Chapter 21
We paddled on out of the cave and toward the light. I could hear the faint footfalls of our captors. The alarm had been raised. How were we to escape this?
"Hold on!" Thorin called, alerting us.
I gripped the lip of my barrel tightly as we plummeted down the waterfall. My innards coiled like snakes in fear of my potential downfall for I had never learned how to swim. I gripped the barrel tighter still.
Plunge after plunge left me feeling tired but soon we found ourselves drifting more calmly. But that was soon disrupted by a shrill horn sounding from behind us.
We rounded the bend of the river to meet the sight of a guard post build across the river. The guards stationed heard the alarm of course and one of them stride towards a lever. We were going to get trapped. I turned back to notice that I had floated past the others and was gaining some speed. I was considerably lighter than the rest.
"No no no!" I panicked, floating closer and closer to the gate. It started to shut but I had picked up enough speed to pass through it in time. I watched in horror as the others had been caught on the other side. Suddenly I felt my insides floating. I was falling yet again! My body jolted as I crashed into the water once more but I no longer had the safety of the barrels keeping me afloat. I desperately floundered around trying to breathe. I couldn't see a thing as the water bubbled into my eyes. My energy dissipated and my lungs filled with water. I smashed against the rocks of the shore but managed to grasp at the roots of an ancient tree. Using the last of my strength, I hauled myself up and out of the water and collapsed succumbing to weariness.
How many times have I avoided death? How many times will I continue o do so? Sooner or later I am sure to fail.
My surroundings returned to me slowly. First, the sound of rushing water and soft, light footfalls. Then my eyes were assaulted with blazingly bright light. I shut my eyes tightly but even that couldn't block the brilliant white light out. My eyelids blazed with red fire. My eyes adjusted soon enough and a shadow fell over me.
"Ta maa ve' i' naugrim caela hyarya lle. Deanam lle niasa naa il- vee' beleg vee' lle nowa"
{"It looks like the Dwarves have left you. Perhaps your alliance is not as strong as you think"
I met the smug stare of Legolas, perched on a rock before me. Behind him stood an orc, bow drawn and ready to fire. My eyes widened in shock but I hadn't recovered enough to move. The arrow flew through the air. I shut my eyes in terror but the arrow never hit its mark. Instead, the clang of another arrow intercepting its path sounded. Like a flash, Legolas turned to face whoever had shot the second arrow. I turned my head too.
Tauriel attacked the orc, disarmed it and forced it to its knees. Just as she was about to slit its throat, Legolas orders her to cease, "Tauriel! Dartho! Ú-no hono. Ho hebo cuin."
{ "Tauriel! Wait! This one we keep alive."
"mani uma lye uma yassen he'" she asks, still holding the foul orc.
{"What do we do about her?"
"Re auta n'alaquel a' he' band rath. I' aran dethola mani um- yassen he'"
{"She goes back to her prison cell. The king will decide what to do with her"
I am pulled to my feet and forced to walk back with a sword digging into my spine.
Upon our return, I was taken straight to the dungeons and thrust into my cell.
Bilbo wasn't here to free me this time. I would have to find another way. Fortunately, there was still time. I still had three weeks to arrive in time for Durin's day.
How had that plucky little Hobbit gotten in? How wasn't he seen? Elves had keen eyes, more so than any other race of Middle-Earth. I was aware hobbits were particularly stealthy but this was like nothing I had ever heard of. Radagast surely hadn't underestimated the skill of these cheery folk, had he? Something was afoot, and if I ever saw him again, I would confront him.
My reverie was abruptly broken by the sound of keys clanging together and the sharp screech of my cell door opening. Perhaps more time had passed than I thought.
"Tul a yassen amin." Legolas had drawn his sword and motioned for me to start walking, "uma il- def- ai' nat', ri' lle-aya utua amin megil e' lle earka."
{"Come with me. Do not try anything, or you could find my sword in your back"
"Dôl gîn lost manka lle uma il- rangwa i' tyela en' ilya sina." Honestly, I was not impressed with the behaviour of both parties involved, "Ilya en' Ennor naa e' rashwe. Lye caela tyar-!"
{"Your head is empty if you do not understand the consequences of all this. All Middle-Earth is in trouble. We must act!"
"Faarea." He would not listen, "Lle uma il- daf- nyar- amin no' amin crumguru."
{"Enough. You do not get to lecture me on my responsibilities."
He pushed his sword closer to my spine. I got the message.
We started the ascent to the king's platform. His supposed eminence was stood over the beheaded corpse of an Orc. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was the same orc that had attacked Legolas earlier. I hoped I wouldn't share the same fate.
I stopped before Thranduil. I didn't raise my head to meet the accusing stare; burning my head.
"Am' au' lle naugrim kela lle gurth- ri' mainka yassen amin," He gloated, trying to elicit a response from me. I declined to acquiesce.
{"Yet again your dwarves leave you to die or bargain with me"
I remained silent, calculating the least antagonizing responses.
"Amin tanaka lle uma il- malia manka amin kela n'e i' nostale beth," Thranduil was in no mood for formalities this time, "sii' a' i' nat' ie' cam; "
{"I'm sure you do not care if I leave out the kind words, now to the matter at hand;
"Amin naa il- auta ta a' fasta au' ikotane lasta yassen malia," Thranduil was tired, "Lle uma sana y' nat' a' amin en' alta aith"
{"I am not going to ask again so listen carefully, you will bring something to me of great importance
I chose my words carefully for the pale king looked as though he were on the edge of rage. "Mani-aya lle caela amin sana amin aran"
{"what would you have me take my king"
"Amin naa n'uma aran en' lle!" Thranduil snapped. I was terrifyingly close to being sentenced to death.
{"I am no king of yours!"
"Goheno nin." I bowed my head more out of fear than formality. He simply tutted in return.
"Lle caela san- a' amin i' nim mir en' Lasgalen," passion sparked in his eyes but it quickly melted into longing, as if it were an obsession, "entula sen ri' gurtha e' i' band, tanya naa detholalle."
{"You will return to me the white jewels of lasgalen. Return them or die in the dungeons, that is your choice."
He turned and ascended to his throne once more,"Legolas, sana he' a' i' band. Amin caela n'uma ner anta en' he'."
{"Legolas, take her to the dungeons. I have no further need of her."
I had almost forgotten Legolas, stood behind me, sword in hand. On his king's command, He seized my arm and dragged me from the king's platform and down into the deep.
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