Chapter 9 - Operation D-
Alex's POV
I created a group chat to get my friends to help me help John and called it Operation D-. Because without John I was getting minus the D. (A/N I hate myself LMAO)
Group Chat Operation D-:
(HelplessCinnaBun, HamandCheese, !!WORK!!, HER!!CU!!LES!!, IHaveALargeBaguette and pegGAY
HamandCheese: so John got a text from his dad
pegGAY: crap that's never good
HamandCheese: his dad said he wanted to hurt me and John now believes if he stays away from me his dad won't hurt me
HelplessCinnaBun: did he... you know.
!!WORK!!: did he break up with you?
HamandCheese: no, but it sure feels like it.
IHaveALargeBaguette: he is just next door Mon ami, how you say? Stop being dramatic. Hercules is with him in our dorm, I'm in class.
HamandCheese: I just feel like I should help him, like I'm not enough.
HER!!CU!!LES!!: John isn't in our dorm Laf
IHaveALargeBaguette: oh yes, I remember, he just went out, I'm in Japanese class don't bother me.
pegGAY: calm down Alex I'm sure he's fine.
HER!!CU!!LES!!: laf, why is John's backpack not in the dorm?
IHaveALargueBaguette: he probably needed it, stay calm friends.
HamandCheese: no no no no no this can't be happening
pegGAY: Alex, breathe please.
HamandCheese: I feel dizzy. Help.
pegGAY: we're coming over, stay calm
Peggy's POV
I slammed the door of John and Alex's dorm open, leaving a dent in the wall, which was the least of our problems. Alex was huddled in a ball crying.
"H-he ran away. W-why would he do that? I mean I k-know why but why is he being so... so stupid?" He sobbed.
"Alex please calm down, we'll find him" I embraced him in a hug and Eliza got him tissues while Angelica screamed at Hercules and Lafayette. Which was not helping Alex calm down.
"Angelica shut up, you're making him worse. Let's go to the coffee shop, Alex" the coffee shop always calms him down.
"5 black coffees and 1 hot chocolate please." I handed the woman behind the counter a $20 bill. I had to admit, she was kinda pretty.
"I'm Sally. Sally Hemings" she smiled. She was wearing black jeans and a 21 pilots shirt, with an apron tied around her waist. Her black hair was tied up in a messy bun and she wore eyeliner and mascara, which brought out the lighter browns mixed in with the darker shades in her eyes. She had scars on her tanned skin but she looked extremely happy.
"Peggy Schuyler" I was going to continue when I heard Alex sob a little.
"I would love to talk more, but my friend, he- he's going through something pretty bad" I nodded at Alex who was huddled into Eliza's embrace at a table with the rest. Well, the rest, excluding John.
"I completely understand." She had a genuine smile on her face while she handed me the drinks in a cardboard cup holder. I noticed one of the black coffees had a phone number scribbled onto it. I smiled at her, blushing a bit.
"Good luck, I send your friend the best of wishes " she whispered before she went back to her work.
Eliza got up and moved seats when I came. I sat next to Alex and handed him his black coffee and everyone else their drinks. Alex's head was on my shoulder, all we could hear was the faint sound of he news from the cafe tv and Alex's sobs.
Lafayette was about to speak up when Alex dropped his coffee, spilling everywhere and he was staring at the
"Alex?" I said. I turned to the tv.
"Prisoner Henry Laurens, escaped from prison yesterday, the last sighting of him was at New York airport. If you do see him please contact police immediately. He was put in jail for extreme child abuse and the murder of his wife, Eleanor Ball after she filed for a divorce and custody of her 5 children" The news reporter said.
"Shit" I mumbled. Alex was frozen in his seat.
Everyone was staring at Alex, waiting for any reaction, we just wanted him to be ok and he was far from it.
He slowly pulled out his phone, tears dripping onto the screen as he called John. After sixty-three calls, all he heard was the sound of John's happy voice from his voice mail telling him he'd call back as soon as possible. He frantically texted John but he couldn't seem to form any words.
John Hamilton ❤
AlexanderLaurens: your dad. Here. New York. Come back. Please. Safety John come back
Delivered at 6:39pm
AlexanderLaurens: John. He will hurt you, come home. COME HOME. Baby please
Delivered at 6:41pm
AlexanderLaurens: what do I do with out you
Delivered at 6:42pm
Alexander Hamilton, he wrote essays non stop, he spoke with words beautifully and with passion, he could speak for six hours about government if he needed but he couldn't write full sentences to his boyfriend who was god knows where.
AlexanderLaurens: I don't give fucks If ur dad punches me. I care if he. Hurts you. John. Please come. Home
Delivered at 6:44pm
After twenty-one more texts, Alex face palmed onto the table, in sobs and tears.
"John if you don't get your ass back down here, your boyfriend will drown in his own tears by tomorrow morning" Eliza screeched at John's voicemail through her phone.
"GET BACK NOW JOHN" Angelica screamed into her phone, holding back tears. Lafayette was crying on Hercules shoulder and I had Alex clinging tightly onto me, my head over his shoulder so he wouldn't see the tears in my eyes.
My best friend could be gone. Maybe for weeks, months, years.......forever.
Alex's POV
AlexanderLaurens: baby please come back
Delivered at 6:50pm
It hurt that he didn't read my messages.
AlexanderLaurens: I love you
Read at 6:52pm
But it hurt more when he did.
John's POV of yesterday
I woke up the morning after my fight with Alex in Laf and Hercules' dorm. Hercules was asleep and Lafayette was getting ready for his classes.
"Hey laf, I'm gonna go... take a walk... you know, relieve some stress from last night" I lied. I hated lying to Lafayette.
"Sure, see you soon mon ami" Lafayette smiled. I grabbed my packed backpack and walked out the door, my dad wouldn't hurt Alex if I wasn't near him. I was sure of that, but sometimes things we're sure of aren't right.
I went to get a cup of coffee before I left, I didn't know where to go yet, but that was only a minor issue.
"Hey Sally" I said. "Hey Johnny boy, how are you?" She asked. She has been one of my family friends since I was born, our parents were pretty close.
"How's Alex?" She inquired, getting my usual coffee.
"He's doing great" I lied, wow I'd already lied two times in the span of ten minutes, wasn't doing too well.
"That's great, Well I'll see you around!" She handed me my coffee and I walked out. Sally reminded me a bit of one of my old friends. Hm. Maybe I could stay with them.
I pulled out my phone and dialed their number.
"Hey Is this Martha? Martha Manning?"
I feel mean leaving u on a cliffhanger like that oops. I hope you had/have a good day! See ya next chapter
- Sav
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