Bags of friends
I walked into the warm familiar shop on the corner. For once the place was completely empty except for the man behind the counter. Today he had slicked back black hair, grey eyes, and pale skin.
"Hello," I said, "what do you have for me today?"
"Well," he replied, "we have your usual, but we also have two small bags of friends."
"Bags of friends?"
"Yes bags of friends!"
This is when I realized that it must be a singing day.
"2 friends per bag! Small bags of friends!"
"Friends to do what?"
"Anything, friends to do anything! 2 friends per bag! Small bags of friends!"
"I see, I see do I need bolth?"
"Yes! Ofcourse, 2 friends per bag! 2 bags of friends!"
"But do I need bolth bags?"
"Yes oh yes! Please take both bags! 2 friends per bag! 2 bags of friends!"
Quickly, hopeing to get the horrid singing to stop I payed for the hot cocoa and both bags of friends. Not bothering to stay for the usual 2 to 3 hours that I stay I just headed home, trying to figure out what to do with the 2 bags of friends that I now had. Not even knowing what kind of friend (alive or fake or dead) would be in a bag of friends, I set them down on the side of the road before writing FREE on a paper in my notebook and tearing it out to put next to the bags of friends.
"I wish you the best of luck, bags of friends," I stated and continued to walk away, but as I was walking away I could have sworn that I heard 4 voices cry out,
"Bags of friends, bags of friends, who will want the bags of friends."
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