Chapter 8
With news of the Dwarves' departure, the white council dispersed leaving Gandalf, Lady Galadriel and I in the pavilion. The sun had fully risen over the forest and bathed Rivendell in it's glory.
As if hearing the question in my thoughts, Galadriel asked for me, her bell like voice never failing to amaze me, "You will follow them?"
"Yes." Gandalf replied with a solemn undertone, it seemed that he was rather saddened at the progress of the situation with the necromancer.
"You are right to help Thorin Oakenshield. But I fear this quest has set in motion forces we do not yet understand. The riddle of the Morgul blade must be answered," Galadriel turned to stare into the distance, scanning the horizon, "Something moves in the shadows, unseen, hidden from our sight. It will not show itself, not yet. But every day it grows in strength. You must be careful." she warned him. I realised that her response was only for Gandalf. I supposed that my fate had run a different course in the grand scheme of things.
Gandalf stuck with the one worded answers. He answered with a simple "Yes."
After a few moments deliberation, Gandalf turned and started walking away. Before he had covered any more than a few feet, Galadriel spoke out yet again.
"Mithrandir?" she called, "Why the Halfling?"
Her question caused Gandalf to pause mid step and turn back to where Galadriel and I were still stood. I was also waiting patiently for the answer.
"I don't know," He began. I could see his eyes return to their cheerful state again as he continued. "Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I've found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love." I deciphered the meaning behind this quickly. It seemed that Gandalf had something great in store for this particular Hobbit. "Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid, and he gives me courage."
Galadriel floated over to Gandalf and took his old and weary hands in hers. My ears began to heat up as I understood that this was a moment between them; not for curious eyes such as mine. And with that I turned away.
"You are not alone." Galadriel spoke aloud. Not for my benefit, it seemed, but to emphasise her point to Gandalf.
I thought about Radagast and started to worry about his safety but Galadriel's soothing words for Gandalf were too bright to allow any negative emotions to survive in the vicinity of them.
"Ae boe i le eliathon, im tulithon."
{If you should ever need my help, I will come.
I turned towards the parting words. Galadriel had disappeared, leaving Gandalf on his own in the well of the pavilion. I walked over to him, unsure what my role in the future would be.
"Gandalf, what am I to do now?" I began, "I sense that I play a greater role in this which also means that I cannot simply return to Radagast. What should I do?" I could hear the concern weighing down on my voice as I asked him for advice.
For a moment he seemed as lost as I was but the expression was swiftly chased from his face as he instructed me.
"Rest for now, then when the time comes you should catch up to the company again," I watched as the calm calculations crossed his eyes and he continued, "Do not rejoin their ranks, simply watch them from afar. I do not believe it is wise to be seen with them on this particular part of their journey." I knew Gandalf had a plan, even if he wouldn't share it with me. But I trusted his judgement nonetheless. We both turned to retire for the night, or at least I had thought so.
"I am sorry Caladhiel but I must continue my part of the journey now. I wish you luck on yours." He turned to leave me as he spoke. "I hope to meet you again soon."
I wasn't surprised that he knew my name but the fact that he used it caught me by mild surprise. I thought nothing more of it and decided to retire for the night.
I reached my new chambers and decided that I would prepare for a wash. I removed my rough, torn garments slowly as not to disturb my wound. After removing my concealed weapons, I lifted the leather tunic over my head with a sharp wince and placed it on the bed. I then walked to the large mirror that was placed by the wall and lifted up my weathered undershirt and unwrapped the heavy gauze and bandages to inspect the damage.
As I peeled away the last piece of dressing, some of the dried blood tore away from my skin. I hissed out in pain as it did so. Luckily it hadn't caused any more bleeding. I decided to take a closer look at my wound.
There was a large gash in my midriff and severe bruises peppered the surrounding skin. A thick, crusted layer of blood had dried around the wound and there was a neat row of stitches holding the wound shut. The gauze was almost soaked all the way through but, judging by the black colouration of the blood, this had been wrapped around my lower torso for quite some time.
This time with greater care, I removed the rest if my clothing and padded over to the basin. I silently thanked whoever had filled it for me. I slowly lowered myself into the bath, careful not to tear the stitches or cause any more harm to myself. As the water lapped over my wound, a searing pain shot through me and I swiftly raised myself out of of the bath again hissing and whimpering. I decided that I had to just get it over with so I lowered myself back into the water in one movement. After the initial protest form my gash, my muscles started to relax. I started to scrub away the dirt and blood making sure to be careful not to cause more blood loss or further injury.
After I had adequately washed myself, I changed into the nightgown that resided within one of the draws of the dressing table and carefully slipped into the bed. I was still too on edge to rest so I let my thoughts drift off to wherever they would take me.
After a few moments contemplation about the event that happened just over a week ago, I had decided that before I set off for the company, I would train myself to ensure I would not have to deal with any close encounters of that sort again. I was too weak and not properly trained or even proficient with my current weapons. If I was to even survive one day in the wilderness, I had to train to the point of exertion. I was not strong enough yet but in time I would be. I would have to speak with Lord Elrond in the morning.
After a few more absent minded thoughts, fatigue finally washed over me and I gave in to the merciful abyss of a dreamless sleep. I didn't need to sleep often; luckily for me and my race, we could dream during daytime actvities or simply sit still for rest. It was rare for an elf to fully fall into slumber but, especially for someone in my condition, there were exceptions.
I would like to give a huge thank you to herwriteNESS for the amazing new cover! You should check out her works! Give a fellow writer some support!
That's all for now! Be sure to vote, comment and share!
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