Khushali was sleeping peacefully when she heard her phone buzz. Lazily, she searched for her phone on the bedside table. It took her few seconds to finally find her cellphone. Without even bothering to check the name of the caller, she tapped the receive button and sleepily said, "Hello, who's there?"
"Your husband, Sidharth Mehra," replied the caller, Khushali's husband, Sidharth.
"Hey, hubby. Why are you calling me at this time," she took a pause to check the time on the table, "4 in morning? Anything important?"
"Yes, it's damn important!" exclaimed Sidharth in a very serious tone.
His tone at once drove away Khushali's sleepiness and she sat up straight in her bed. Switching on the lights, with hints of fear in her voice, she asked, "What happened, Sidharth? Everything's fine na?"
But Sidharth didn't reply, which made Khushali quite scared and worst of all the worst things floating around in her head. The silence kept lingering for few seconds, when finally Sidharth ended the suspense, making Khushali very angry with his answer.
"How can anything be fine when I haven't seen my wifey for two whole days! That's so tortuous, I miss you, Khushali. Why can't you just come back tomorrow, it's so boring here with you," whined Sidharth, lying on his bed.
Flaring her nostrils on his hearing stupid answer, Khushali huffily responded by saying, "You know what, Sidharth, I'm planning to extend my stay here for a week. You enjoy there, alone!"
"What yaar, wifey? I'm missing you so much, and you're planning to extend your trip? That's unfair with me," said Sidharth, grimacing, as if Khushali would see his foul look.
"Acha, that's unfair? And what you? You literally scared the hell out of me. Please don't do that again," requested Khushali. From the time Sagar had died, Khushali had grown quite scared of attending phone calls or being woken up in the middle of the night as it literally meant something wasn't right or her loved ones weren't safe.
"Fine, I won't," said Sidharth, making Khushali sigh, "but not before you tell me, what is the main reason for this sudden stay at your parents' house. I've been wondering about it, but can't seem to figure out a particular valid reason, though there are two plausible reasons I've shortlisted. But I can't settle on one of them. Maybe because only you could do that."
And now, it was Khushali's turn to stay quiet. From Sidharth's tone, she could easily guess out that somewhere he was pointing toward Sagar, but wasn't ready to say that out loud to her. And vaguely she didn't like it. Though, she was somewhat in love with Sidharth, but her past with Sagar was still a part of her, and she was fiercely guarded and protective about it.
Still composing herself, she tried to cover up by responding, "No, there's nothing like that. I was just missing my parents. So, I came here to stay with them. You're reading too much between the lines."
"I'm not on the same wavelength as you about this. Maybe you were just missing your ex fiancé, that's why you left for your parents' home, to give yourself some time off our marriage and relive your past. And I'm quite sure on this, though the other reason is equally plausible, but I'd like to go with this," said Sidharth calmly, with envy and anger concealed in his tone.
Khushali, much to his dismay, caught the jealously and anger in his tone, which miffed her. Unknowingly, she was disappointed with her husband. From the time of their marriage, he had never questioned her about her past, infact he had told her to take her time. And so did she. But why was he being like this now? So intrusive and irked. Because he now knew that she was aware of the fact that Sagar didn't die an untimely death. That he didn't die in a mishap. That he was murdered, killed brutally and somewhere Sidharth was associated to it. But even then she trusted him, didn't she? Then why was he being so envious and invasive, she couldn't decipher.
"Your silence tells me that I'm right in my guess," said Sidharth, "Are you even in love with me? Because sometimes I doubt it, which I know I shouldn't. You're still in love with your ex, even being married to me for eight long months. I don't know where it is heading." He finished in the same tone as earlier, just more distinctive and indifferent.
"That's none of your business, Sidharth. There are questions I don't want to answer, just like you. Were you so open and willing to answer my questions when I quizzed you about your alleged extra marital affair with your Mia? Did I probe you further when you simply decided to not answer my questions? Did I?" retorted Khushali, unable to handle her anger anymore.
Sidharth stayed quiet, which didn't help Khushali's anger and she continued in a bitter tone.
"Just because I still have feelings for my deceased ex fiancé, doesn't mean that I don't have any feelings for you. How could you even doubt by feelings for you, when I've always been clear about my feelings for you? And I can't believe you're saying this. Shouldn't I be the one who should say this, because clearly, I'm not the one cheating on my spouse, you are. Just like you aren't able to let go of your ex, I'm too unable to do so, but I'm trying. I'm trying my best."
"Khushali, I'm sorry. I actually...," tried Sidharth to speak, feeling guilty for saying such rubbish to Khushali.
"No, let me s-speak," said Khushali in a lumpy voice, "I'm trying very hard to let go of my past. Hadn't I actually done it, atleast numbed it till few days back, till I wasn't made to know that Sagar was murdered? Was it my fault that was I made to learn this only that time when I learning to move on? Was it my fault that my husband kept me in dark and got himself involved in an extra marital affair with his ex?"
Silence took over as Khushali was unable to speak further with the lump in her throat, awfully disappointed by her husband. Sidharth, on the other hand, kept mum knowing well that Khushali was finally venting out her emotions, which in turn was necessary for her. Certainly because she'd kept them to herself for quite long and Sidharth just wanted to make her come out of her shell, in which he had pushed her in. But it all went wrong and he messed up. Not wanting to mess it up more, he kept silent, giving Khushali time to speak.
But his resolution went in vain as he heard Khushali's soft sobs from the other side and immediately with only care and love in his voice, said, "Khushali, wifey, please don't cry! Please! I'm an idiot, a big moron, stupid. I didn't mean to make you cry. I really didn't mean that. I just wanted to make you vent your emotions but it all went wrong. I'm heartily sorry for that. Please stop crying."
But Khushali's sobs didn't stop, though they decreased a little. Some minutes passed in silence and finally Khushali spoke up again, vaguely more in control of her emotions.
"I don't think either of us is in the sense of talking now. We should talk later. Bye." And with this, she ended the call, not caring to hear Sidharth's desperate apology.
Sidharth groaned as she ended the call and threw his phone across the room, breaking it into multiple pieces, along with his heart. He never meant to hurt her, but lately his emotions were getting the best of him. Before his emotions did more damage, he'd need to get them in control.
Khushali kept back the phone on the side table and lied back on her bed. Yet sleep was far away from her eyes and she pulled her knees closer to herself. Curling into a ball, she broke into tears, incapable of bottling up her feelings now. She continued to cry for some time and didn't know when sleep again took over her.
It was when she felt her mother shake her, did she open her eyes and saw that her room was all lighted due to the sun which was shining bright in the sky. For a minute, she completely forgot that she had a fight with her husband just few hours back and smiled wholeheartedly at her mother. But her mother didn't return her smile, making Khushali feel weird.
Pulling her hairs in a lose, messy bun, she lazily asked, "What's wrong, Mom? Why are you staring at me like that?"
Her mother, Muskan moved slightly closer to her and cupping her face, asked concernedly, "Baby, were you crying before going to bed? Your eyes are all swelled and bloodshot. Is there anything wrong?"
"What?" asked a bewildered Khushali, not getting what her mother was saying. She wasn't crying before going to bed.... and it hit her. The heated exchange of words between her and Sidharth, her breaking into tears and Sidharth's apology, everything rushed back to her. And so did the pain of being doubted by her husband, which again watered her eyes. Or maybe it was the sun rays, which were falling directly on her face.
Looking down at her hands, she tried to fathom whether she should share this with her mother or not. But then it didn't seem a good idea and forcing her tears back, with a smile on her face, she said, "No, Maa. Actually I was reading till dawn, so that's why my eyes are so swelled and red. There's nothing wrong."
But her mother didn't seem convinced and again asked, "Are you sure, Khushali? You're not lying to me, right?"
"No, Maa, I'm not lying to you," lied Khushali, "and you're just being a typical mother. Chillax, oldie."
"Don't call me 'Oldie', because I'm not that old," said Muskan in a fake threatening manner.
"Acha," amusedly said Khushali, thankful in her heart that her mother was off the topic of her swollen eyes.
"Yes. I'd be only old when you'd make me a grandmother. You know Khushali, I'm eagerly waiting for the day when you'd become a mother. I think that would be the day when I'll finally be done with my worry for your future. Marriage is a big thing, a sacred institution, but it only strengthen further with the birth of a child," said Muskan, quite hopeful in her tone.
Despite her fight with Sidharth, Khushali felt her cheeks heat up with the mention of childbirth. She couldn't blame her mother for wishing for her grandchild, because she really didn't know the equation between Khushali and Sidharth or the friction they were facing in their relationship. The most that they had gone in their marriage was kissing, nothing further than that. Probably because neither of them wanted to go further in their relationship with the baggage of their past still attached to them. And honestly, Khushali would not appreciate it if they consummated their marriage before coming clean of their respective pasts.
"Ohho, how cute my daughter is looking with that blush!" exclaimed Muskan, all smiles for Khushali.
"Maa," said Khushali blushingly.
"What Maa?" said Muskan, "C'mon now, go take bath and come down soon. Gaurav is waiting for you downstairs for breakfast."
"Oh okay. Give me twenty minutes, I'll be there," said Khushali, moving out of the bed. Instantly, she felt cold as it was the second last day of November with minimum temperature dipping to 5°C and chilly winds.
Grabbing her towel, she rushed inside her bathroom, because she knew she'd run back to her bed if didn't go inside the bathroom. She turned on the water geyser while brushing her teeth, simultaneously thinking about her fight with Sidharth. Knowing well there was only person she could discuss her problem with, she decided to call her up after taking a good long warm shower.
The warm shower relaxed her and she walked out of the bathroom, draped in a pink towel with her hairs also covered in another same colour towel. The advantage of not having Sidharth here with her was that she could easily walk out of the bathroom with just a towel covering her, as opposed to her usual morning in the Mehra house when she had to come out of the bathroom fully clothed.
Closing the door of the bathroom behind her, she was about to walk to her closet when she heard a familiar voice of the person she was gonna call, which at first startled her.
"Sweetie, is this the way you walk out of the bathroom when Sidharth's around?" asked Raima in a playful tone.
Recovering from her initial shock, Khushali turned to face her and said, "Gosh, Raima, you scared me." And then indignantly added, "And no, I don't walk out of the bathroom like this when Sidharth's around."
Shaking her head, Raima laughed loudly, infuriating Khushali, who walked upto her and slapped her hard on her arm. Raima grimaced, but again broke in splits while Khushali just shook her head and went to take her clothes out of the closest.
Even when she was dressing up, Raima still continued to laugh, annoying Khushali, who grumbled after she had enough.
"Enough na, Raima. How much more will you laugh? Is that how best friends are?"
"Khush, I'm a really bestest best friend, that's why I turned on the room heaters before you came out. And no, I hadn't have enough so I'm gonna continue laughing," said Raima, laughing again seeing Khushali's expression.
Khushali huffed and rolling her eyes, added, "There's no word like bestest." Then completely ignoring Raima, she put on a grey hoodie over her white round neck tee and applied vermillion on her hair partition. Still ignoring Raima, she walked out of her room, with Raima following behind her.
Reaching the dining area, she settled beside her father after wishing him morning. Raima took her seat opposite to Khushali, a goofy grin on her face, which irked Khushali again. Muskan served all of them and settled beside Raima, to the right of Gaurav.
Munching on the delicious upma that her mother cooked for her, Khushali simultaneously read the newspaper, ignorant of the date. While taking a bite of the upma, she saw her mother and Raima exchanging some strange looks. Curious to know, she kept the newspaper away and asked, "Why are you two giving those weird looks? Anything special?"
"No!" promptly replied Raima, "We're not exchanging any sort of looks, you're just imagining that."
"Yes, I agree with Raima," said Muskan without looking at Khushali, which made Khushali more suspicious.
Grimacing, Khushali mumbled, "Whatever." And continued with her breakfast. After finishing her breakfast, she and Raima moved up to her room as Gaurav and Muskan left for their office.
Settling on the bed, Raima kept quiet, making Khushali wonder what was wrong with her, as Raima was one girl who could never stay quiet. She didn't even look directly at Khushali, which was very weird. Still, Khushali waited for Raima to speak up, but when she didn't, Khushali finally broke the silence.
"What's wrong with you, Raima? You've never been this silent," said Khushali, "And where were you yesterday? I tried calling you so many times, but your phone was unreachable."
Keeping her hand on Raima's shoulder, Khushali gave her a quizzical look mixed with concern and care. But as for a response, she only got a shy smile from Raima, who's cheeks were a light shade of red, making Khushali smile.
"This blush on your cheeks, that shy look on your face, are you even Raima? Who are you and where's my wild best friend?" asked Khushali dramatically.
"Oh shut up, Khushali. Don't be so dramatic now," finally said Raima, "Actually yesterday, I was shopping with mom for a cousin's first marriage anniversary and I ran into Jay, Sidharth's friend."
"Jay, as in Jay Shekhawat, the cop? Really?" asked Khushali, a little disbelief in her voice.
"Yes, the same Jay Shekhawat. And he's in crime branch," said Raima, slight pride in her tone.
"Okay, then?"
"Then, we conversed for few minutes, actually we've been in touch for quite some days, approximately a month or so. And anyway, so since mom was leaving for her friends' home, Jay asked me for coffee and we went to Oragami Café and had coffee, you know talking about random stuff for some two hours over multiple cups of coffee. Maybe I think there was signal problem in that café, that's why I wasn't able to receive any calls while I was there. Anyway, when I was leaving, he asked me for a date and I said yes. I did right na?" asked Raima, slightly nervous and absolutely shy.
A big smile came on Khushali's lips after knowing about her best friend's little meeting with Jay, whom she found quite good and decent from her previous meetings with him. Pulling Raima's cheeks, she chirpily responded by saying, "Right? Baby, you did the best thing. As far as I have gotten to know Jay, he's good and quite a match for you. And if you want, I'd ask Sidharth about Jay, just to make sure he's not up to some time-pass, though I doubt that."
"Okay, thanks. I do think he's not upto some time pass, but there's no harm in confirming. Why don't you call Sid now? Please, Khush," said Raima with a puppy dog face.
"What yaar, Raima? You're acting like a kid," said Khushali, but then regretted that as she saw Raima's fallen face. Sighingly, she tried to cover up, "Please don't be sad, yaar, I didn't mean to upset you."
"Of course you didn't, but you know I haven't dated anyone for last 3 years, after my breakup with Vishal. I don't want to fall for a wrong guy again, so that's why I want to make sure Jay's not wrong. But it's okay, if you don't want to help me," said Raima in an overtly sad tone.
Khushali shook her head at this and slapping Raima's arm, said, "You're so dramatic, Raima, childish too. Wait, I'll call Sidharth." Keeping her issue with Sidharth aside, she picked her phone up from the side table and dialled Sidharth's number. A few rings passed but Sidharth didn't answer the call. She again dialled his number but he again didn't attend her call. Just for Raima's sake, Khushali again dialled Sidharth's number and after 3-4 times, he finally answered the call, but in a foul mood.
"What's wrong, Khushali? If I'm not picking your call then it's only because I'm working, not purposely doing so. Don't know what's wrong with you!" grumbled Sidharth.
"Really? I don't think so there's anything wrong with me. It's you who's wrong and allegedly a cheater, not me. Goodbye!" With this, Khushali ended the call and threw her phone on the bed. Sidharth's rudeness made her eyes moist. It was she, who was supposed to act angry with him, but rather he was being rude to her.
The word cheater finally brought back the events of thec event day for Raima and she concernedly asked, "Did he... did he really cheat on you, Khushali? And did you guys fight over something? C'mon now speak up!"
"Yes, he cheated on me, or so is still cheating, I don't know. And that's not it...a lot has happened and that's why I wanted to meet you. But it's okay, I can do that now," said Khushali and started narrating everything that happened in Mayera's home and then her confrontation with Sidharth and lastly their morning fight.
Raima patiently heard everything and then calmly said, "Honestly, I'm just as confused and perplexed as you. But as per the extent I know Sidharth, I agree with you that he couldn't have killed Sagar. But he cheated on you with Mayera, which is equally shocking because neither Mayera nor Sidharth is of that type. Maybe there are things you don't know. Maybe there's a reason. So I think, you should give it sometime and let it all resolve on its own. That's the best and most suitable option at the moment."
"I know that and I agree with you too. I'm not doubting Sidharth, but I don't know what's wrong with him. The way he talked with me in morning, he sounded jealous and miffed. And even now he's the one who's acting angry when I should be the angry one. I swear I won't talk to him till he himself won't initiate a conversation with me and don't try to advocate him now," warned Khushali, staring at Raima.
Raima stared back at her and then defiantly shrugged her shoulders. With an ambiguos tone, Raima said, "Don't think I'm advocating Sidharth but, Khushali, there's a reason behind everything he's doing. You need to wait to know the real reason, if you really want to know the truth. And keep your eyes open, not everyone who's a friend to you is true. Not all well wishers think good for us, some are just very good actors looking for ways to break us down."
Her words made Khushali stare at her with her anger building up again. From the tone Raima used to her words, all of them were just indicating to the fact that Raima was aware of something, Khushali was clueless about, which enraged her.
Just like morning, unable to control her temper, Khushali exasperated, "You know something, I'm being kept in dark about, right? Right? And not just you, even my dad knows something, but no one's telling me anything. Any God damn thing! And that's irritating and I can't help being infuriate over that. How ridiculous is that?"
"Yes, Gaurav uncle and I know something, but this is not the right time for you to know that. Please try to understand," said Raima, "and please, vent out all the things you've kept inside. This is not good for you and it's coming out as your frustration. It's not right."
Khushali sighed and sat back down on the bed. Looking at her hands, she fidgeted with her hands, trying to hold back her tears. She didn't want cry again. But after much efforts to not break down again, she vanquishly allowed tears to escape her eyes. Clutching her bed, she cried every bit of pain she was holding inside her heart since last few days. Though this wasn't the first time she was crying, in last 4-5 days, she had cried a few times and each time it got better, she felt better.
Raima moved to her and hugged her, but didn't utter a word as it was best if Khushali cried out everything. Because what was gonna happen in the evening, needed her to be without any trace of pain or anguish, it was going to be a happy evening for her.
Some time later, Khushali stopped crying and went to wash her face. When she came back, Raima had taken out pamphlets of pizza outlets and they ordered margarita pizza with basil. It was delivered around half an hour later and they ate it in silence, not talking even once about anything related to Sidharth or anything else. After that, Raima suggested to watch a movie and they selected Titanic, one of their favourite movies.
It was four in evening when they were done with the movie, and an hour later, Khushali's parents came back home. Khushali and Raima greeted them and seeing them in hurry, in a surprised tone Khushali asked them, "Are you both going anywhere? Why are you both in such hurry?"
"Wo actually, Khushali, we're going to yo...," started Gaurav to speak but was elbowed by his wife, Muskan, who glared at him and then turned to answer Khushali. "There's a business party that we have to attend. Sorry, baby, but we won't be able you bid you bye in evening, you're going home na?"
"Yeah, I am," said Khushali quietly, in her heart wondering if Sidharth would come to pick her or she'd have to go alone. Shrugging it off, she added, "It's okay, Maa, you guys go. I'll see you guys next time."
Her parents nodded and left to their room to get ready. They left twenty minutes later and Raima followed their suit and left for home, citing pending work for her next class.
"I'll see you on Monday in college. Take care and don't stress much," said Raima, smiling.
After she left, Khushali didn't know what to do. She tried watching TV shows for some time but nothing interested her, so she gave up this idea. She then tried to read some books, but lost her interest after few minutes as her mind was too populated with thoughts about her fight and Sidharth's cold behaviour.
It was six in evening, when Khushali finally decided to go back. She had atleast hoped for Sidharth to call her up, but he didn't call even once, opposed to till a day back when he called her 10 times a day. This again pained her but she tried not to be affected by this.
Since her clothes were somewhat ruined now as her hoodie had a big red sauce stain, she decided to change her clothes. Taking out a pair of blue jeans, white shirt and a beige overcoat, she changed her clothes. Once done with that, she collected her stuff and kept them in her handbag. She took one more thing with her which wasn't supposed to be left here now, atleast for some time, the wooden box.
Just as she was descending the stairs, she heard the doorbell ring. For a split moment, she wondered whether it was Sidharth. There being major chances of it being Sidharth, she kept her bag on the sofa and went to answer the door.
A smile already made its way to her lips as her anger vanished with just the thought of Sidharth coming here to pick her up. But it vanished immediately after she opened the door as the person who was standing in front of her wasn't her husband, it was the person who had forced her to learn the truth, Vivan.
Not in the mood to interact with him now, she crossed her hands against her chest and said rigidly, "I know it's rude and against the social norms of greeting someone, but I don't want to entertain you now. So please leave, Vivan."
"Wow, Khushali, seems like your enigmatic husband has influenced your manners too, not just your thinking. But anyway, I won't take much time of yours, if you could grant that," said Vivan calmly.
"Who's influencing me and who's not, that's none of your business nor you have the right to raise a finger against it, like I told you earlier. Still knowing how adamant and unaffected you are, that even after being humiliated by me, you won't just leave, I'm giving you five minutes to spit out whatever you want." Pointing toward the clock, she added, "It's 6:10 now, you have five minutes. Once it's 6:15, I'd close the door on your face, even if you're not done speaking. So, here starts your time."
"Okay, I got it. And thanks for praising me with such sweet words," said Vivan with obvious sugarcoat in his words.
"Just cut the crap out and get to the point," snapped Khushali, vexed.
"Fine, still I'm not gonna mind your impoliteness or your humiliating words," said Vivan, still calm and polite, "the reason I'm here is simple. I know you literally hate me for making you face all that on the event day and then the truth about your husband. But you're my friend and I'm going to stick to this friendship till the end, even if you hate me. Anyway, you was wondering that day na why Sidharth married you? Well I have cracked this mystery and I know you'd like to know."
"I'm not gonna indulge in any thanks or 'you're such a good friend' crap, so cut to the part directly, if you know the truth then say it out, you've already wasted three minutes on this stupid buildup," said Khushali coldly.
"Well, okay," said Vivan, "What I've gotten to know is that before Sagar died, he had collected some documents to expose Sidharth, which no one knows where they are now. There's no information about the whereabouts of those documents, not even Sidharth knows that. Connecting this to the attacks that happened with you, I think they were done on you and you were stalked only to get information about those documents, which Sidharth might've done, believing those papers were with you. Since this was fruitless, he married you, you know to get the information, first-hand, which he didn't get. I guess maybe because you don't have any information about it, or am I wrong?"
It took Khushali a few seconds to reply, as she contemplated the facts that Vivan had revealed to her some minutes back. It seemed valid to her, keeping in mind that she was asked for some documents the third time she was stalked and attacked, the day she met Sidharth. But as she didn't want to ruin her mood further or populate her mayhemic mind more, she closed her eyes and flatly said, "No, I don't have any information about it, which you must know as neither Sagar nor I ever interfered in each other's professional life. So that's out of the window now. And maybe you're right, but I don't care a damn. You're time's up, so please leave."
She held the door to close but Vivan held it and in a bashful tone, said, "It's your call, Khushali, whether you believe me or not. But I would just say, be alert and keep your eyes open. After all, deceit can find its way anywhere as all it needs is a little lie and blind trust. Take care and see you some other time, most probably when you'll be in a good mood." And he left from there, with Khushali wondering why were people telling her to be alert and look at everyone with suspicion, she couldn't fathom that.
Composing herself, she informed the domestic help about her departure, and left for the Mehra house. The roads were quite busy but she still managed to reach home in record time. She parked her car and saw that all the family cars were there, alongwith her parents', Raima's and two other cars, one of Kavya's and other she couldn't recognise.
Taking her handbag, she walked toward the main entrance and rang the bell, trying to decipher the reason for parents and friend's visit here. The door wasn't answered and she rang the bell again. This time the door opened, but it was pitch black and she couldn't make out anything. Walking inside the house despite the darkness, she could hear murmurs of familiar voices.
Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms holding her from behind and bashful whisper in her ears, "Happy birthday, Khushali." And the lights turned on, making Khushali blind for a second. She recovered from that soon and saw the entire living area decorated with balloons, white lily bouquets and other decorative material like glitters and stars etcetera.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHUSHALI!" wished everyone in unison.
It was then Khushali realised it was her birthday, but because of all the stress and emotional state, she had forgotten her own birth date, 29th November. And then Raima's words made sense to her, it was this party she wanted Khushali to be in good mood for.
While thinking this, she felt Sidharth's arms unwrapping themselves from her waist. Instantly, her head turned to his direction and she saw Sidharth's merry face, with guilt hidden in his eyes. But she couldn't talk to him as everyone else gathered around her.
Feeling like a kid with everyone looking at her with the biggest smiles ever possible on their faces, Khushali awkwardly smiled, not knowing what else to do. But to her relief, her little niece decided to divert the attention to herself by saying, "Chachu, this is very bad of you. I wanted to wish Khushali Mausi first, but you wished her before me. That's unfair with Amaira!"
Sidharth, who was now standing beside his mother-in-law Muskan, moved forward and kneeled down in front of Amaira and sincerely apologised to her.
"Sorry, Amaira. Please forgive Chachu for that."
But Amaira wasn't ready to do so and played with her white party gown. Sidharth kept looking at her and she finally gave up and said defiantly, "Okay, I forgive you." Turning to others, she added, "But now I'll wish Mausi before everyone else, okay? Though you all already wished her before me."
"Okay," said others.
Amaira walked upto Khushali and Khushali kneeled down to her level. Throwing her arms around Khushali, Amaira wished her sweetly, "Happy birthday, Mausi."
"Thank you so much, baby," said Khushali, smiling.
Amaira let go of her, and everyone else started wishing her. From her grandmother-in-law to her parents-in-law to her parents, then Raima, Kavya, Arhaan, Meher, Aditya, Jay and lastly Rehaan, who engulfed her in a warm hug. She hugged him back, knowing his almost true story. Releasing her from the hug, he politely said, "A very happy birthday, Khushali. May you have a great life ahead."
"Thank you, Rehaan," said Khushali, mentally adding, "You too."
Kavya and Raima, who were standing behind her, made her face them and with excitement Kavya said, "Bhabhi, you can't cut your cake in this 'Plain Jane' avatar na? So c'mon, let's go upstairs. There's a very pretty dress waiting for you."
"Yes, which my brother-in-law selected personally," added Meher, teasingly.
On this, Khushali looked at Sidharth, who wasn't meeting her eyes but she knew he was paying his full attention at her. Nodding her head, she left for her room with Kavya and Raima. As she entered her room, she saw a beautiful white gown lying on the bed for her. Amaira was wearing the miniature version of it.
Her lips curled into a smile and she picked up the gown. It was simple yet elegant, pretty much like her preference and her heart bloomed as Sidharth knew it and chose this gown for her. She kept admiring her husband's choice of dress, forgetting that her sister-in-law and best friend were with her and were giggling now.
When she still didn't stop admiring the gown, Kavya tapped her shoulder and smilingly said, "Bhabhi, now will you keep admiring this gown or would even wear it? Please put it on na, I can't wait for the cake anymore."
"Haan, haan, Khushali, please hurry up yaar. Even the food would become stale if you took too long," added Raima.
"You don't say anything, Raima. You knew about this surprise party, but you didn't tell me anything. I'm not talking to you now," said Khushali, turning her face away from Raima's direction.
Kavya passed Raima a sympathetic look and defended her by saying, "Bhabhi, it's not her fault. Sidharth Bhai asked us to not reveal anything to you. So that's why Raima kept this hidden from you. Please don't be angry with her now. Please, for your coming niece or nephew." She pointed toward her belly, which wasn't bulged yet.
"Okay, but only for you," said Khushali, smiling again, "Give me ten minutes, I'll just change into this dress." Grabbing this dress and a towel, she left for the bathroom.
Carefully hanging the dress on the clothes hanging stand beside the bathroom door, she washed her face and wiped it well with her towel. With much care, she changed into the gown and then looked at her reflection. She looked a Christian bride in this white sleeveless gown with a Punjabi twist of her Chuda, mangalsutra and red vermillion.
Looking at her reflection one more time, she walked out of the bathroom as she couldn't pull up the zipper. Looking at the floor only to not get her floor length gown spoiled, she said, "Kavya, Raima, help me guys. I can't pull the zipper up."
Not waiting for a response, she turned to face the bathroom door as she heard footsteps coming toward her. A pair of cold hands touched her bare skin and she promptly recognised the touch. It wasn't her sister-in-law or best friend, it was her husband, Sidharth Mehra. Khushali hadn't noticed it, but Raima and Kavya had already left the room and it was only Sidharth waiting for her in his checked black business suit and white dressing shirt.
Pulling her zip up, Sidharth placed a small kiss on Khushali's nape and made her turn around. Putting his hand under her chin, he made her look at him and said softly, "You're looking very beautiful in this gown."
"T-Thanks," stammeringly said Khushali, tearing her gaze from him. Though her anger had vanished away, but still she hadn't completely let go of the hurt that Sidharth had caused her. Moving back a little, she walked toward the dressing table and started brushing her hairs, avoiding Sidharth. But in her heart she knew he was about to apologise to her and she was earnestly waiting for it.
And as per her intuition, he came to stand behind and without looking at her, with guilt and repentance in his tone, said, "I know I have hurt you severely with whatever I said in morning and don't know if I even have the right to ask for your forgiveness. I don't know what happened with me. I just wanted you to pour our all the pain, but it went wrong. And I'm not giving any justification because my words aren't justifiable. But still, I'd like to apologise to you and ask you for forgiveness. I'm very sorry, Khushali. Please forgive me one last time."
Saying all that he wanted to, Sidharth turned to leave when he felt Khushali's hand holding his and he felt relieved, knowing well Khushali had forgiven even though she was all silent. He cold understand even her silence, that was the extent of his love for her.
He turned back and without wasting a second, Khushali hugged him affectionately. Sidharth too wrapped his arms around her. Still in the hug, she softly whispered, "I already have forgiven you, Sidharth. But please don't ever doubt my love for you."
"I won't ever, I promise," said Sidharth, feeling slightly less guilty.
They pulled apart and gleefully Khushali said, "And thank you for this lovely dress and this surprise party. I now know why you didn't call me all day and didn't even come to pick me up. But this worths it all."
"You're welcome, wifey," said Sidharth, "C'mon now, let's go. Everyone must be waiting for you."
"Us," corrected Khushali.
"Yes, us."
Everyone gathered around the fabulous picture cake which had several pictures of Khushali, from her childhood to her wedding pictures and some recent ones. Again like a little kid, Khushali smiled in her white gown. She was glad for the room heaters and closed windows because of which she didn't feel cold at all.
"Khushali Bhabhi, what are you waiting for? C'mon now cut the cake," prompted Arhaan, standing beside his pregnant wife.
"Yes, yes, Mausi. But how old are you?" asked Amaira, thoughtfully.
"What?" asked Khushali, not getting Amaira's point.
Amaira slapped her forehead and in an unimpressed tone, said, "Uffo, Mausi! Don't you know we put candles on the cake as per the age the of birthday boy or girl. Like on my birthday, mumma had put six candles. So in that sense, how old are you?"
The elders of the family smiled listening to Amaira's sweet explanation, while the younger lot 'Oohed'.
"Well, baby, you don't actually ask a girl her age. But still, I turned 28 today," replied Khushali, giggling slightly.
"That would be too many candles, haina, Amaira? So why don't we just put two candles?" suggested Meher, smiling.
"Yes, that would better," agreed Amaira and put two candles in the middle of the cake, just above where Khushali's name was written with chocolate.
Sidharth picked up the lighter to lit the candles but the doorbell rang and Meher said, "Wait, Sidharth, we have one more guest. And she's arrived now." She went to answer the door.
Khushali and others wondered who the last guest was, as no one could think of any left guest. Waiting for Meher to come with the guest, they all kept looking in the direction of the main door. A few seconds later, they all saw Meher come back and behind her the guest, seeing whom the elders and Aditya were delighted, the younger lot was surprised, Sidharth was astonished and Khushali had mixed feeling of delight and astound.
"How could we have cut the cake without Khushali's new close friend Mayera?" said Meher, joining others back.
Recovering from the shock, Sidharth moved toward his sister-in-law and in a bashful tone asked, "Why did you invite her, Bhabhi?"
"What do you mean? She's Khushali's friend, right? So chillax," said Meher, in the same bashful tone. Sidharth didn't say anything more and looked at Khushali who had a neutral look on her face.
Mayera stood awkwardly at the entrance of the living area, with all the eyes on her, especially her brother's, who was shocked beyond words.
Noticing her discomfort, Khushali moved forward and took Mayera in a warm and affectionate hug, and said, "Thank you coming here, Mayera." Though Mayera was said to be in an extra marital affair with Sidharth, Khushali didn't want anyone to accuse her for anything until it was proven completely. Just like she trusted Sidharth, she trusted Mayera too and in her heart knew she couldn't do something like that. There must be some compulsion, apart from Sidharth's alleged offer.
"You're welcome, Khush," said Mayera in an overwhelmed tone.
"C'mon now, join your brother. I'll cut the cake now," mumbled Khushali, dragging Mayera with her. Reluctantly, Mayera went and stood beside Rehaan, who gave her a quizzical look but stayed mum, not wanting to create any drama.
Sidharth lit the candles, feeling vaguely relieved with Khushali's reaction. He at first had thought that Khushali might be displeased with Mayera's arrival but seeing her fine, he felt better.
Blowing the candles, Khushali cut the cake while others sang the birthday song for her. Confused whom to feed the cake first, Khushali fed Amaira the first bite and then Sidharth, then her parents and parents-in-law and then others. After this, everyone proceeded with the dinner, for which Khushali's favourite dishes were cooked.
Once the dinner was over, Rehaan and Arhaan cornered Sidharth and questioned him about Mayera's arrival, which was shocking for them, except for Jay, who decided not to be a part of this and continued to converse with Raima and Mayera.
"What is she doing here?"
"Why didn't you tell me that my sister and Khushali are acquainted?"
"Why you didn't tell any of us about her?"
"What if she had told Khushali about the charges against me?"
"What if it ruins everything?"
"Speak up, now!"
Taking a deep breath after hearing all the questions he was bombarded with, Sidharth very calmly answered them, saying, "Calm down, guys. First, I didn't know she'd come here. Second, I got to know that on the event day that she's friends with Khushali. Third, well I myself didn't know that. Fourth, well she had already told Khushali the truth alongwith Vivan. And last but not the least, Khushali hasn't actually believed them completely. She confronted me about it and I have accepted the allegations against me, including Sagar's murder. But still Khushali trusts me and would till I tell her the truth. So relax now!"
"What?" said Rehaan, rather too loudly. But no one heard him due to the noise of the room heaters.
"You took the blame of Sagar's murder when it's not even you? And that too, to Khushali? That's not right."
"Yes, I agree with him. You hadn't even done anything wrong, so why are you taking the blame?" asked Arhaan, bemused.
"This is the right thing for now," said Sidharth, glancing at his wife who was know talking with Mayera and Jay, "And let's not talk more about this. It's my wife's birthday. Let's keep the environment happy and normal. Please."
"Fine," said both Rehaan and Arhaan. Sidharth knew this silence for transient as these two would again start this topic. But he'd think about it later.
An hour later, it was time for people to leave for their homes and one by one all they all left. First were Raima and Jay, as Jay decided to drop Raima home, though not in the conventional manner, rather he was following behind her car as, Raima, the independent woman, didn't want him drop her in his car. Following their suit were Khushali's parents, Rehaan, and Mayera.
"Thanks for being so nice to me, even after all the things I've done to you," said Mayera, guilt evident in her tone, sitting inside her car.
"It's totally okay, Mayera, I know what you have told isn't the actual truth. Relax and message me after reaching home," said Khushali, waving her bye.
Since Kavya was pregnant, so her parents didn't allow her to travel at this time of night as it was nearly midnight. Along with Arhaan, she stayed back and some minutes later, everyone retired to their rooms.
When Khushali entered her room, she found her gifts kept in a neat manner on the recliner, which Sidharth had done with Arhaan's help. Looking around for her husband, she found him standing near the closed french door.
Without making any noise, she walked upto him and wrapping her hands around his chest, gratefully said, "Thank you so much, Sidharth. It was an amazing evening."
"Now, please don't thank me. And I'm sorry for Mayera.... She shouldn't have come," said Sidharth unhappily.
"Oh please don't say that. She's my friend and I was happy to see her today. So chill please," said Khushali coolly.
Removing her hands from his chest, Sidharth turned to face her and cupping her face, said, "Gosh, I missed you so much!" And he leaned in, placing his lips on Khushali's.
Khushali smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, while Sidharth's one hand kept cupping her face while other wrapped around her waist. Few seconds later, they parted and Sidharth pecked Khushali's forehead.
Khushali changed her clothes first and then Sidharth went to get changed. While he was inside the bathroom, Khushali took out the wooden box from her handbag and kept it beneath her clothes in her side of closet. Carefully hiding it, she closed the closet and went to lie on her side of bed. Sidharth joined her some minutes later and tired after the fun filled evening, they both fell asleep, completely ignorant of their morning fight.
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