The Truth Untold
Bloomed in a garden of loneliness
A flower that resembles you
I wanted to give it to you
After I take off this foolish mask
But I know
I can't do that forever
I have to hide
Because I'm a monster
I am afraid
I am shattered
I'm so afraid
That you will leave me again in the end
Once again I put on a mask and go to see you
2 days ago
"Sho, I'm worried about 'Zuku. He seems...different, y'know? Ever since the Kaminari incident." Hizashi said.
It was already 10 pm and they were just getting ready to go to bed when the voice hero voiced his concerns to his husband.
Said husband sighed as he puffed up his pillow.
Drawing back the duvet, Shouta climbed into bed.
Sitting, he turned to look at his husband, concern clear as day on his face.
"I know 'Zashi. I noticed, especially in class. It's he's isolated, lonely. I was planning on talking to him if it doesn't get better by tomorrow and then the class. This, it isn't good for him, for anyone and I'm planning on putting a stop to it."
"Yeah, that's good. Love you Sho."
"Love you too, Sunshine," Aizawa replied as he kissed Hizashi on the head.
1 day ago
The end-of-school bell rang, dismissing students to their dorms.
Aizawa sighs when he doesn't see Izuku anywhere in sight. He must've run then.
All throughout the day, Aizawa noticed the strange behavior of his son hadn't changed. The fact that the class seemed to be ignoring him also didn't help.
He was starting to get frustrated.
It's like trying to catch that one villain/vigilante, but they were slippery and always get away. It starts to get on your nerves and makes your temper short.
I guess I should be glad that 'Zuku isn't a villain or vigilante that needs catching, huh? Aizawa thought as he made his way to the staff room.
Entering, Aizawa sees identical frowns on his husband's and Vlad's faces.
Frowning, he enters the room and makes his way to the coffee machine.
Just as he was about to ask what the problem was, Hizashi turns towards him and starts speaking.
"Shouta, we need to sit Izuku down and have a talk. This whole week we have been getting nothing but negative remarks from his teachers about homework not being turned in or disrupting the class. Now? Now I have to hear about how my son is a bully! This needs to stop and now!"
His voice had steadily gotten louder as he continued to speak, and was unable to keep the anger and disappointment out of his voice, but if you listened carefully, one would've noticed the underlying concern.
Aizawa frowned, deep in thought as he took a sip of his coffee.
This whole week had been strange.
Everything was thought to be good between Kaminari Denki and his son, but suddenly Izuku starts to avoid the other and everyone else. He doesn't talk to anyone and is always alone.
When having to work in a group he's always on the side or at the back of the group, there but never participating.
Suddenly, he went from a perfect model student who always handed his homework in on time or before the time, to someone who never hands it in. Either not done or mysteriously forgotten.
This wasn't Izuku.
Even if the kid was rebelling, he was someone who would never put his own education at risk. No matter what he did or what his goal was.
His education mattered to him more than anything besides family.
"We need to keep an eye on him. This whole week had been strange and things don't add up. I don't like it. Tomorrow we definitely need to talk to him," he said to his husband in response to his earlier rant.
Hisashi nodded, understanding, before going back to what he was previously doing before his conversation with Vlad King.
Sighing, he makes his way to his table, having third-year essays to mark.
He sighs once more.
Earlier that day
Just as he was about to call out to Izuku to stay behind, an announcement came through that he was wanted in the Principle's office.
He sighs and curses at yet another opportunity lost to talk to Izuku.
After making sure everyone has left, he starts making his way to Nezu's office, not even bothering to knock once he got there, knowing the door would open on its own anyway.
Entering the office, he takes one of the available seats in front of the desk, watching silently as Nezu prepared tea, or coffee in his case.
Taking a sip immediately after receiving the coffee, Aizawa sighed and looked the Principle directly in the eyes.
He sighs.
"What did he do this time?"
Nezu stares at him for a few seconds, curiosity swimming in his eyes.
"Yes, indeed. What did he do, hmm?" Nezu replied.
"Well, this time I can assure you that it's nothing bad. I just have a question for you," Nezu continued, looking bright at Aizawa at the end.
Aizawa raises an eyebrow, a sign for the rat to continue.
Next slides a few forms in front of him. Aizawa's eyes widen upon reading through it.
"Want to explain this to me? Why the sudden change in decision?"
Aizawa sat there for a few seconds, only staring before he looked up at the Principle, confusion clear in his expression.
"I didn't order nor authorize this."
Lunch Time, Principle's Office
Nezu is someone who prouds himself in always being one or several steps ahead of everyone else.
He's always aware of people's moves, and thus makes sure he's always steps ahead of them, and has several plans in place.
He has backups for his backups.
So, that was why, when one Aizawa Izuku showed up at his office door at lunch today, he had been surprised.
He had not been expecting him, but it wasn't that big of a deal. It didn't affect any of his plans.
What was a big deal was what he came here for.
"I'm here to request transfer papers to Gen Ed, Sir."
Now Nezu had been surprised. This...
This was not a part of his plan. He did not factor for this to happen.
He thought Aizawa wasn't going to move him?
Frowning, he spoke, "Did Aizawa send you?
Izuku stared at him, eyes guarded, not giving anything away. After a minute or so, he nodded his head, then slightly tilted it, as if urging him to give the papers when he didn't make a move.
Sighing, he eventually gets the correct papers and slides them over to the student.
Izuku reads and fills any spaces he needs to, before sliding it back over r to the Principle.
Without a word, he bows and then leaves, leaving behind a very confused and slightly annoyed Principle.
Nezu will have to talk to Aizawa. He needs to find out what is going on.
Now, with Aizawa
Aizawa makes his way to the 1A dorms, deeply in thought.
Why the hell would Izuku go to Nezu and ask for a transfer?
He knows that he had been given a second chance and that he won't be kicked from the Hero Course.
So why..?
Aizawa enters the common room of Heights Alliance and immediately starts searching for Izuku.
A few students were lounging around, while others were studying or just generally doing their own thing.
Admittedly, he got angry when no one answered him after he asked for Izuku.
After he finally did receive a reply, he immediately rushed to his son's room, wanting to sort this out.
However, when he did reach his room, what he saw was devastating, and made him feel like he failed Izuku.
After not receiving a response, Aizawa picked his son up and rushed to their apartment as fast as possible.
They should've talked about it. He shouldn't have waited this long.
An hour later, Izuku finds himself on his parent's couch in their campus apartment.
His attention was grabbed by his father entering the room.
Aizawa sat next to Izuku in the couch and held his hands.
Looking at his son, he asked him why he applied for a transfer when it was made clear that he wasn't going to be kicked from the Hero Course.
What Izuku said next broke his heart.
"I only did what everyone wanted me to, Dad."
Look, don't be mad at me, be mad at this stupid app.
You guys would've received a chapter last week, but Wattpad deleted it! I was sooo mad when I saw.
Then I lost motivation and said fck it. You guys wouldn't die waiting one more week.
Anyway, how was the chapter? I hope you enjoyed it!
Also, bonus points for those of you who know where the chapter name and the first part of the chapter is from!
Fortunately for me, and I guess unfortunately for you guys, the end if this book is in sight. Only a few more chapters to go!
I!m excited, but also sad.
Also, important!
I'm going to ask you guys to be extra extra extra patient with me until luke the 6th of December, as I am busy writing my final exams for Grade 12th!
Yes, I am graduating this year! Woohoo. Almost done!
I know I asked you guys to be patient a lot in the past, but I was ebwar with me! I'm trying.
Anyway, love you guys!
Remember to always stay safe and healthy!
Enjoy your day/night!
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