Chapter 28
Mia's POV
Camelot 3 weeks ago
"There's nothing we can do. It's too late. The vault has already forged Hook as its new Dark One," Merlin told us. After Emma had disappeared with Hook, the sword, and the flame, we had all immediately followed Merlin to the Dark One vault. Lancelot had joined us on our way to the vault because Snow and Charming had been friends with him and apparently he was a great fighter.
"He went this way," Snow told us as she pointed towards some tracks. We followed the tracks until they took a sharp turn. "This way!" I exclaimed. We all continued to follow the tracks until none were seen. "The tracks disappear," Snow whispered. "We should split up, search the woods," Charming suggested.
"He's a Dark One. He can transport himself anywhere. So can Emma," Regina pointed out. "We've got to start looking somewhere," Charming said. "There's no time. Of all the paths I foresaw for your daughter, I'm afraid that this was the darkest. We should return to Granny's. Even without my magic, I still have enough ingredients to make preparations," Merlin told us.
"I don't care how bad things got... Emma wouldn't hurt us," Charming said. "Maybe. But with this new Dark One, we need as many allies as we can get," Merlin admitted. "Lancelot, your mother's the Lady of the Lake. Could she help us?" Snow asked. "Perhaps," Lancelot said. "Perhaps?" Charming asked.
Merlin sighed and said, "Lancelot, you should go. She does have great power. The lake is but a two-day journey from here. It's worth a try." "And if I don't make it in time?" Lancelot asked. "Well, then you get to spend your last moments with your mother," Merlin told him. Lancelot nodded and said a quick goodbye to all of us before leaving.
Charming sighed and hugged Snow, "We were so close, Mary Margaret. Emma was seconds away from destroying the darkness and ending this." I instantly felt bad for them. "And Hook would have been dead. She chose love, David. And we would have done the same thing. We share one heart because we took the same kind of risk that Emma took. We save each other. That is what our family does. So have some faith in her," Snow told him.
"I do. I just hope her faith in Hook is justified," Charming admitted. I walked over to them and hugged my two close friends. "I'm sorry. Let's just go back to Granny's and hope that Emma comes back," I told them. They nodded and we all walked back to Granny's together. A couple of hours later, we were all sitting in Granny's waiting for Emma and Hook.
Merlin had gone into another room and was making a message in case something bad happened. Snow and Charming sat by the window looking outside, hoping that their daughter would come back while Matt and I watched out the other window. Regina paced across the diner while Henry sat down at the counter.
Suddenly, I saw two figures walking towards Granny's. "They're here!" I exclaimed. Everyone quickly got up as the door jingled as Hook and Emma walked in. "There you are! We've looked everywhere for you," Regina said as Emma and Hook took a few steps into the diner.
They both looked different. Emma had a black outfit on and her hair was white and pulled up into a bun. Hook wore a cloak similar to the one that Emma had worn when she turned into the Dark One. She didn't actually turn him did she?
"Emma. What happened to you? Are you okay?" Snow asked Emma worriedly. "For now. It looks worse than it is," Emma admitted. Regina gave Emma a look of disbelief before asking, "Are you sure?" "Aye. We're ready to get the sickness out of us," Hook informed us.
He looked around and then asked, "Where's Merlin?" "He's inside that room back there," Charming answered as he pointed to a door. "Well, let's get on with it, then. I'll go get him. Wait here," Hook told us. Hook walked away while Emma glanced at him confused.
I sat in one of the booths with Matt. "So, have you liked Camelot so far?" I asked him. "It's awesome!" Matt exclaimed. I laughed at his enthusiasm. I then felt as if someone was watching me. I looked to the side and saw Henry sitting at the counter. He quickly looked away and I felt my heart break even more than it had before.
"Go talk to him," Matt stated. I looked over at him quickly. "Talk to who?" I asked. "Henry," Matt answered. I sighed and glanced down at the table. "I don't think he wants to talk to me," I admitted. "You'll never know unless you try," Matt pointed out. "I swear you're smarter than me most of the time," I laughed. Matt beamed and said, "I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than you all the time."
I rolled my eyes at him with a smile. "Now quit stalling. Go talk to Henry," Matt demanded. I let out another laugh before I got up and started walking towards Henry. I passed Emma who ran into the room where Hook and Merlin were. My heart beat increased as I grew closer to Henry.
What if he didn't want to talk to me? This was all a mistake! Henry looked up and noticed me. Too late to go back now. I sat down in the seat next to him and sighed. "I'm sorry," I whispered. Henry didn't respond. "Listen, I have to tell you something that could either solve everything or make you hate me more," I admitted.
I was going to tell him about what Emma had done, even if she did end up hurting me. He needed to know and I needed to let him know that I still loved him. "What is it?" Henry asked. I gulped nervously and said, "Okay, Em-" I was cut off when Emma came running into the room.
"Emma, what's going on?" Snow asked. "I'm sorry," Emma told us and then she lifted her hand up and it started to glow with magic. "Matt!" I exclaimed. I ran over to him and held on to him with Henry right behind me.
"Emma, what are you doing?" Charming asked. Emma gave us all a sad look. Henry glanced over at me and I looked over at him nervously. She waved her hand in the air and everything went black.
Storybrooke Present
The wind rushed through my hair and the cold nipped at my nose as Henry and I waited outside the library. Everyone else had gone inside to look around while Henry and I were in charge of watching the entrance. Matt was with Red and Red had told me she needed to talk to me about something as soon as I get back. So now, here I was, wondering what Red needed to talk to me about and why it takes so long to skim through two books.
"Henry! Mia!" A voice exclaimed. Henry and I looked to see Emma running towards us. "Mom. You escaped?" Henry asked as he stood in front of me protectively. "And for a good reason. I know how to figure this all out. I need your guys' help. I need you two to trust me," Emma pleaded.
"We told you..." I trailed off. "I know, I know, and I heard you. I really heard you. I am not asking you to remove my cuff," Emma admitted. "Then how are you gonna do it without magic?" Henry asked. "I'm gonna do it with help. With you two. Hook stole the dreamcatchers. He took my memories, too, which means I must know something. If we can get it back, I can help everyone," Emma explained.
She walked over to Henry and looked him dead in the eye. "And, kid... no one was ever better at figuring out how to break a spell than you. Operation Cobra, remember?" Emma asked. Henry stared at her probably wondering if he should trust her or not.
"A locator spell. There's one at Grandpa's shop. All I need is the stuff you used to make the dreamcatchers. It will take us to the others," Henry told her. "So you will help me?" Emma asked shocked. "I just need one more thing," Henry said.
"What's that?" Emma asked. "A name," Henry smiled. "Operation Cobra, part II?" Emma suggested. "That'll do," Henry told her. Emma glanced at me. "Mia?" She asked. I kept a straight face as I determined whether or not to trust her. I glanced at Henry who gave me a smile.
I sighed, "If Henry trusts you then I trust you." Emma smiled. "One rule though," I said. "What is it?" Emma asked. "Just don't go stealing my heart again and using it for your own personal use," I told her. Emma nodded, "I promise I will never do that again."
After Henry and I had stolen the locator spell from Mr. Gold's shop, we had ended up at the clock tower. We walked up the stairs and I said, "This is it. He put them here." "Makes no sense. Why would Hook keep the dreamcatchers where we could so easily get to them?" Emma asked.
Emma reached up to touch one, but her hand flew back when something shocked her hand. "Because we can't get to them," Henry sighed. "He knew I wouldn't have magic. He's toying with me, tormenting me," Emma spat.
"Good thing the locator spell wasn't the only thing we took from Gold's shop. Call me an optimist, but I was hoping I'd have to use it," Henry admitted as he held up a bottle of squid ink. "Henry, Mia, are you sure?" Emma asked.
"You didn't have to include us in this operation, but you did. You didn't try and do it alone. If you're willing to take that first step back, so are we," I admitted and then Henry poured the squid ink on the cuff and took the cuff off. "I will make it up to you two," Emma assured us.
"You want to start by saving the day?" Henry asked. Emma smiled and snapped her fingers. The three of us and all the dream catchers were transported to the mayor's office. Emma had Henry and I call everyone and have them come over here while Emma went to talk to Merida.
After everyone was finally in the office, Merida looked at Emma cautiously. "And we're meant to believe you're gonna give back our memories, just like that?" Merida asked. "We can trust her," Henry said. "Can we?" Regina asked Emma. Emma handed everyone their dream catcher and then said, "Yes."
"Okay," Regina whispered. Everyone held up their dreamcatcher and the memories started pouring in. The tears, the heartache, the jealousy. When the memories finally all sunk in, tears were in my eyes. I looked at Henry who also had tears in his eyes.
I immediately hugged him. I can't believe we went through all of that because of what Emma did. Henry held me in his arms as Charming asked, "Emma, what's wrong?" I pulled away from Henry and looked to see that Emma's face was as white as her hair. "I remember. I know what he's doing. I know what they are doing," Emma told us.
Emma immediately rushed out of the building as everyone followed her. Before I left the room, I grabbed the dreamcatcher that was marked 'Matt.' I then followed everyone who were all trying to calm Emma down.
"Emma, slow down. We need to talk about this. We need a plan," Charming told her. "The plan is find Hook before he resurrects all of the Dark Ones. You think dealing with one is bad," Emma said. Leroy, Happy, Walter, Doc, Mr. Clark, and Bashful all walked up to the the group. "There's more than one Dark One?!" Leroy asked.
"It's a long story," Charming sighed. "Well, no matter. There's seven of us," Leroy said. "Six. Dopey's still a tree," Happy pointed out. "We may be down a dwarf, but we're ready to fight," Leroy stated. "You won't have to. I'm going to take care of this," Emma told us. "You think you can talk him out of this?" Charming asked.
"There's no talking. We have to hit him with everything we've got," Regina argued. "Well, it's not his fault. He didn't want to become the Dark One," Snow pointed out. "But he did because of me. None of that matters anymore," Emma sighed. She stopped walking and all of us stopped as well.
She turned to us and said, "Regina's right. We need to hit him with everything." "This is a man you loved," I pointed out. Emma sighed and looked sad as she said, "That man died back in Camelot. Now all there is, is the Dark One. So, no matter how hard this might be... we need to split up, find him, and stop him... no matter what it takes." Everyone nodded and I was paired up with Henry. "I'll be right back. I've got to go find Matt first," I told Henry.
Henry nodded and decided to wait outside the diner while I went inside. I walked inside where I found Matt and Red eating food. "Hey buddy," I smiled. "Mia!" Matt exclaimed as he ran over to me. "Did you have fun with Red?" I asked as I hugged her. "Yeah! I'm really going to miss her though," Matt told me.
I became confused. "Miss her?" I asked. "Mia, I need to talk to you," Red told me. I glanced at her confused and then handed Matt his dreamcatcher. "Hold this up and you will get your memories back," I told him. He nodded and did as I said. As his memories returned, Red pulled me aside.
"What did Matt mean when he said he was going to miss you?" I asked her worriedly. "Look... Ever since we got back to Storybrooke, I feel like I haven't... fit in," Red started. She took a deep breath. "And at first I thought it was because of the curse being broken and all this stuff with Camelot, but now I..." Red trailed off.
"Because you're the only one of your kind here?" I asked. "Maybe. I don't know. I... Yeah, probably. I just... I want to find more people like me," Red told me with a sigh. I stared at her confused. "So I've been helping Tiny work on his burnt-out fields, back when we thought we were gonna have to escape Zelena, and... We haven't had much luck, but we did manage to grow this," Red told me as she held up a magic bean.
"You want to go back to the Enchanted Forest," I breathed out. "Please don't try to stop me. I know you think I'm crazy," Red quickly said. I looked up at my best friend and saw that tears were in her eyes. She really wants to do this. "I think you need to do what makes you happy," I told her. Her eyes widened in shock.
"Really?" Red asked shocked. "You are my best friend. What else could I possibly want for you?" I asked with tears in my eyes. I pulled her in for a hug and whispered, "It doesn't mean I'm not gonna miss you." Red sighed and then whispered back, "Not as much as I'll miss you."
I held on to my best friend knowing this could be the last time I ever get to see her. "Thank you, Red. For always being there for me and being the best friend a girl could have," I told her with a smile as we pulled away. "Always know that I love you. You're my best friend, Mia. And I will never forget about you," Red told me. "I love you too," I whispered as I pulled her in for one last hug. She pulled away, walked towards the door and said, "Goodbye Matt." "Bye, Red," Matt told her as they gave each other a hug.
Red then stood up and glanced at me one last time. "Goodbye Mia," she whispered. I gave her a sad smile and whispered, "Goodbye Red." With that, she threw the bean into the street and transformed into a wolf. The portal grew and then she jumped through. A sad tear rolled down my face as I watched the portal disappear, my best friend disappearing with it.
Awe my baby Red is gone :((
don't worry, she'll be back soon!
Anyways, super duper long chapter for you all! I hope you liked it!
Question of the Day- Are you Team Captain America or Team Iron Man?
Answer- Captain America all the way!💓
Hope you all are having a wonderful day!
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