Chapter 19 - 1 Year Later
Alex's POV
1 year later
"I swear to god huge time skips in movies and books are stupid! Some dramatic shit could've happened in that time skip, you never know Laurens! What if... they had more sex or their extremely homophobic father got sent to jail! Or... there was a STORM!" My eyes widened and I flailed my arms around like a mental person while John and I had a mini argument about time skips.
"But does anyone really have one drama come after the next and after that? Time skips are totally fine. Also I feel like they break down a wall between the story and the reader" John argued as he folded more clothes, tucking them into his suitcase.
"Cmon let's go get our graduation uniforms" we walked out the door and to Peggy and Theodosia's dorm. Maria got expelled after she graffitied Curse words all over Peggy's side of the dorm.
(A/N idk how colleges work, let alone American colleges, I'm Australian dude. I'm only 13 let's just roll with whatever happens )
"Ok Alex, here you go and John, here you go" Peggy threw our graduation gowns at us, my hat hitting John in the face.
"Peggy I'm expecting after-graduation-sex and I would rather not do that with a black eye" John giggled, handing me my hat.
"Thanks to your dad for buying us all these, I'm really very glad there's no chance our children might wear one of these one day since we get to keep them" he said, chugging his coffee.
"I think it would be a cute coincidence" I smiled taking a sip of my hot chocolate.
"So that means no sex in our graduation gowns?" John asked, fake pouting. I slapped him on the arm before saying our goodbyes and going back to our dorm to continue packing.
"I'm going to miss this place" John said while he looked around the halls as we walked back to our dorm.
"Me too" I confessed, opening our dorm door. Nothing very exciting had happened in the last year. I mean, Philip died, Philip blew us away I guess, I mean, he was a turtle, not much he could do. John's dad got sent to jail, John and I had our first major fight. Which ended in us covering Jefferson's roof in shaving cream while eating slushies so it wasn't all bad.
"You nervous?" I was looking through the notes for my speech for the graduation ceremony, the teachers had assigned me to make a speech.
"Nah I'm fine" I lied. I was kind of nervous. God knows what could happen up there. I'd probably exceed my awkwardness levels by a lot. Which is harder than you think.
"Bonjour!" Lafayette and Hercules walked in. Oh yeah, Laf and herc got married last year.
"Angelica. Eliza. Theodosia. And Peggy!" Theo joined our group and formed a strong bond with the Schuyler's, Aaron not so much, he preferred to be alone. By choice or not, no one knew which.
Peggy had gone on to date John and I's close friend, Sally Hemings, Eliza was dating a fellow cinnamon roll, James Madison, who left Jefferson after he found out he was doing drugs and had a history of rape. Angelica had been laying low ever since she hooked up with Thomas.
"I'm going to miss you guys" John pouted, zipping up his last suitcase.
"Mon Ami nous allons vivre dans Le même immeuble. Nous sommes tous á côté de l'eachother!" Lafayette laughed, picking up his and Hercules' suitcases and dropping them next to the door.
"I didn't understand a word you said but I assume it was you making fun of me" John rolled our suitcases across the room.
"Well Laf is right, we'll still see each other all the time! you and I literally live right between Lafayette and Hercules and the Schuyler's, Sally lives across the road and Theodosia and Aaron live right across from us, we'll see each other all the time!" I kissed John on the nose and we all grabbed our suitcases.
"I find it so unfair John and Alex got the biggest apartment still" Hercules groaned, holding the door open for everyone.
"My douchebag of a dad was forced to give me all his money after he went to jail, so that's why we got the biggest apartment. And the Schuyler's are the people who decided to move out of their mansion" John explained, poking Peggy in the arm.
"Well sorry we didn't want to live 2 hours away from our best friends and my girlfriend" Peggy attempted to swat John's arm away.
"Wow. It's like the memories were all swiped out of this dorm" I huffed sadly. The polaroids were packed into a small box, our plushy toys were stuffed in a suitcase and the picture frames wrapped in bubble wrap.
"Well in a few minutes we'll be making them in a new place, our own apartment"' John kissed me on the forehead and we closed the door to our dorm, well, what used to be our dorm for one last time.
John covered my eyes while Peggy, Eliza and Angelica tried to guide me on where to walk and Hercules and Lafayette were already settling into their new home.
"Do we seriously need to cover my eyes until we're inside?" I laughed.
I heard a door open and the sound of a doorknob click back into place. My stomach flipped over and suddenly I was nervous to see the new place John and I would be living in for hopefully a long time.
"3....2....1... OPEN" John pulled his hands away from my eyes, revealing the stunning apartment.
The floor was carpeted and the walls were a shiny pearl colour. The stairs were a reddish-brown shade of wood and the room was brightly lit by the sun shining through a large glass doors on back wall.
There was an enormous, grey, leather sofa, in front of a fluffy white rug which was placed under a glass coffee table with wooden legs. A TV was on the wall, hanging above a display shelf with picture frames on top. The large dining table had 10 chairs seated around them and was placed in front of the kitchen with a marble bench top.
"John.. how did you even afford this? I need to pay you back. This is beautiful-" I breathed.
"Just look up stairs!" The freckle faced boy grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up the stairs, his contagious smile beaming.
The wall in front of the stairs was covered in the same polaroids from our dorm with one large picture of John and I in the middle. To my left was a hallway, the right wall with 5 doors and the left wall had a few empty frames across it.
"This is our bedroom" John pushed open the first door to reveal a large a room with a king sized bed under a window and with a walk in closet on the right. Before I could process what was exactly happening he pulled me to the next room.
"The study! I'm guessing it will most likely be your favourite room" Laurens was jumping up and down like a six year old while he pulled me through the second doorway, revealing 2 desks with laptops placed on them, one desk with 2 framed, one of a turtle and one of John and I.
"And those 3 other rooms are for the future" John smiled, pulling me into a kiss.
His eyes sparkled in the sunlight and his freckles were placed perfectly across his beaming face.
"Thank you so much for everything" I smiled.
"No problem" he replied and planted his soft lips on mine. I melted into the kiss before pulling away and engulfing him in a hug.
"Love birds, get down here we're going to graduate in an hour!" Angelica screamed from downstairs. While trying to pull Eliza off the new couch.
"Aye, before we go, take these " John chucked a pair of keys at me.
I caught 2 keys that were hanging of a metal circle. I quickly noticed that one key had he face of a lion painted on it and the other had a turtle.
"Lion is for the house and turtle is for my office" He smiled at me. "Now come on, don't want to miss graduation" he winked at me and I noticed he slipped something in his back pocket before we left.
"COME ON GUYS" Hercules bellowed, obviously getting impatient.
"coming!" John pulled me down the stairs again and we threw our suitcases onto the carpet and ran out.
"LET'S GO GRADUATE" I screamed and everyone else cheered and ran out the door.
"Wait, John, before we go can I ask you something?" John stopped in his tracks and stared at me, he almost seemed scared. If I'm being honest, he'd been acting a bit strange all day.
"Where do you see yourself in 1 year? I asked hesitantly. What if he didn't see a future for us? I wiped my suddenly sweaty hands on my pants eagerly waiting for an answer.
"In this house. With 3 children. 2 daughters and son and a happy family" he twirled some of my loose hair around his finger and smiled at me.
"You're just saying what I said when you asked me this last year about where we would be in 2 years" I chuckled, laughing at John's answer.
"You're just asking what I asked 2 years ago" he smiled and planted a soft kiss on my nose.
"Lets go graduate"John grabbed me by the hand and smiled brightly.
"Lets go graduate"
I just realised I never wrote the stereotypical Lams storm chapter omg. Also don't worry there will be flashbacks of last year
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