18 - 1 year
Aye deleted the first chapter 18 lol.
Alex's POV
I had it all scheduled out. The aquarium, the turtles and the Miranda musical. I hope he likes the day.
"Please don't make me sing high school musical" I groaned
John was jumping up and down on our bed screaming and laughing and I couldn't help but smile at his gleaming face.
"9:30am?" I replied.
"JANUARY 8TH" John flopped back next to me, his eyes twinkling, his brown bopping around his freckled face and his chest pumping up and down as he attempted to catch up with his breath.
"Well get dressed, we're going somewhere!" I rolled out of bed, grabbing a change of clothes and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.
"Mind if I join you?" John knocked on the door and was still smiling ear to ear.
"Anytime" I replied, pulling him into the shower.
"Ok come on John, I'm sure Philip the turtle is fine let's go!" I laughed at my beautiful boyfriend as he stared at his turtle swim around the tank. I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the dorm door, locking it on my way out.
"Sally!" John and I ran into the coffee shop, to be welcomed by Sally, a woman who I had come to call a close friend.
"Alex!" She hugged me tightly and smiled as she handed us our special pre made drinks.
"A favourite from John's childhood and I snuck in an extra large coffee cup for your black coffee Alex" Sally winked at me, laughing. "You guys have to go! Hurry up!" She smiled and pushed us out of the coffee shop.
"Love you Alex" John quickly kissed me and slid his hand into mine as we walked to the car.
I pulled up in the parking lot of the closest aquarium to us and no doubt John was ecstatic to be there.
"The Aquarium!" John squealed like a five year old, staring in awe at the modernly styled building.
"Mr Laurens, we don't start work until February" A lady behind the reception informed us, smiling.
"We're just coming as visitors" I replied before turning to John "also you always talk about wanting to get a job here so I talked to some people and you've gotten one!" John was practically drooling over the turtle exhibit he had spotted across the room. His eyes wide as saucers and his mouth hanging open. John pulled his hands out of his hoodie pockets and ran to the exhibit, staring in awe at the green creatures swimming in the water. I laughed and snapped a quick photo before attempting to pull John off the glass.
After an hour of the aquarium and John fangirling over the animals, it was time for a musical.
"Ok come on, you wanna get them to sign your playbill or not?" I had to catch him before he fell into the marble floor from surprise. "What?" John stared at me, still trying to process the information.
"We're going to see Miranda!" I pulled him back into the car and we drove to the Richard Rogers theatre.
"we are literally in the greatest city in the world" John observed all the Broadway posters and signs stuck everywhere, his eyes large.
"John! We're going to miss the musical" I dragged him into the theatre while he still tried to process what was happening.
We ran to the front row and sat in our seats.
"Alexander thank you so much. For the job, the aquarium the-the musical I love you so much" John stuttered while he held my hand, looking around the theatre, watching everyone else live their own lives and sit in their seats.
"I love you too baby" I kissed him before he pulled out and grabbed my hand when the show started.
"THAT WAS AMAZING" John shouted when we got into the lobby.
"I know right, so what do you wanna do now ?" I asked, intertwining our hands.
"I have an idea" John smirked, jumping into the car.
"Where are we going?" I asked while being dragged along the pavement.
"A gas station"
"Ok you get the slushies, I'll get the toilet paper, silly string and shaving cream" John chucked a $20 note at me and we ran in opposite directions.
"Holy shit how many bottles of shaving string and silly string did you get?" I sipped my Coca Cola slushie, laughing at John who was carrying 5 bags of the bottles and 6 packets of toilet paper.
"Text the group chat to arrive at Jefferson's house in 15 minutes, we're gonna have some fun" John started the car and we drove to Thomas' place.
"John! What if he's home?" I whisper shouted as John dropped the plastic bags on the front yard of Jefferson's house.
"He's on holiday with Madison calm yo self Hamilton" John laughed as he threw a roll of toilet paper over the roof. "Come on! It's our 1 year anniversary! Let's have fun!" John sprayed a bottle of shaving cream all over the flowers outside before we heard the sound of a car pulling up behind us.
"Peggy shhhhh" I covered her mouth before she licked my hand, resulting in me wiping it on her arm and John laughing at me.
"Dude. Jefferson lives like 5 minutes away from any other house, his rich ass family refuses to live near us peasants" Peggy laughed.
"But your family has more money than the-"
"WOOOOOOHOOO" Eliza screamed attempting to chuck a toilet paper roll at my head, which missed and hit Peggy in the face.
"Lighten up Hamilton, it's your 1 year anniversary" Hercules patted me on the back.
"Fine" I muttered, putting on my goggles and 10 minutes later John was piggy backing me while I sprayed shaving cream and silly string all over Jefferson's house.
An hour later we'd run out of toilet paper.
"Ok maybe we should stop spraying the house" I panted.
"You're right" Angelica huffed picking up a silly string bottle.
"Your turn" The whole group grabbed shaving cream and silly string bottles and started spraying them all over John and I.
"OH MY GOD" I screamed getting up probably about 5 minutes later. Everyone but John and I were in fits of laughter on the grass.
"I hate you guys!" John shouted trying to sound angry but couldn't keep in the laughter.
"Hey it's 11:59pm" I smiled.
"Almost the end of our anniversary" John replied.
"Happy anniversary babe"
I pulled him into a kiss before I pulled out laughing, John furrowing his eyebrows and wrinkling his nose.
"Hey, what's so funny?" John asked, intertwining our fingers.
"Some of your silly string is on my nose" I laughed.
"You're such a dork" he said, kissing me.
"HEY WHAT'S THIS. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" We hear Jefferson scream.
"Shit shit shit" I mutter. "Into the bush!" I whisper shout.
We all jump into a large bush in front of the house and watch Jefferson and another person who is probably Madison walk around through the leaves.
"Ok we jump out and run to the car in 3...2..1 RUN" John screamed and we all frantically ran to the car and drove off with a wild Jefferson screaming after us.
"THAT WAS LEGEN- WAIT FOR IT" John screamed.
"DARY" we screamed in unison, falling on top of each other back on the bed.
"I love Neil Patrick Harris" I muttered.
" you and him are both taken so don't even think about it" John slurred, taking another sip of his Sam Adams.
"How much have you guys had to drinkikinkinkinkY" Peggy drunkenly said.
"eNOUGH" John shouted, spilling alcohol on the floor.
"LET'S GO SEE MARIA I WANNA SEE MARIAAAAAAAA WHATEVER HER LAST NAME IS" Peggy screamed, trying to walk out, instead walking into the door.
John and I followed Peggy to her and Maria's dorm.
Peggy pushed the door open, twirling around and singing Say No To This.
"LET HER LEGS SPREAD AND SAID-" I pulled out of my kiss with John when I heard Peggy stop singing.
"HOW COULD YOU" Peggy screamed in Maria's face.
"No Peggy!" Maria looked almost apologetic, a mess, I'd go as far to say pathetic but I could tell she didn't mean it.
I turned away from John to see probably the most horrific sight I'd ever see.
Maria, stripped down to nothing in bed with Charles Lee while Theodosia screamed at the two, attempting to pull Maria off Charles and Peggy screaming at Maria.
"Peggy, I didn't know you'd be back" Maria croaked out.
"I've been trying to get her off him and I tried to call you bu-" Theodosia began rambling, unable to finish because Peggy had begun to sob.
Theo ran over to Peggy and engulfed her in a tight hug.
"Schuyler's. our dorm. Now" John had called the Schuyler's, AKA, the 'breakup/I just dated a total bitch recovery squad'
Theodosia pulled Peggy out of the room, leaving John and I in the room with Maria and Charles Lee. "You bitch" I glared.
"Hey Alex, want to join us?" Maria got out of the bed, exposing her uncovered body.
"EWWWW" John and I screamed turning ourselves around in sync.
"DUDE I AM GAY FOR A REASON" John screamed. Him saying that, never ended well.
"John you fat mother fucke-" Maria walked up to John, ready to slap him in the face. I punched her right In the jaw and grabbed John by the arm and ran.
"NOICEEEEEEE BRO UPTOP" he lifted his arm up, causing a drunken Laurens to fall backwards.
"Ew I'm your boyfriend don't ever call me bro again" I replied picking him up.
"Ok John sit down next to Pegs, I'll make you the hangover recovery drink" I said, I recover from my drunken state pretty fast.
"WHAT A BITCH" Peggy screamed, throwing a picture frame of her and Maria at the wall.
"Ok I sympathize for you but please don't get glass all over our floor" I said, handing Peggy and John their drinks. "Cmon, I've got the ice cream and Nutella and the Disney movies" I waved the Ben and Jerry's cookie dough in her face.
"Ok but only if we watch The Little Mermaid and Snow White. I like screaming about how they were stupid with their decisions. You just can't do that with Jasmine. She's just TOO PERFECT" Peggy sobbed into Eliza's chest.
"She's an animat-"
"SHE'S PERFECT" Peggy screamed shoving ice cream in her face.
John slid the Aladdin CD into the tv while Peggy ripped the 7th stress ball that night in half.
"I love you John"
"I love you too" John kissed me back. Tomorrow was our first day back at uni this year.
"Where do you see yourself in two years?" John asked out of the blue, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, as much as I love law I'd love to make a musical someday. I want to have a family, 2 daughters and a son, maybe, I don't know but I just want a happy family" I smiled at myself, imagining the scenario, I could only imagine my future parter as John, as hard as I tried to get it out of my head, I couldn't, what if I didn't end up with John? But I couldn't imagine it any other way.
The Schuyler's and Theodosia had left leaving John and I in bed.
"Night babe"
"Night John"
I nuzzled my head into his neck and drifted off to sleep.
1 year later
I love Aladdin iM SORRY
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