Chapter 16
Henry's POV
I ran into Mom's hideaway, Emma and Mia following me close behind. "Mom!" I yelled. Mom gasped when she saw me but sighed when she realized it was me. "I knew you'd still be here," I whispered with relief.
"You again? Listen, I-I don't have time for stories. I need to hit the road before the Evil Queen has my head," Mom said. "Wait, I brought someone else this time," I explained.
Mia came running in. "Mia! Are you ok? Did he brainwash you into actually believing his stories?" Mom asked. Mia laughed and said, "He didn't brainwash me but I believe him." Mia looked at me and smiled.
Emma then came running in. "Regina.." Emma said. "Let me guess your his other mother. Emma. I have to give you credit. Breaking her out of that tower couldn't have been easy," Mom said to me. "Henry, Mia, can you give us a minute?" Emma asked. We nodded our heads and went outside.
We sat by a tree and started talking. "So what is this Storybrooke, Maine, like?" Mia asked. "It's a town where only special people can see it. You have to have come from the Enchanted Forest or have gotten adopted like I did by someone who lives there. It is a small town with a clock tower, it has a lot of buildings including a sheriff station, an ice cream place, and Granny's which is a diner. Their hot chocolate with cinnamon is to die for," I explained.
"Why would you drink that if it kills you?" Mia asked shocked. I laughed lightly, "It's just an expression, it means it's really good." Mia laughed and asked more questions about the town. All in which I answered truthfully.
"If we all got trapped in here, how did it happen?" Mia asked. I didn't know how to tell her that her uncle did it. I decided just to not tell her that part. "There was this man, he is called the Author. He writes all of your stories. One day he wanted the villains to get their happy endings, so he made all the former villains into the heroes," I explained.
"Who is this man? Do I know him?" Mia asked. "His name is Isaac," I said. "I feel like there is more that you aren't telling me. What is it?" Mia asked. "Fine, the author, or Isaac, he's your uncle," I said. Mia's face dropped.
"But- but my uncle died years ago," Mia said. "That's what he wrote, he faked his own death when really he was living a wonderful life were he was rich," I said. Mia's face turned from sadness to anger. "He did what?!" She exclaimed. Her face boiled with anger. "That little.... I'm going to...." Mia said, each time jumbling her words up. Those were the only words I could make out. The other words though, didn't sound so nice.
Emma and Mom came running out. "Come on Henry and Mia," Emma said. "What are we doing?" I asked. "We're going to crash a wedding," Mom smirked.
We all ran through the woods, trying to make it to the church before the wedding bells rung.
"We haven't heard the wedding bells yet. There's still time," Mia said as we arrived at the church. "I don't even know what to say to him," Mom told us. "I think, in this case, actions speak louder than words," Emma said.
"Once you and Robin share true love's kiss, everything should be great again," I told her. "Okay," Mom confirmed. As se started to walk over to the church door, Emma stopped her.
"What?" Mom asked. "You don't remember this, but I promised you once I'd help find your happy ending. Just glad I'm here to see it. You've got this, Regina," Emma smiled.
"I'm afraid none of you are crashing this wedding," a voice said. "Dearies," it's Mr. Gold.
Emma yelled to Regina, "Go, I got the Dark One!" I grabbed Mia and pulled her behind a bush. "Stay here," I said. "But I can help," Mia whispered. "I can't see you get hurt. If I lost you, I would die. I love you," I said and then quickly ran to help Emma as she was fighting Mr. Gold.
Mr. Gold hit Emma and she knocked out. "Mom!" I yelled. "Out of my way, boy," Mr. Gold growled. "You have to get through me to get to her," I growled back.
Gold and I went into a sword fight. "Go! You have to stop that wedding!" I yelled. Gold knocked the sword out of my hand. Gold held his sword up to me.
"You won't hurt me. You're supposed to be the hero here," I said. "And that's exactly why I must do this... To ensure I remain one," Gold smirked.
He held up his sword to kill me but someone jumped in between us. Mom! The sword hit her and she fell to the ground. "Mom!" I cried. "Regina!" Mia cried as she ran out from behind the bush and over to mom.
Mia grabbed mom's hand and tears filled her eyes. I looked up and noticed Gold was gone. Emma came running over. "Mom?" I asked. "Regina?" Mia asked.
"Why didn't you go into the church?" I asked. "I... I couldn't watch you die," Mom explained. The sound of church bells ringing filled my ears. "We're at the end of the book, we're not going to be able to change anything now," Emma whispered.
The doors of the church opened and Robin and Zelena came out. "Regina? Regina!" Robin yelled as he ran over to mom. "Robin? What's going on? Oh! Oh, now I've got blood on my dress," Zelena complained.
"Can't you see she's injured?" Mia yelled at Zelena. Robin ignored Zelena as he watched mom and held on to her hand. "This is supposed to be my day! And she ruined it!" Zelena yelled.
Zelena ran away in a fit of rage. Robin stared lovingly at mom, "It's okay. You're going to be alright," Robin said.
"No. No, I'm not," mom said. Mia had tears falling down. "Regina, you have to be ok. You're all I have left. My whole family died and you are the only person who has bothered to take care of me. I love you Regina. You aren't just my friend you are like a mother to me, please don't leave me," Mia cried.
Mom smiled lightly, "Don't worry Mia. I'll always be watching over you. I love you so much and you are like the daughter I never had. Just never forget how much I love you."
"At least I can promise you... You won't die alone," Robin said. Mia nodded her head in agreement. "Too little, too late," a voice said. It was Isaac. Emma turned around and punched him. "Then you're going to change things. Return them to the way they were. Bring back Hook. Save Regina," Emma demanded.
Mia suddenly tapped me. "What?" I asked. "Do you really love me?" Mia asked. "With all my heart," I answered. Before I knew it, Mia crashed her lips on to mine. A pulse went through the air.
"What's happening?" Emma asked. "True loves kiss, it's breaking my story," Isaac said. He started to dart towards us but Emma punched him again. Mia smiled into the kiss and I smiled too. We pulled apart and smiled. Everything started to disappear and then everything went black.
I woke up on the street. I looked around and saw Mia next to me. Then I saw Mom and she was alive. "Henry? You did it!" Mom exclaimed. "No, mom. We did it," I smiled. Mia got up and ran over to me. She hugged me tightly and in this moment I could never live without Mia. I loved her too much to let her go.
She pulled away and I asked, "Why did you kiss me? Why didn't the first kiss work?" "Because the first time you kissed me when we were in Regina's hideaway, I didn't love you. As we went on our adventure I fell in love with you. When I remembered that true love's kiss was supposed to fix everything I kissed you and the spell broke. By the end of the book I was deeply and madly in love with you," Mia said.
I smiled at her and said, "I love you too. Madly and deeply." "Oh just kiss her already!" Mom exclaimed. I smiled and kissed Mia. She kissed back. When we pulled away I heard someone running towards us. I turned around and saw Emma.
"Mom!" I yelled. She ran up and hugged me. "Henry," she whispered then she pulled away and her face dropped. "Hook," she whispered. Mia's face also dropped, "Matt!" Mia and Emma both ran away. I quickly followed Mia.
Mia's POV
I ran as fast as I could screaming, "Matt! Matt! Where are you?" Finally I saw him in front of the clock tower. I ran towards him crying. I picked him up and hugged him tightly. In that moment I realized how much I loved my brother. Having to live without him was unbearable.
I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Mia, what happened? I had a crazy dream that I was dead," Matt laughed. I laughed lightly, "Not anymore buddy, not anymore." Matt exclaimed, "Yay!"
Then realization hit him, "Not anymore?" I ignored him as Henry walked up. "What do you mean not anymore?" Matt complained. Henry and I laughed and I picked up may and put him on my shoulders. "Don't worry about it, kid," I said.
"Okay," Matt said and then he started humming happily to himself.
A man then started running up to us. "Mia, we need to talk," the man said. It was the Apprentice. "Um, ok," I said. I out Matt on Henry's shoulders and said, "Henry, take Matt to Granny's and give him to Red. She'll help you watch him." Henry nodded and kissed my forehead. He left and I walked with the Apprentice to a bench by a bus stop.
He handed me a quill and I recognized it as my uncle's. I stared at it and felt power rush through my body. "It is tempting, is it not? The power of the quill?" The Apprentice asked.
"I-I was just thinking.. Maybe I could use it to bring back my parents?" I asked. The Apprentice sighed, "Mia, not even an author can bring back the dead, no matter how much they might wish it." Now it was my turn to sigh.
"The best way to show your love for those that are gone is to tell their stories. Now, this book, these stories... Can never be erased, because they are more than stories. They are the truth. And the truth is what you must write. I hope that you can resist the temptation of the quill. The power to change reality is only overweighted by the cost," the Apprentice said.
I took the quill and broke it into two. "No one should have that much power," I said. "It seems that, this time, we have found the right person for the job," the Apprentice smiled.
Henry's POV
Everyone was gathered outside and I ran out to see what is wrong. "Red, watch Matt, I'll be right back," I yelled. I ran over and soon enough Mia came running up besides me. Belle can over panting.
"Rumple- his heart. He said it's almost gone. And, uh... He said we're in danger," Belle told us. "He tried to use the hat to free himself from the dagger," Hook said. "This is not unlike that," the Apprentice said.
We all went to Gold's shop and he was lying on the floor. "What are we going to do?" Mia asked. "We're pulling the darkness from him and containing it," the Apprentice said. "Does that mean that his heart will be healed?" Belle asked.
"Perhaps... If the strength is here. This is more dark power than the hat has ever been alder to consume," the Apprentice said. "Do what you need o do," Emma said.
"Purest evil, blackest bloom, darkness, too, can find its doom," the Apprentice chanted. He reached inside Gold and took out his heart. It was as black as coal. There was only a shimmer of red left.
"Never dying, but contained, bound inside the falcon's chamber, shorn of anger, thornless danger, there forever to remain," the Apprentice finished chanting. The hat sucked all the black from Gold's heart leaving nothing but a pure white one. The Apprentice put Gold's heart back.
"He's barely breathing," Snow said. "Rumplestiltskin was the Dark One for centuries. His return to the man he used to be will not be easy. This will preserve him until we discern if we can help him," the Apprentice told us as he cast a spell.
"'If'?" Mia asked. The hat started to glow as blackness rushed out of it. Everybody stepped back and the darkness circled around the Apprentice. It went inside of him and his eyes went completely black. The darkness came out of him and he collapsed. The darkness went out of the room and Emma yelled, "Mom, dad. Go after it! Go! I'll be right there!"
"Help me make him comfortable," Emma said. We all helped him. He looked up at Emma. "What was that?" Emma asked.
"Long before... Your stories began... The sorcerer battled the darkness. He was able to keep it from consuming the realms. He tethered it to a human soul that could be controlled by a dagger. The Dark One. The Sorcerer is the only one with the power to destroy the darkness once and for all before it destroys everything," the Apprentice explained.
"Where is he? Who is he?" Emma asked. "He's far far from here. Find him. His name is... Merlin. You must... Stop... The darkness. Find... Merlin," the Apprentice managed to get out. And with that he took his final breath and passed out.
We all left him and went outside to find the darkness. "Where is it?" Emma asked. "We don't know. It just disappeared into the night," Snow said.
Mom then walked up. "Hey, what's going on?" Mom asked. "The Dark One... It's no longer tethered to the Crocodile," Hook told her. "What?!" Mom asked.
"Where is it?" Mom asked. "It hasn't gone anywhere. The darkness... It's surrounding us," Mia said.
Suddenly the darkness came out of no where and circled around mom. "Regina! What's it doing?!" Robin yelled. "What darkness does... Snuffling out the light," Emma whispered.
"I'm not gonna let it," Robin said as he ran towards the darkness. "That's not gonna work on this thing! The Apprentice told me we have to do what the sorcerer did! We have to tether it to a person to contain it!" Emma yelled as she picked up the dagger. She was going to sacrifice herself.
"Emma! No!" Hook cried. "There has to be another way!" Mom yelled. "There isn't. You've worked too hard to have your happiness destroyed," Emma said.
"No!" Snow and Charming yelled. I stood there in shock she couldn't leave. "Mom! No please!" I cried. "Emma!" Mia yelled. "You figured out how to take the darkness out of me once. You need to do it again.. As heroes," Emma told Snow and Charming.
"Emma! Emma, please. No. Don't do this!" Hook cried. "I love you," Emma told him and then darkness heroines her. "No!" We all cried. The darkness covered up Emma completely and then vanished. Emma and the darkness were gone.
From the air, the Dark One dagger fell. It had a new name on it now. It read:
Emma Swan.
Hey guys! So sorry it took forever for me to update! I got sick! Anyways you guys are probably going to hate me but I have to put this book on hold for a while. I'm trying to keep this book up to date with the actual show and as you know it doesn't come back until like September.
Anyways I'm really sorry but please don't stop reading this book all together! I promise that I will update as soon as possible when the new season starts!
If you really what to read something I'm starting a new story. It's called 'Once Upon A Twin?' It's where Henry has a twin sister and each chapter is basically one whole episode in one chapter. You're going to love it!
Thanks guys!
Question Of The Day- How did you first start watching Once Upon A Time?
Answer- I saw my mom watching it and I fell in love with it so I watched from the beginning and now I'm loving it even more!
Anyways have a great day.
❤️Luv you❤️
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