Chapter 25 - How could you do this?
I really wanna do animatics for Hamilton but I legit have no patience wELP
7 months later
John's POV
"Hi, i'm Alexander Hamilton. Uh, this is my husband, John Hamilton" Alex laughed nervously at the woman standing in our doorway. She was inspecting our apartment to see if it was safe enough for us to adopt a child and Alex and I were beyond nervous. Alex was so nervous I think he broke a finger while cracking his knuckles, which was a new nervous tick he had found.
"I'm Ms Margaret... may I?" She nodded to the apartment while Alex hastily spun his watch around his small wrists. Another nervous habit. The old woman with visibly dyed black hair and a tight pencil skirt and suit top, pulled her glasses down and raised her eyebrows while Alex nearly tripped over himself, stepping backwards to let her in. Her mascara had rubbed onto her under eyes and she tried very hard to make her blue eyeshadow work with her clothes. It really stood out against the large amount of blush she had used on her pale face.
We had obsessively baby proofed the whole house, ever sharp corner was covered, every fall hazard was blocked and all the medicines and dishwasher stuff was put in a high cupboard and we even had baby gates at the bottom and top of our stairs and had painted the first baby room Aqua.
30 minutes later
"She's been inspecting our kitchen for like an hour" Alex whined in a whisper, obviously over exaggerating.
"She's homophobic"
"What does that have to do with our kitchen?" My husband pouted, resting his chin on my shoulder, which he had to get up on his toes to do.
"Nothing, I just can sense she's homophobic" I shrugged.
"You have a homophobe radar as well as a gaydar?"
"She stares at us weirdly, practically gags whenever she sees a photo of us together, ran away from a pride flag and flipped off the photo frame Peggy got us as a wedding gift with a photo of us three and the frame said "3 gays." How can you not tell she's a homophobic?" I explained. Alex exhaled deeply and sighed, knotting his eyebrows together while he contemplated it all, which created cute wrinkles in his forehead.
"Can she legally not let us adopt because she's saltier than my eggs at breakfast?" He asked.
"Yes, she can, it's in the terms and conditions. Something about anything the inspector finds a fatal flaw in us or whatever"
"Hamilton's, I've inspected your..." she scrunched up her face in disgust, like she thought our apartment was made of poop and spray paint "living.....arrangement and I can get the results back to you by-"
Interrupting her, My phone started to buzz hectically in my pocket and the old lady glared at me and rolled her eyes.
"So sorry" I turned my ringer off af the sight that it was Eliza calling and Ms Margaret continued talking.
"As I was saying, you'll get your results back by-"
The woman was again interrupted, this time by Alex's phone ringing.
"Babe, if Eliza is calling us again then it's probably important" I whispered. "So sorry ma'am" I awkwardly smiled while Alex pulled out his phone from his jean pockets.
He swiped on his screen, answering the call before he put his black phone up against his ear.
"ALEX THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, YOU AND JOHN NEED TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW" I heard a faint sobbing in the background while Eliza screamed through the phone.
"Eli-?" Alex started.
"NOW" I heard her shriek from the other line before the call ended.
"We are so, so sorry for he inconvenience we have a bit of a situation, thank you!" Alex grabbed our wallets and phones and pushed the homophobic ass out the door before we ran outside, locking the door and rushing to the car.
"HERCULES" I rushed over to my friend's side. He was crying into Peggy's scarf while everyone tried to comfort him.
"Who are we here for? The whole group's here" Alex asked.
I stared blankly at Hercules while Alex leant on my shoulder to stop himself from falling.
"I shouldn't of believed her about the abuse getting less frequent. She was lying. It was getting worse. She's in hospital because she got repeatedly hit in the chest, head banged and beer bottles thrown, I should've been there, she's only five for fucks sake! I shouldn't of left her there, I fucked up" Hercules sobbed into his hands, tears dripping through his hands, onto his jeans.
"Mulligan?" Before we could say anything, a male nurse had come out and called for Hercules.
"Your sister is in there, she's gained consciousness"
"Can I see her?" Hercules stood up, almost choking Peggy with her own scarf as he did.
"She's lost a lot of blood and-" Hercules rushed past the nurse and into Sharanya's room, tugging on my hand along the way. Lafayette's smile shifted a bit, but he knows that Herc sometimes just can't deal with romance in stressful situations.
"Hercules!" The small five year old was wrapped up in blankets, tubes strapped all over her, bandages on her chest and head and cuts everywhere, and her brown skin, partially blood stained, yet she still smiled like everything was perfect.
"Shar I was so worried!"Hercules embraced the small girl tightly as he cried into her fluffy hair.
"It's ok! Hey look! It Mr not Laurens!" She pointed at me and giggled.
"Thanks for coming Mr Hamilton" she smiled, wrapping her arms around my waist and snuggling into my chest.
"No problem sweetie. Why are you so happy?"
"Because mama says that I get to see dada. You know where he is?" She smiled, ear to ear. Hercules sputtered out more tears. "I'm tired I want to sleep. Can you stay with me?"
Hercules and I nodded and herc laid her down, kissing her forehead and pulled up a chair next to the bed, squeezing her hand, while I sat on the chairs behind him.
Hercules' POV
I took one look at my sleeping sister and squeezed her hand tighter. She was only 5, she can't die when she has such a long future ahead of her.
I quietly drifted off to sleep, resting on the side of the chair.
"CRAP" I shrieked. I had woken up about an hour later. I looked back to see John asleep and Alex cuddled up next to him. Sighing and wiping sweat of my forehead after having a terrible nightmare. It was that Sharanya's hand went limp and she died, right in front of me. I squeezed her hand to reassure myself.
No squeeze back. I felt nothing.
Spinning my head, I looked at my baby sister and slowly pulled my hand out of her grip. The heart monitor suddenly started to beep and her hand fell out of mine, lifeless.
John awoke to the beeping sound of her heart monitor as the line flattened and stumbled over to the side of the room and practically punched the button which got the doctor to come before rushing to her side. I stood there and watched, like a brick, not moving. It felt like slow motion that the nurses, Alex and John dragged me out of the room and the doctor pushed past me, scrambling to my sister's side. Everything was slow until Laf started shaking me, with tears down his face.
"Hercules!" I stared into his eyes before he pulled me tightly against his warm body for a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and watched John cry into Alex's arm while Alex sang to him and repeatedly placed kisses on John's tear covered face softly And combed through his hair. I know sharanya meant a lot to John because he'd gone through all the abusive parent stuff and he felt the need to keep her safe. I could feel laf's warm tears and could hear his heavy breathing. I've been so distant from Laf lately because of everything that's happened.
I thought that I was the one in the group with the perfect life, everyone else besides Laf had some shit going on, Alex and John especially but that's when I realised, no ones life is perfect. There's always a struggle somewhere, no matter how big or small or how early or late in life it is. You might look at John and Alex from a perspective of someone who doesn't know them and think, wow, they're a such cute couple, their lives must be fantastic. I want that. But what no one sees is what everyone hides behind them, secret losses and problems and I would be lying if I said that anyone in our group besides John knows everything about what happened to Alex and same goes for John. Everyone has had shit go on and will have shit go on. It's just how life works, you can't escape it.
John's POV
We all drove back to our apartment block and everyone in silence came into our apartment and seated themselves on the lounge room couch while Alex and I made everyone chicken noodle soup.
"Please, let's not talk about it. Something else" Hercules exhaled, shaking his head.
"Um, so, how'd the inspection go?" Angelica asked, staring at Alex.
"Old, homophobic lady who either really liked our kitchen or there was some other weird reason she spent fifteen minutes in it" I smiled, handing Hercules his soup bowl.
"God, adoption is so much harder than it seems" Alex sighed, placing the bowls on the coffee table while everyone took one.
"Any other news?" I asked.
Peggy was glaring at Eliza and Eliza was nervously tugging at her turtle neck sleeves while Angelica rolled her eyes.
"I take it that there is news?"
After a few seconds of awkward silence, Peggy broke it. "ELIZA IS FUCKING DATING MARIA. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU WERE GAY. MARIA WAS MINE". I spat out my soup and coughed in surprise.
"SHE'S A FUCKING RAPIST" I spat, glaring at the two girls. "I'm scared for you two! What the hell is wrong with you!? She raped one of your best friends, cheated on your sister, god knows what else she's done to others and you think it's ok to date her now!?"
"John she's changed!" Eliza whined.
"Eliza, stop, how do you expect us to trust her? She tried to rape Alex! How can you possibly feel comfortable around her?" Lafayette spoke up for the first time.
"SHE WAS MY GIRLFRIEND" Peggy attempted to strangle her older sister but Angelica pulled her back.
"what happened to James!? He was so nice! Why would you leave him for her?" I asked, I had forgotten about James.
"He went back to Thomas..."
"Eliza what the fuck? You know Thomas does drugs and is alcoholic! God knows what he might do to James! Has this not crossed your mind? Why wouldn't you try to stop him!?" I dropped my fork into the bowl and stood up out of my chair to face her.
"Maria has changed and I can prove it" Eliza folded her arms.
"Elizabeth stop this. You're being stupid!" Angelica growled at her younger sister, fists clenched.
"How can you prove it?" I glared back.
"Lets invite her over" Eliza pulled out our phone and I heard the sound of shattering. I looked back to see Alex had dropped his bowl and had sped up the stairs and slammed the door.
"Eliza. Your way of proving she's a good person is to invite her over to our house? Where someone she's tried to rape lives? Call us when you date someone who didn't cause my husband trauma" I spat at her and rushed up the stairs to go comfort my husband.
Angelica's POV
"Hey Maria, wanna come over to John-"
"No thanks" I heard Maria mumble through the phone.
"You sure you don't want to come over to John and Alex's place?" Eliza pleaded.
"Alex!? Yes of course, text me the address I'll be there in a few"
"Oh um ok bye baby" Eliza smiled, not even realising what had just happened.
"Eliza what the fuck? You didn't hear that?" Hercules yelled.
"Hear what?" She raised an eyebrow and started to text Maria.
I exhaled and balled up my fists, taking a step closer to my younger sister. "You asked if she wanted to come to john's and she cut you off so she didn't hear you say Alex but when you did she immediately said yes! What have you done!?" I screeched, trying to pull the phone out of her hand but by the time I succeeded the text was sent and read.
"Eliza you have invented a completely new kind of stupid! The fact you would prioritise your rapist and cheater of a girlfriend over one of your closest friends who has given up crazy shit to help you is fucked up" I growled, eyeing Eliza. She pulled at her jeans awkwardly.
"Merde, merde, merde, ELIZA!" Lafayette blurted out, he was pacing around the room and Hercules was trying to calm him down.
"The last time someone even mentioned the time Maria raped Alex, he had a panic attack and now he's going to be in the same room as her!?" Laf was fuming.
And there was the dreaded knock on the door
Fuck you Maria Reynolds from my fan fic. I'm lowkey sad I made Maria a bad person bUt aH I had writers block and was like "fUCK IT" so now I'm stuck yikes
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