Chapter 12 -Stay Alive (Reprise)
Stayyy aliveeeee
Yikes idek if I'm writing well this is my first time writing a book sorry if it's crap.
John's POV
"It's getting late we should go back to Alex" I say, the stars becoming brighter in the darkening sky.
"I feel like something is up with Alex but I can't put my finger on it... have you ever talked to him about his past?" Peggy asked.
"Well, I know the basics and I know he self harmed but I think he's stopped but come to think of it, I've never checked" I trail off at the last bit, I'm such a shit boyfriend.
"John it's fine, we'll talk to him tomorrow, he's probably tired right now, mind if I sleepover?" Peggy already knew the answer, she'd often come into our dorm to sleepover.
"Anytime"I sling my arm around her neck, to anyone else, we would've looked like a couple.
I grab my key to open the door to notice it's unlocked, of course it is, Alex came home.
"Alex babe-" I open the door.
"Holy shit" Peggy gasped, her hands flying over her mouth. The room was trashed, the window broken, things had fallen over and what looked like everything we owned was scattered all over the floor. I stood there frozen for a few seconds.
"Alex! ALEX!?" I scream running into Hercules and lafayette's dorm, the door which connected to ours was knocked down but Lafayette and Hercules weren't there and neither was Alex.
"Hello John" a man said, emerging from the corner.
"Dad? What did you do!? Where's Alex?!" I scrambled over to Peggy who pushed me behind her, she was always much braver than everyone else. My father was in a corner looking through a camera. Was that.. Peggy's camera?
"Fuck, John he has my camera that has all the photos of you and Alex on it" Peggy whispered.
"Oh don't look so scared, I knew you were off with this boy before I saw these photos, they're very interesting. A lot of cuddling and kissing and shit. I tried to set you up with a girl you know? You could've been normal"
"I was born gay you douche, and that girl raped me for your information, not like you care, now tell me where Alex is"
He pointed out the window.
"He's outside"
"Wow very specific you prick, where is Alex?!" Peggy snarled, her face getting redder and her fists clenching.
"Feisty, girls aren't meant to be feisty, they're meant for sex and cooking so shut your little prissy mouth up"
Peggy was about to punch him before I pulled back her arm. "He'll hurt you" I whispered back.
"Why don't you get with Peggy, she has a vagina." He cackled as he punched her in the stomach.
"I'm gay, asshole. WHERE IS ALEX?" She pushed me off as I tried to hug her, she was fuming.
"I told you. Outside" he pointed at the broken window.
I quickly realised what he meant and ran to the window to see a body on the ground.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO" I screamed, grabbing Peggy's arm and running to where the body who I rightly assumed was Alexs' as I dialed the police.
"911 my father came to my dorm room at Kings College and threw my boyfriend out a fucking window please come"
I didn't listen to their reply and rushed to Alexs' body on the grass.
"ALEX!?" We were the first floor or dorms meaning he fell 2 stories since the entrance had its own level.
I checked his pulse.
"PEGGY HE'S ALIVE" I screamed, before I heard sirens. Peggy quickly picked up Alex's body. And helped put it on the stretcher the ambulance had brought. I pointed the police to the broken window and they ran inside the dorm building.
"Sir, ms I'm not sure you can come in the ambulance with us-"
"I'm his boyfriend and she's his best friend we're going in wether you like it or not" I sobbed, Peggy rubbing my arm as she cried into my shoulder.
The man smiled and led us in. "I'm proud of you son, it's not easy" he said. "Don't call me son" I glared. He retreated to the front of the ambulance while the medics were checking on Alex.
"Is he going to be ok?" I could hardly understand Peggy through the sobs and her breath repeatedly stopping and starting. I kissed her on the head. "He loved us" I said, which only made her scream into my shoulder, already soaking wet from her tears.
(Their gc )
DatTurtleBoi: my dad. Threw Alex out a window Peggy is with me, come to hospital
HelplessCinnaBun: holy fuck, Angelica and I are on the way are you ok John
DatTurtleBoi: how ok do you think I am
LaffyTaffy: John please stay calm we will explain what we know when you feel better, Hercules and I are on the way.
Peggy and I sat in the waiting room silently before the rest of the squad ran in.
"IS HE BREATHING? IS HE GOING TO SURVIVE?" Eliza screamed through tears.
"WHO DID THIS? JOHN DID YOU KNOW" Angelica shrieked while she pulled Eliza along.
"SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW!?" Peggy got out of her chair and started pacing.
I was silent while everyone screamed over each other including Lafayette cursing in French.
"Nooooo no no nooooo no no no no no no no no no no no no no no nooo" I sang.
"John, now is not the time for my stupid song" Peggy huffed.
"Smooth operator hot damn there she goes, yo bro take 5, take a walk outside, don't act exhausted or lost don't let life slide we're all struggling and times are tight and don't get stuck in a corner like a street light....don't let life slide." I continued. (A/N Idek I just love In the Heights)
Everyone sat down, taking deep breaths before a nurse came in.
"I'm sorry to inform you, we aren't certain Mr Hamilton will....wake up"
I slammed my head into my hands and the screaming restarted.
"It's a possibility he will, luckily he didn't damage his head in the fall, he did break his arm and his backbone and neck bones are damaged severely, any more of a fall, his neck would've snapped and he would for certain not be alive. We also suggest a therapist as we've noticed he has cuts from a razor along the sides of his pelvic bone, stomach and upper arm. He also has a large amount of bruises which are not new"
"I'm such a shit boyfriend, why didn't I check on him?" I mumbled into my hands.
"John...." Eliza embraced me.
"I'm not enough" I cried.
The nurse awkwardly walked back into the room, she's probably seen this situation many times.
"Hello John and friends"
"Henry, get out" Hercules grumbled, he looked ready to kill.
"This is what you get when there's a fag in the family." He laughed.
"And this is what you get when there's a dick in the family" Peggy punched him right in the jaw.
"Got a strong punch for a girl"
"You've probably got a small dick for someone who is such a dick" Peggy shot back before Henry left.
"Hercules, laf, tell me what happened" i commanded.
Hercules' POV
"Hey Alex, want to come watch Hercules the movie with us? We just came back from a date"
"I would love to but I have to plan some stuff for John and I's 1 year anniversary."
"A proposal would be nice mon ami" Lafayette sniggered.
"I wish, it's only been a year though" Alex smiled.
"Well we're happy you're not working nearly as much mon ami, you used to be non stop" Lafayette nudged him.
"I have more important things to focus on now" he stared at a picture frame of him and John.
"Well good luck with the planning mate" I said, turning back to the movie.
(A/N btw Hercules and Lafayette didn't tell John Alex was planning anniversary stuff it's just for the flashback )
A few minutes later I heard a knock on our dorm.
"I'll get it babe" Lafayette got up to open the door.
"Hello Lafayette"
"Hello douchebag. John isn't here" laf glared.
"I'm not looking for my disappointment, fag of a son, I'm looking for Hamilton."
Shit it's Henry.
"He's not here either" I lied, getting up to protect Lafayette.
"We'll see about that" and with that he punched Lafayette in the face.
"LAF" I screamed pulling him away.
"Get out."
"No, it's our dorm"
He pushed us out and locked the door behind us. I tried to open the door to Alex's dorm but I heard screams and before I could push the door open something was pushing against it. I have to get Laf to Eliza, she's a medical student and get them to help Alex.
End of flashback
"And we went to see Angie and Eliza but when we came back Alex was gone, so we tried to find you, but we couldn't and before we could do anything else you texted us"
John's POV
"Mr Laurens, Ms Peggy Schuyler, Alexander is asking for you" a nurse said.
Peggy and I practically tripped over ourselves rushing to his room.
"Baby girl are you ok?"
"Other than a shit ton of tubes being stuck into my skin, Stay Alive Reprise stuck in my head and I just only managed to escape death I'm all good" Alex smiled.
"Still a smart ass so we know he's ok" Peggy giggled, wiping tears from her eyes. "I'm going to go back outside. I'll tell the others you're ok but I will comeback soon" she kissed him on the forehead and went back to the waiting room.
Alex patted the side of the bed, motioning me to lie next to him.
"You scared me, I'm staying with you all the time now" I said while Alex wiped some of my tears away with his thumbs.
"I'm not complaining" Alex's lips formed a smile.
"This wouldn't of happened if I hadn't come into your life"
"Yeah it wouldn't of" he said, my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach.
"But I would go through a million times he pain every second of my life if it meant I could be with you"
"God, you're so sappy" I laugh.
"Rude! Ugh you're so annoying sometimes but I still love you even though-" I cut off his rambling with a kiss. "You should do that more often" he chuckles.
"We're cute" I say.
"Someone should write a book about us" Alex laughs
"Or a musical"
"You're such a goof"
"I'm your goof"
I like food
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