Chapter 2
After finally repairing the resistant eve, I hear the bells on Radagast's sleigh which announce his return. I rush out to find out what happened but before I could open my mouth to ask he called out to me in an urgent tone. "Come, we must seek Gandalf!"
I spiraled round and rushed into the house to secure my weapons. Judging by his tone, I might finally have a use for them. I shoved my throwing knives into the pouch on my hip and secured my twin daggers on my back. I then rushed towards the door, grabbing my cloak on the way. There was no time to waste so I fastened it on while I climbed onto the sleigh and with that we zoomed through the forest with the sole purpose of locating gandalf.
After a long while of desperate searching, I hear a grumble of gruff voices and I direct Radagast towards the noise. Soon we get close enough for me to see Gandalf trying to control a group of squabbling Dwarves. Unfortunately Radagast's eyes aren't as strong as mine are and before I can inform him of our new company he settles into a panic and prepares for a fight while he screams out towards the mistaken 'threat' before us.
"Thieves! Fire! Murder!" Radagast cries out in a panic. But he quickly realises there is no danger here other than the one he has presented himself so he slows the sleigh to a stop next to Gandalf.
"Radagast! Radagast the Brown. Ah. What on earth are you doing here?" Gandalf questions in mild disbelief. As he does so he turns to acknowledge me with a short nod.
"I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong." as he rambled, I noticed that Radagast was still panicking.
Gandalf seemed to notice too. "Yes?" he encouraged impatiently and I sent him an apologetic look.
Radagast opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it. I noticed the blank expression on his face as he opened his mouth again and closed it once more. I sighed as I realised that he had forgotten what he was going to say.
He turned to look into the distant undergrowth, trying to remind himself of the urgent message "Oh, just give me a minute. Um, oh, I had a thought, and now I've lost it. It was, it was right there, on the tip of my tongue." and he gestured towards his mouth and quickly a look of recognition flashed across his face.
"Thank goodness you have remembered" I sighed exasperatedly but I was contradicted by Radagast as soon as the words left my mouth.
"Oh, it's not a thought at all; it's a silly old..." Gandalf pulled a stick insect out of Radagast's mouth. I look away in disbelief. "-stick insect!" Radagast continued.
It would seem that despite spending so much time as Radagast's student of sorts, I had not grown accustomed to his quirks at all.
I then became increasingly aware of the burning sensation in the back of my head and I turned round to see none other that Thorin Oakenshield sending me the coldest glare I had ever witnessed in all of my three and a half thousand or so years. Fortunately, some of us are much too mature for childish gestures and care not for prejudices and with that I turned away, disinterested. However the burning didn't cease. In fact I thought that it may have grown stronger much to my amusement.
Gandalf then pulled Radagast away to speak privately and I stepped forward to follow but Gandalf sent me a look and I got the message instantly. So I reluctantly stayed and decided to become acquainted with the dwarves.
I turned to see the mistrusting stares of the dwarves and decided to instead eavesdrop on Gandalf and Radagast but I could only make out a few words over the grumble of dwarves.
"...Greenwood...sick... darkness...nothing grows any more...air...decay...webs."
Luckily I was there in person for that part so I understood most of what Radagast was talking about. The dwarves started arguing and their voices got louder and louder so I turned to them and sent a sharp glare directed at Thorin. He simply glared back but the others settled down again. I listened further but in my frustration I missed some of the discussion.
"...Dol Guldur." Was the only part I picked up and I sighed aloud and listened further "...dark power dwells there...shadow...ancient horror." a few minutes ticked by and I remained a statue whilst I listened.
Then I heard Gandalf in a louder voice "Try a bit of Old Toby. It'll help settle your nerves." but soon their hushed tones continued.
"...not from the world of the living."
Unfortunately, just as I was pondering what object Radagast was talking about, a low menacing howl sounded in the distance and everyone stopped; even the bickering dwarves. Only then had I noticed that one of them was not a dwarf but was instead a hobbit. In my eavesdropping I had lumped him with the dwarves. I wonder what his purpose is in all of this. Then the hobbit spoke.
"Was that a wolf? Are there--are there wolves out there?" he seemed to tremble slightly. Clearly this wasn't his usual scene.
"Wolves? No, that is not a wolf." a dwarf with a strange pointy hat piped up in anticipation and as if on cue, a Warg emerged from a nearby crag and leapt, growling, into the midst of the dwarves knocking one of them down with its weight. Thorin, wielding an elvish blade that I faintly recognised, struck the beast and killed it swiftly but another one appeared and attacked us from the other side. I whipped out a throwing knife instantly but before I could set it free, a dark haired dwarf shot the warg straight in the head with an arrow but it didn't die, it only faltered for a second. A second was all I needed as I shot my knife straight towards its eye. The knife twisted in the air and reflected the faint beams of sunlight and disappeared into the warg's skull. It wasn't perfect but good enough to kill the already injured warg. One of the dwarves growled at me in frustration. It seemed I stole his kill. This one looked almost as strange as the dwarf with the hat; he was one of the taller dwarves in the group and had a shiny bald head complete with bushy eyebrows and a long, braided beard.
"Warg-Scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind." Thorin alerted the company.
The hobbit paled and stammered in disbelief "O-orc pack?"
Gandalf strode over furiously "Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?" he demanded.
"No one." Thorin answered sharply.
"Who did you tell?" Gandalf boomed again.
"No one, I swear. What in Durin's name is going on?" Thorin demanded back. I was starting to understand how rude he was but I knew there were far worse things going on at this moment to linger on that train of thought.
Gandalf satisfied Thorin's demand begrudgingly "You are being hunted."
The same bald dwarf spoke up again in a rough voice "We have to get out of here."
"We can't! We have no ponies; they bolted." the youngest dwarf answered with panic in his eyes.
"I'll draw them off." Radagast interjected confidently and Gandalf opposed him in a scolding manner.
"These are Gundabad Wargs; they will outrun you."
It was finally my time to speak up again and I challenged Gandalf almost as confidently as Radagast "These are Rhosgobel Rabbits," I smirked "I'd like to see them try."
Funny story, my internet has cut out so I can't write new chapters. Great. Luckily for you I already have everything written up to chapter 5 so you probably won't notice any change.
Bad news for me though: I won't be able to write new chapters as I write this stuff online and my mobile data is running out quickly. This means I won't be as ahead of the story as I want to be but I'm sure my internet will be fixed soon.
Sorry bout this.
Thats all for now! Be sure to vote, comment and share! Thanks!
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