Chapter 3
So it was decided. I was to stay with the company of Thorin Oakenshield. After a few more glares from Thorin and a scolding from Gandalf swiftly after, we split off from Radagast and awaited his signal. Everyone, including myself was radiating adrenaline. I bounced silently on my toes as we waited and then we heard it. Howls sounded followed by the snapping of branches. Then Radagast gave us the signal.
"Come and get me! Ha ha!" He taunted the wargs and just like that, they took the bait and we were off.
"Come on!" Gandalf ushered the company forward with great urgency. I could just see Radagast disappearing behind a cluster of rocks as we ran the other way. Gandalf was at the front, leading as always and I was scouting from behind.
"Stay together." I called out when the largest dwarf was lagging behind.
"Move!" Thorin urged them.
As we ran, Thorin dived towards cover behind a rock but the youngest dwarf wasn't paying enough attention and continued past the cover of the rock.
"Ori, no! Come back!" Thorin tried to grab him but Ori slipped from his grasp so I lunged forward out of cover and pulled him back so sharply that I nearly pulled him over. We waited behind the rock until Gandalf pushed us on again.
Typical Thorin, suspicious as always stopped and hissed a question at Gandalf, "Where are you leading us?" Gandalf didn't answer but I knew the answer to his question.
We were headed towards the house of Elrond, Imladris or otherwise known as Rivendell. Despite knowing this I kept quiet due to fear of Thorin bursting a blood vessel. We quickly spotted a warg rider and dove for cover under a large cluster of rocks. Keeping as quiet as we could, Kili notched an arrow and fired at the warg. The warg and its rider tumbled down to us but the warg let out a booming howl. The rest of them sprang into action and killed the orc while I slit the warg's throat but our haste was in vain. The pack knew exactly where we were.
"Move." Gandalf yelled and took off "Run!" and we sprinted after him, with the wargs closing in on us. We were running out of time. Gandalf pointed to a smaller cluster of rocks and directed us to them. I could feel the thunder of footfalls on the ground from the monstrous beasts. They were getting closer and closer. Soon they would be on top of us and we would have to way out. I felt a whole new spurt of adrenaline coarse through me and I found myself running even faster than I thought possible.
Just when I thought we had made enough distance to escape, we were surrounded. We were in a small clearing of rocks. I looked around to count the number of enemies but quickly noticed that Gandalf was nowhere to be seen. Panic set in as I realised we were alone.
"There's more coming!" the archer dwarf shouted and we all readied ourselves. Most of the dwarves wielded axes but thorin had an elvish blade. Bilbo also wielded an elvish sword but his was ablaze in a blue brilliance.
"Kili! Shoot them!" Thorin commanded.
"We're surrounded!" Someone else called.
Kili began to shoot at the Wargs and the riders, killing some of them but not enough to save us single handedly. He turned to us and called "Where is Gandalf?"
"He has abandoned us!" one of them replied with disdain.
The wargs had cornered us into the cluster of rocks and they began closing in covering a metre every step. Soon they would be right in front of our faces. I unsheathed my daggers and readied myself. This would be the first time that I would have to fight for my life.
"Hold your ground!" Thorin called out, trying to maintain some order among us in the hopes of encouraging more calculated attacks.
Just as I was about to start Gandalf's voice sounded behind me.
"This way, you fools!" He stood out from a hole under the rock.
"Come on, move! Quickly, all of you! Go, go, go!" I pushed the dwarves in. One by one they hopped into the crevice and slipped into the darkness. The wargs were approaching still. Kili turned and shot another. He had the perfect aim this time. And Thorin swiped at another, killing it instantly. I could hear Gandalf counting behind me. I put away my daggers and instead, retrieved a throwing knife. I let it fly and it made it's mark, burying itself right into the chest of a rider.
"Kili! Run!" Thorin called. I turned to Thorin to tell him to go next.
That was my biggest mistake. My momentary lapse of concentration.
A searing pain, worse than the venom of a dozen serpents blazed through my abdomen. I looked down. An arrow was buried into my torso, shattering one of my ribs. I fell to the ground in agony. I looked up to see a warg charging towards me and I braced myself for more pain.
There was a flash of silver and the warg was gone. When I looked up, Thorin stood above me, sword in hand. He was staring intently at me.
"Hurry!" Gandalf called from the hole. I glanced at where he called from. No one else knew I had been shot.
I looked back up into Thorin's eyes. The kindness seeped out of them again and he uttered bitter words to me. "Get up."
I pulled myself up and Thorin had already jumped to safety. Another warg was charging but it was a lot further away. Plenty of time to sprint to safety. I began to run but I crumpled to the ground. It seemed that I had more than just a broken rib. Blood started pouring out of me as I realised that my rash actions had pushed the dreaded arrow further into my flesh. I had no time left so I crawled desperately towards the hole. The arrow was scraping along the dirt and it caught in some dried grass, yanking it further into my body. I was too slow. The warg went to snap at my leg but I reached the others just in time, rolling into the gap. I fell into the darkness and heard a gut wrenching snap and another wave of pain rip through me. I screamed aloud and blood bubbled out of my mouth. I couldn't breathe easily. Everyone rushed to help me but a horn sounded from the surface and the dwarves froze in place. I stayed silent this time but tears poured down my face. I could only just make out the whooshing of arrows and the cries of the orc riders over the throbbing in my ears when an orc rolled into the hole with us. It had been shot straight through the chest. Thorin ripped out the arrow protruding from it.
"Elves." He spat.
I was angry now. I used my last breath to scold him "Hey!" but as I began, a choking noise interrupted me and I realised that it was coming from me. More blood flew from my mouth. I started choking on it. Gurgling for air. I realised that the arrow had been forced into my lung when I fell. The last thing I saw before the darkness closed in on my vision was the worried faces of the company. Then I felt myself slump to the ground. The pain was finally ebbing away. As was my life.
Thats all for now! Be sure to vote, comment and share! Thanks!
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