."
Harry frowned, "What do you mean?"
Louis pointed to the stage, "They have open mic right now, didn't you pay attention?"
"No, you're pretty distracting." Harry smirked. But it fell when he realized that he shouldn't flirt with Louis, Louis didn't want him like that.
The blue eyed just brushed it off, "Well, you should show me how you sing, up there." He pointed at the stage where a young woman was grabbing the guitar and sat down on the stool, adjusting the microphone.
"I can't play guitar." Harry said, relieved that he had an excuse.
"There is a piano." Louis pointed at the right corner of the small stage.
"I can't play that either. I can't play anything. The band did that for me. I just sang."
"Well, then sing without instruments."
Serveral hushing sounds were thrown at them since the woman had begun to sing and they were talking a bit too loud. Harry scooted closer to Louis and exclaimed quietly, "No way! It would sound ridiculous, everyone would laugh at me."
Louis shrugged, "Not if you're good."
"Are you kidding me? It doesn't matter how good someone sounds. Going up there and singing without any instrumental accompaniment wouldn't fit in here. It only sounds good if everyone is aware that this is an acapella concert or something."
Louis raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "Are you trying to tell me, with a degree in music, what sounds good and what not."
Harry sighed, "No, but you artists are all a bit strange anyways."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Louis questioned indignantly, earning a few hushes from the people who were actually listening to the artist on the stage.
"I just, nothing against modern art and stuff, but I'm just saying. You know, especially all those pictures and artwork, I mean, I'm sure the people put much thought into it but no one else understands except for a few freaky artists. And, come on, a few things... even three year olds could do that."
"What do you want to tell me with that, curly? That I'm not a serious artist." Louis accused.
"No, no. I mean, shit, that came out wrong. I was- I was just trying to make a point but- " Harry sighed, frustrated with his lack of eloquence.
Louis grinned, "I know, I kinda get what you mean."
Harry gave him a relieved grin, turning to the girl on the stage. They listened in silence as she finished her song, Harry didn't recognize it. Then she exited the stage and another even younger girl entered the stage. She just took the microphone and nodded at a man who was sitting on the DJ box thing, Harry didn't know what it was called. A more up beat playback started playing and the girl sang a few "Aaa, Aaa"s which Harry realized was "My Happy Ending" by Avril Lavinge.
Harry felt eyes on his face and turned to Louis who was grinning at him mischievously. "What?" Harry asked.
"They have karaoke."
"So?" Harry said carefully. He knew what Louis wanted to tell him, but he hoped it wasn't.
"You can sing."
Harry inhaled sharply, "I- I haven't sung in... I don't know, years. I don't think that's a good idea."
"Come on. You're listeneing to my musical displays daily. And you said you sing in the shower and stuff. It's no big deal, come on. I won't even have high expectations." Louis wheedled.
Harry bit his lip. "Okay, but one condition." Louis nodded so Harry stated, "You'll dance with me afterwards."
"No." Louis protested, "I can't dance for shit."
"Then I won't sing." Louis pouted so Harry sighed, "Come on. I can't dance either. But I want to dance with you. Just one time." Louis wasn't quite convinced so Harry contiued, "I'll lead. And if we make fools out of ourselves we'll do it together. If I'm going up there to sing I'm making a fool out of myself alone. I have far more to lose."
"Yeah," Louis agued, "But you'll leave in a few days and they'll never see you again. I live here."
"Yeah, but no one will give you shit for having a little fun. Come on, Lou. It will be so much fun. Dance with me." He grabbed Louis' hand.
"Wait, wait, wait." Louis interrupted him, stubbornly staying seated. "You have to sing first."
"Fine." Harry resigned, turning around and stomping over to the DJ determinedly. He stopped before he could reach him though. He reckoned it would be better if he decided on a song before he told the DJ he wanted to sing.
He contemplated if he should do some super romantic song that came close to declaring his love for Louis, because he still had some hope that it would somehow work out between them. But then again, it was a bit too over the top. They had only met a few days ago, after all. And it wasn't love, more like a fascination and a steadily increasing fondness. And of course sexual attraction, but that definitely should stay in Harry's head.
In the end he decided to sing "Paper Hearts" by The Vamps because it was a beautiful song and Harry was kind of obsessed with the new Vamps album at the moment. Besides, it was about some kind of long distance relationship too and it was a topic between the two of them, even if it wasn't mentioned much.
So he told the DJ which song he wanted and waited for the girl to finish before taking her place. He didn't have to wait long because he wasted much time with thinking already. His heart was beating rapidly against his chest and he had to swallow hard a few times. He spotted Louis in the crowd and smiled nervously at him. The older lad gave him a reassuring smile and thumbs up.
Harry's grin widened and the first notes played, soft guitar string tones. And his nervousness subsided and was replaced by exitement and ecstasy running through his veins. He had forgotten how awazing it felt being on stage and singing for crowds. He took a breath, lifting the microphone to his lips and started with a soft voice first:
There's a lot of things that I may not know
But missing you baby is the only thing I know
I know
He locked eyes with Louis. Maybe it was just Harry's imagination but he swore he could see a fond look on his face, making his heart flutter.
And who am I to say what the future holds
But missing you baby is the only thing I know
I know
Harry's eyes didn't leave Louis', couldn't if he tried. There was something between them, electricity.
Or maybe it was just in Harry's head, his wishful mind. It didn't matter. Louis was looking at him like he was the only person in this room.
If my heart was paper, I'd fold it
Throw it to the wind and just hope it
Ends up with you
Harry didn't have a doubt that Louis' expression was now one of amazement, shock. That he thought Harry was good, better that he expected. It felt good. It made Harry more confident and he continued with more power in his voice.
I signed it with love from me to you
I tried to be cool
But my feelings, they don't allow me to
And all that I ask
Is that at least you write me back
I'm waiting
Here's my paper heart, won't you hold it
Hold it
The drum beat started to kick in and people clapped along. Harry smiled to himself.
Said you needed space so I gave you time
A year has gone by and I'm thinking you're still mine
In my mind
And I've written you this letter like a hundred times
To start a conversation that we should've had that night
I tried
Harry's eyes took a sweep around the bar, seeing many people watching him, amazement evident in their faces. And while it felt good, nothing compared to the feeling he got when he looked back at Louis. It made Harry's heart beat speed up and a soft smile appear on his lips. It felt like he was singing to Louis. Like it meant something.
If my heart was paper, I'd fold it
Throw it to the wind and just hope it
Ends up with you
I signed it with love from me to you
I tried to be cool
But my feelings, they don't allow me to
And all that I ask
Is that at least you write me back
I'm waiting
Here's my paper heart, won't you hold it
Hold it
He held the note long, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. He forgot how much he loved singing, the feeling that his voice meant something. It held so much more than when he would just talk.
Flying through fields, over sand
Hoping one day it will land
And end up with you
He winked at Louis. He smiled back at him, making Harry smile widely.
I signed it with love from me to you
I tried to be cool
But my feelings, they won't allow me to
And all that I ask
Is that at least you write me back
I'm waiting
Here's my paper heart, I just hope it
Ends up with you
He laid his hand over his heart before pointing at Louis, winking. Louis laughed quietly, not minding the people who turned to look at who Harry had pointed at.
I signed it with love from me to you
I tried to be cool
But my feelings, they don't allow me to
And all that I ask
Is that at least you write me back
I'm waiting
Here's my paper heart, won't you hold it
Hold it
Hold it, hold it
There's a lot of things that I may not know
But missing you baby is the only thing I know
I know
Harry let the music fade but didn't move from his place, just letting his hand with the microphone fall to his side. He perceived the applause but all he could concentrate on was Louis who was smiling softly at him. He continued standing on the stage, grinning like an idiot and only realizing how much of an idiot he looked when some guy next to him cleared his throat. Harry broke eye contact with Louis in favor of looking at the brown eyed lad next to him.
"Sorry to Interrupt your moment but would you mind making space for me?"
"Oh, oh, yeah. Sorry." Harry said dumbly, making his way off the stage. But the guy cleared his throat again, making Harry turn back at him. The guy motioned to his hand, causing Harry to look down and notice the microphone. "Oh, sorry." Harry stumbled back a bit, giving the guy the device. "Sorry." He repeated and got off the stage, non too graceful.
Louis approached him already, meeting him halfway. He was chuckling about Harry's clumsy exit from the stage. Harry blushed and slapped his shoulder.
"Oww, don't slap me."
"Don't laugh at me." Harry retorted.
Then they looked at each other and bursted out laughing, loud and wholeheartedly. Harry loved Louis' laugh. It was loud and flamboyant, just like his whole being. His whole body shook with laughter and the corners of his eyes crinkled. Louis' laugh was contagious and it made Harry laugh even harder.
Once the both calmed down they just grinned at each other again, a small laugh still escaping one of them every once in a while.
"So... you were really good up there." Louis said, still grinning.
"Thanks." Harry grinned back. They must look like idiots, not being able to wipe that grin off their faces. "Now you have to dance with me."
Louis looked conflicted. He turned to the dance floor. Well, more like dance area. It was a not very big space, free from booths and chairs. It started to fill more and more, people following the first brave, or tipsy, people.
Louis seemed to have decided that it was full enough to not be too conspicious, because he tuned to Harry and nodded, barely audible. Harry grinned (has it ever left?) and took Louis' hand, pulling him to the dancing people.
When Harry stopped Louis wasn't satisfied though. He pulled Harry further into the throng of dancing people, making it harder for anyone to see them. When he stopped he looked around, watching the other people. Harry watched as he crinkled his nose in antipathy.
"Harry, listen to that music and look at these people. It doesn't fit at all."
Harry looked around and couldn't help but agree. The people were jumping around and made some kind of hip hop moves, but the music was more, well... slow, not upbeat. The problem was, it wasn't really a slow dance song either. Harry wasn't good with genres but that much he could tell.
"I mean, I don't blame them." Louis commented, "How can you dance at an open mic night? To every person singing their own favourite music. And R&B just isn't dance music. At least not in clubs or bars."
Okay, it was R&B, Harry thought to himself.
So Louis and Harry had to awkwardly sway to the music.
"Come on. Let's just sit and talk." Louis tried to convince Harry to leave the dance floor.
Harry bit his lip in contemplation. He was about to agree when he noticed the music changing. And with the music, the vibe changed too. Harry grinned at Louis when some upbeat Justin Bieber song blared through the speakers. Louis sighed defeated and tried to dance with an excited Harry. But he was too stiff. He couldn't bring himself to let loose and risk looking like an idiot.
Harry saw that and hesistantly swayed closer and gripped Louis' hips. "Harry." Louis warned.
The curly haired looked at Louis' face, trying to read what he was thinking. It wasn't disgust or indignation. More like hesistation.
Harry pulled Louis closer, not stopping to move to the music. Louis hesistantly placed his hands on Harry's upper arms and let Harry take the lead. He didn't dare to look into the taller boys' eyes, though, determinedly keeping his gaze on his hands on Harry's shoulder. Harry couldn't say it didn't bother him, but he didn't want to make Louis uncomfortable. He was already warm all over from having Louis this close.
It took a while for Louis to loosen up completely, but no matter what happened, he didn't let it get dirty. Harry didn't know when, but the music had slowed down and suddenly they were slow dancing. Harry took a glance around and realized that there were other couples dancing close together, lost in each other.
Harry looked down at Louis and smiled when he got a mouth full of his soft hair, burying his nose in it. Louis had his forehead leaned against Harry's shoulder, eyes closed and peaceful. Harry wrapped his arms around him completely and closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of having Louis all around him and the slow music soothing them. Louis seemed to enjoy it too, because he made no move to pull away.
But of course it had to come to an end. The beat picked up again and singles who just wanted to dance wildly (or whatever) flowed onto the dance floor, startling the slow dancers.
Louis took his head from the taller man's shoulder. Harry wished he hadn't. But he didn't have much time to mourn because Louis looked up at him, a soft smile on his pretty lips. Gosh, those lips.
Harry didn't want anything more than feel this lips on his at that moment. He gazed up into Louis' slightly clouded blue eyes. They were lowered and he looked like he wanted to kiss Harry, too.
So Harry lowered his eyes to Louis' lips again and took a chance, inching closer to Louis' face.
He didn't see Louis' eyes clearing up and widening.
He only noticed when the warmth suddenly left, leaving Harry clutching onto air.
"So..." Louis said, unnecessarily loud, "It's getting late, don't you think? I'm a bit tired, aren't you?"
Harry cleared his throat awkwardly, "Oh, yeah. Of course."
Lopuis smiled reassuringly, conveying that he didn't hate Harry or anything. That everything was still the same as before. It helped a little.
Harry was fully reassured again and more when he brought Louis home to his flat.
The walk to Louis' flat isn't tense per sé. It was just that Harry had this uneasy bundle in his stomach, weighting down. He tried his best to act normal, just like before. Because Louis did just that, acting like nothing happened.
When they arrived at Louis' flat the older man turned to Harry, smiling. "So... I had a nice evening. Thank you."
Harry smiled, "Me too. Thank you for letting me take you."
It sounded too much like a date. Harry tried his best to ignore that because Louis made it clear that he didn't want that.
Louis sighed, seeming to contemplate really hard about something. In the end he stepped closer to Harry, laying his hands on the taller lad's shoulders, rising on his tiptoes and pressing his lips to Harry's cheek.
"Good night, Haz." He mumbled before detaching himself from him and disappearing into the house.
Harry was stunned. He stood there, frozen, until a grin began to spread across his face.
Maybe he still had a chance with Louis. Maybe the older man just wanted to take it slower. Harry could wait for him, he could do that.
Needless to say, when he finally laid in his bed that night, Harry drifted off with a giddy smile on his face.
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