4$ Repeatedly
A/N: I dedicate this to bluelarries because you voted and that made me really happy:)
It became their thing, Harry visiting Louis at his public music performances and they would have a little chat.
When Harry came by three days later he had a plan.
Carefully, he looked around the corner, knowing Louis was there because he heard the clarinet, but he just wanted to make sure. He was cautious that Louis didn't see him before he hid behind the corner again.
He smiled at people who were walking by before stopping a little girl with her mum, presumingly, "Hey, excuse me." He held out a few coins to them. It were euros so he had no idea how much this was worth but it didn't matter. "Could you give this to the clarinet player?"
The mum looked at him suspiciously, probably wondering what the purpose of this was, but she said nothing about it, "Okay." She took the money and gave it to her daughter.
"Thank you." He said. Cautiously, he followed them with his eyes and smiled happily to himself when the small girl dropped the coins into the clarinet box.
The next mum he asked was a bit more suspicious, "Why?"
"Err... Long story." Harry said, "Basically, I made him lose his money and he won't take my replacement."
The middle aged woman laughed, suprised, "So you make other people give him your money?" She asked with a strong italian accent.
Harry shrugged, "Yeah, why? Is this... weird? It doesn't matter that he doesn't know it's mine. He would never take it if he knew it was mine."
The woman nodded slowly, "Okay then. Lilly, take that and throw it into the box, will you?"
Her daughter took it timidly and Harry grinned widely, "Thank you so much."
"No problem, kid. Be careful. Not everyone will actually do what you want with your money."
Harry frowned because, firstly, she called him kid, he wasn't a kid. Secondly, maybe she was right. But it didn't matter right now, Harry will have to just believe in the good in humans.
He decided he trusted the children with friendly looking parents the most. He actually didn't even know how much money he made Louis lose so he just aimlessly gave three more children with parents coins and three more even a euronote, though he had no idea how much those were worth.
"Really? You want to give him fifty euros?" A dad of a little boy asked. He had an accent, but it wasn't a italian one. If Harry had to guess he would assume something more nothern, Netherlands or Sweden maybe.
"I don't know," Harry frowned, "How much is that in pounds?"
The man shrugged, "I don't know but fifty euros is a lot."
Harry grinned, "Well, after this my debt will be payed off then. Can you give it to him?"
"What debt?" The mother asked suspiciously.
"Err... I just, I knocked over his box once and he doesn't take the money back." Harry explained.
"Surely that weren't fifty euros." She commented.
"Doesn't matter." Harry said, "He deserves it, don't you think? It's beautiful."
"You're insane." The woman laughed but let Harry give their son the note. Harry just grinned happily when they stayed true to their words and trew the note into the box.
Feeling accomplished he rounded the corner and waited for Louis to notice him. Or maybe he had already noticed him and just had to play this song until the end. It wouldn't be the first time.
He was playing something that sounded like something that belonged into the pop genre but Harry didn't know this song exactly. Harry was fascinated by how many songs Louis could play. Every day he came Louis played something different.
When he was finished with this song he turned to Harry. Something was twinkling in his eyes but Harry couldn't place what it was. "Hey Harry. How are you doing today?"
Harry grinned, "I'm really great actually."
"Yeah?" Louis stepped closer so they were in a more comfortable distance to hold a conversation, "Why's that?"
Harry shrugged. He couldn't tell Louis that he felt good because he successfully gave him his money back without him knowing. "Just a nice day, I guess. Not too much work." It wasn't even a lie. The weather was nice, as always, and the only appointment he had had been at eight in the morning and the next one would be in an hour. He would have to go home to change into something more formal before that.
For now he was here with Louis though and it made Harry happy. These past few days he found himself looking forward to visiting the intriguing street musician. He tried not to think too hard about what this might mean.
Louis hummed in response. "That's good. Have you eaten something italian? I swear, the italians know what's good. I never understood how people could live without pizza or pasta in the past. Or ice cream."
Harry laughed, "I did, actually. I ate pizza in this restaurant next to my hotel. On my business outings I never get to eat that because it's hard to eat it and come across as formal enough at the same time."
Louis let out a sudden, high pitched laugh, "That's ridiculous. Business has so many stupid rules."
"No, no, this makes sense. At least a bit. You can't eat with your hands, that would be just, well, unrefined or something. But if you eat pizza with cutlery you might have to put too much effort into cutting it and it would come across as frustrated or violent."
Louis looked at him with a blank face, his head tilted, "Wow, you business people are unbelivably uptight."
Harry shrugged, "They might be while doing business. When they're done with their job they're normal people."
Louis nodded, "Makes sense." He paused and glanced at his clarinet box where people were throwing money into. "The people must have really liked the song I was playing."
Harry tensed and laughed nervously. He had never been good at acting or lying, "Yeah, well. You play beautiful."
Louis pinned him with a stare that made him squirm. "Yeah? Well thank you." He said before he asked him about Gemma. Harry had told him about her having applied for a new job.
Harry smiled, relieved that Louis hadn't picked up on his nervous behaviour.
Or so he thought until Harry told Louis that he had to go to get ready for his dinner with a Business partner.
"Oh, yeah, of course." Louis said, "And before you go," He crouched down to take most of the euro notes out of his box and held it out to Harry, "Don't forget your money."
"Whaaat?" Harry asked, laughing nervously, prolonging the vowel suspiciously long.
Louis stood up, holding the money out insistently, "Come on, Harry. I know what you did. You were not as sneaky as you thought you were. How did you come up with that idea anyways?"
"Err..." Harry furrowed his eyebrows, trying to look clueless, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Harry," Louis stepped closer into Harry's personal space, "Don't play dumb. I know you're not."
His voice was soft, as was his skin and his hand brushed against Harry's. Harry got breathless, to say the least. He was aware that Louis was attractive, but he had never payed that Close attention to his high cheekbones, or his pink, plush lips, or his cute button nose, or the small freckles around his nose, the flawless skin. And his eyes.
They were always something that intrigued Harry. But they had been never this close. He had never seen the small dot in his left eye, or the light green around his pupil.
Suddenly, it was gone. Louis had stepped back, startling Harry. He looked at him with wide eyes, his mind still blank.
"Now go on. Didn't you have somewhere to be?"
With that Louis went back to playing, first experimenting a bit to see if the clarinet was in tune, then starting to play the familiar melody of Castaway.
And that was what made Harry get aware of his limbs again and he noticed the light weight in his hand. He looked down, noticing it was the money. Harry smiled fondly, shaking his head disbelieveingly. Louis had distracted Harry to give him the money back. And he was good, damn.
Harry looked at his wrist watch and noticed that he really had to hurry now. He stepped closer to Louis' box, contemplating if he should just throw the money back in but before he could do so a sharp, piercing tone was heard. He looked up to see Louis glaring at him and playing a horrible sounding tone, just like he did on the first day he met Louis.
Defeated, Harry gave him a last goodbye before hurrying to his hotel.
He would have to find another way to pay Louis back.
A/N: The real plot will start in the next chapter. Just saying so you won't get bored.
Thank you so much for reading. Please vote, it would make me so happy.
Love you<3
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