Chapter 6
"You are not what I expected," a gruff voice suddenly cut through the pain like a knife. It continued. "You may think that you give off an aura of authority and coldness, but I can see the life you have experienced. Your expressions never reached your eyes. I have never liked elves. They are arrogant, selfish and above all else, they believe they know best." He spat "But you, you're not quite like your kin. I don't know what it is that is different about you but there is something."
I could figure out that it was Thorin of all people who had decided to have a heart to heart to me although due to my state it was rather one sided. Before I could even think about the intent behind his words, I heard his footfalls drift away into nothingness.
I began to sink back into my own abyss. The darkness welcomed me back in it’s sinister arms and I braced myself for the burning.
Oh no. The screeching evil was back. I whimpered in fear and anticipation. The orange fire blazed up in front of me and the dark silhouette appeared in the epicenter of the flame. It began to reach out to grab me but as it did a brilliant flash of white cut straight through it’s arm. It moved so swiftly that all I had seen was the remnants of the flash burnt into my mind. The darkness began to seep away and the light from before bled into my surroundings. Warmth surrounded me in my mind and I felt myself floating like before but this time I was being lifted up rather than falling down. The white light carried me up as if I had been trapped under water and it pulled me to the surface. As I climbed, I found that I could breathe more easily, and I began to suck large gulps of air. This was it. I was free! I was going to- a crippling pain rippled up from my ankle and I screamed out in agony. The darkness was pulling me back. It had my ankle! A searing pain suddenly clamped around my ankle and started scorching me. The pain was even worse than what I had previously experienced. I kicked around as if I was drowning in water, desperately fighting for the surface. It was within reach. The white light was pulling me up faster and faster while the flames were pulling me the other way. I felt like I was being ripped in half but suddenly, the flame had lost its grasp on me and I was pulled to the surface.
I know I usually post a 1000-1500 word chapter but I felt that this would be better split up. I was thinking of posting on Thursdays now as well as Sundays!
Do you like my crappy editing skills? Haha
Thats all for now! Be sure to like, comment and share!
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