Something I Need
Jackie: neesha you okay
Neesha: yh i just can't get over everything that happened
Jackie: hey as lest you got crash back
Neesha: there is something i need
Jackie: and what is that
Neesha: to help get crash back for good jackie
Jackie: what do you mean for good
Neesha: well you said that if i listen to carsh he still loves me
Jackie: he dose still loves you neesh
Neesha: are you sure he stills loves me jackie
Jackie: of course what are you good at
Neesha: singing
Jackie: okay your good at singing what was yours and crash's song you listened to when you where going out
Neesha: bryan Adams everything i do i do it for we loved that song
Jackie: so why don't you sing that to make crash think about the good times you two had and what aylan said he want on about you everyday and night
Neesha: that is what he said he would of done when he left
Jackie: and he keep that promise didn't he
Neesha: true
Mike: tea girls
Neesha and jackie: comeing
( we both go downstairs and crash looks at me and Jackie looks at me and say something)
Sherlly: so neesha how was your first day here like
Neesha: good now that iam back with crash
Sherlly: iam sure crash is to
Carsh: iam very much
( tea was over and now me and jackie gose upstairs)
Jackie: did you see the way he looked at you neesha
Neesha: i did he must still like me
Jackie: he dose you need to see that he dose neesh
( crash and lol are talking about the same thing)
Crash: i don't think neesha likes me anymore lol
Lol: i think she dose see the way she looked at you back
Crash: yh she always did that when we where together
Lol: so what are you going to do then crash
Crash: ask her back out
Lol: how are you going to do that
Crash: i don't know
Lol: favourite song she likes
Crash: michael jackson bad
Lol: ask her though that way then
Crash: okay good ida i'll do that tomorrow
Lol: why tomorrow
Crash: something special happened tomorrow
Lol: what is that something special
Crash: our anniversary of going out even though we are not going out it is still a special day for neesha and i it always was
( we all went to bed axpet me and crash)
Neesha: what you doing up crash
Crash: can't sleep
Neesha: me ether
Crash: so something special comeing up tomorrow
Neesha: yh our anniversary
Crash: you know it was is Jackie asleep yet
Neesha: yh she is she don't that iam awake
Crash: oh
Neesha: yh
Crash: you know i still love you right
Neesha: really
Crash: really
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