New World - Chapter 1
Chey took a moment to breathe as she looked around from her hiding spot, she was currently on top of a tree branch trying to get away from the hunters that found her. She could hear their armor click as they walked, and the shuffling of their feet as they got closer to her spot.
She looked around to see where she could run to. There was a lake on her right side and just more forest on her left. She sighed as she tried to think of a plan, which she had to do fast because she heard the hunters getting closer.
Chey took a deep breath as she stared at the lake. She knew it was her best bet, the water would weigh the hunters down with all the armor they wore. She nodded and quickly but quietly jumped down from the tree.
She could hear the dogs that the hunters brought with them start to bark as she started to run towards the lake. Once she got to the edge of the lake she finally looked behind her to see the hunters not far behind. Chey took a deep breath before turning back to the lake, She rolled her pants up before walking into the lake.
What She didn't notice was the lake starting to glow a soft white as she started to swim towards the other end, or the hunters slowing down as they saw the lake glimmer with magic.
What she did notice was how dizzy she was getting the more she swam, and how tired she was getting, making her slow down until she was slowly sinking into the water.
and down
and down
Chey was screeching when she opened her eyes, she found herself falling from the sky. She quickly tried to flap her wings, but all it did was slow her fall as she landed on top of a building.
She groaned and just stared up into the sky as she tried to figure out what just happened. After what felt like hours she slowly stood up and walked to the edge of the building she had landed on. The view was of a busy city, it may have been night but the city was awake as ever. People walking the streets are probably trying to get home or to their jobs. Some people were sitting by buildings asking for money, others walking around with food carts trying to sell their goodies.
Chey tried to remember how she got here but came up with nothing. She sighed and took count of what she knew. One: she was in a city she had no idea where it was or how she got there. Two: she didn't seem injured, maybe a sprained wing from the fall but nothing else. Three: her last memory was swimming before falling out of the sky. And Four: she needed a plan to figure out how far from home she was.
Chey nodded to herself before slowly climbing down the building into an alleyway. Before she left she looked to her tail and wings, sighing as she tried to find a way to hide them, luckily she still had her beanie so her ears were covered. She just shoved her tail into her pants, making them look a little weird but it was fine until she found a coat. Her wings were the easiest to hide, Chey took a deep breath before making her wings slowly go back into the slits on her back, hiding within her body.
She stepped out of the alley, looking around to see what was near her. There didn't seem to be too many people walking anymore, she took it as a lucky break. Chey took a deep breath before starting to walk. The first thing she needs to do is find a thrift store and a library.
It felt like hours but was probably barely one when she finally found a library. Surprisingly it was open even though it was close to 4 am. Chey quickly walked in, what was not surprisingly was the lack of people. The only person in the building was the poor worker who had to work at this ungodly hour restocking books, not sparing her a glance as they worked.
Chey walked around until she found the computers, she sat at one and started to try and figure out where she was. First she searched up 'Duarte' (the city she lived in) but the city she found wasn't hers, from the few pictures alone she could figure that out. Chey frowned as she searched up 'outsiders' instead, but even more surprisingly nothing popped up. After that she went down a rabbit hole, trying to find even just one thing that she's familiar with.
But she found nothing, not even the lab she grew up in that was destroyed. No city looked right and some didn't even exist! But the thing she found the weirdest was how even though she couldn't find the 'outsiders lab', she did find people with powers. After a while in her search she stumbled upon some videos of a group of people fighting. What she also found out about were aliens. The videos were very poor quality but she could very easily make out the huge green person tearing the aliens apart and a man with a hammer who seemed to control lighting. She couldn't make out the others but it seems that there were at least 4 other people.
Chey sighed as she stared at the videos. "Now how the hell did I end up here" she mumbled as she started to look for different videos of the team, she found that they were being called "the Avengers" now, and she was right as there were 6 people on the so called hero group.
She soon got up from the computer, looking around to see that the worker had now moved to behind the counter, seemingly putting new books into the system. Chey nodded to herself before walking out of the library, going out into the bright new world she found herself in to find a place to stay for the night
Chey soon found herself at a rather abandoned area. where the other streets were filled with people walking, people selling their food or just the homeless trying to get some money or a place to sit for a bit. But this street was almost completely empty, the only other people who were around were the few seemingly homeless asleep in the few covered places to keep the windy nights chill from getting to them. Other than them the streets were filled with trash, buildings that seemed to be slowly falling apart.
She soon found a building that didn't look like it would crumble if she simply looked at it. As she walked into it, she looked around. The inside looked better than the outside did. There was furniture scattered around as if a tornado came through. Some of the walls were crumbled or the wallpaper was peeling off. The ground wasn't that wall off ether, it was lifting up and some broads were just flat out missing.
Chey sighed but walked further in, this was the only place that she could stay and not get kicked out. She will just have to repair it a bit, she nodded to herself as she freed her tail from her pants before starting to move the furniture to fit her better.
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