The Art Of Love: Your Eyes Tell
何故、こんなにも 涙が溢れるの
ねえ、側にいて そして笑ってよ
君のいない未来は 色のない世界
見つめてる 暗闇さえも So beautiful
BTS - Your Eyes Tell
Izuku's head snaps up from where he laid it between his knees.
Standing in front of him, was Monoma Neito, the constant pain in the ass for all of 1A.
Izuku just wants him to go away. He really doesn't have the energy to put up with his antics today.
"Fuck off, Monoma. I don't want to deal with your shit today," he said, his tone harsh and dismissive.
He heard a sigh before he heard that annoying voice again.
"You know Midoriya, I'm not always what I portray myself to be to your class. If you look, like really look and see for yourself, you will see that the world doesn't revolve only around you. If you don't want my help, just say so. I would've understood and left. You didn't need to be a little bitch about it."
After his whole speech, Monoma stood up silently, dusted off the grass from his pants and made his way to leave. Four steps ahead, he stops, looking at the sitting sun.
He doesn't turn, doesn't even glance to where he sits. He keeps gazing at the sun, speaking for the last time, his voice softer than the previous times.
"I expected better from you, Midoriya."
And he was gone, walking back to where he was headed in the first place.
Izuku sat there, shocked. He couldn't comprehend what just happened. He sat there speechless, before dropping his head back onto his knees.
Closing his eyes, he wondered what the fuck his life had become.
The world fades to black.
For days Izuku breathes, but doesn't live. He sees but doesn't comprehend. Listens but doesn't hear.
The world flies by every second, minute and day a blur, forgotten.
Monoma's words keep repeating in his head.
Do I really act like the world revolves around me? It's not like I make everything about myself. I know other people deal with their own problems!
He stops, other students walking around him. He looks up to the sky, sighing.
But do I see them?
He keeps walking.
He never thought that something like this would bother him. Not coming from someone the likes of Monoma anyway.
It had been about two weeks since that conversation with Monona. He couldn't get that conversation to stop repeating over and over.
It had made him look at everything from a different perspective, one that is not his own. Who knew that he could be so selfish.
He was so focused on himself, on how he was wronged by the people that he had trusted most, that he hadn't stopped tom consider, to listen to it from their side. He had also always prided himself in the fact that he wasn't one to judge people, yet he had treated Monoma so horribly just from what? A few interactions here and there.
And yeah, Monoma may have been a dick in those interactions, but Izuku should know that it doesn't always mean that that was how a person truly was. Just look at Katsuki. Izuku had been the asshole in that situation. Monoma had only tried to help. It was more than any of his so called friends had done.
Izuku needs to apologise as soon as possible, but seeing as how Monoma keeps ignoring him, that seemed next to impossible.
What to do?
Two days later, Izuku is stood in front of Monoma, awkwardly silent as he tried to think of how to word his apology, but Monoma's glare really doesn't help with his nerves.
Having seemingly lost his patience, pinching his nose as he sighed, before speaking, "You know, I haven't got all day, so if you could hurry this along.
Okay, he can do this.
Did you know that I have always prided myself in my ability of being selfless, of being able to never judge people and see that the person they portray to be isnt the person they truly are? Well, until you came along and rudely told me I was being a jerk.
Okay, so maybe that wasnt the best way to start his apology, further proven by Monoma when he raised one of his eyebrows, a look saying the audacity of this bitch. He then turned to leave without saying anything in return. Izuku grabbed his arm, effectively stopping him in his tracks, but also managing to put a murderous look on his handsome face.
Okay, wait no, that came out wrong. I meant that that was what I always thought. You just gave me a much needed reality check. That no one is perfect, and that I am being a dick. I realized that, I had been so focused on myself, that I didnt stop to think of the people around me, and that I didnt give you the chance you deserved. That I was being unfair towards you, and I just want to say that Im sorry. That was completely uncalled for and I know forgiveness wont come easy, But I was still hoping that if you were willing, if you would give me a second chance?
They stood in silence for a minute or two, and just as he was starting to think he truly fucked up this time, Monoma started speaking, voice soft and yet stern at the same time.
Look Midoriya, I am not going to stay angry at you for how you acted. I was disappointed, still am honestly, but everyone and their mothers know that something happened in 1A, and that you are getting the brunt of it. I could see you were having a bad day, thats why I came over and thats why I tried to help you. Yeah, it hurt when you judged me so quickly, but I am not going to deny and say that I am not guilty of doing the same. We are all human at the end of the day, he paused, taking in a breath, before continuing. So, lets start over completely. Forget what happened between us, and let,s try to be friends, deal? he asked, holding out his hand to shake.
Stunned, he took Monoma's hand slowly as he agreed, thankful for the second chance.
Good, now that that's sorted, want to tell me what had you so down in the dumps that day?
And so Izuku told him everything.
Since then, it had been another two weeks that had flown by, in which Izuku had spent with 1B as much as he could. He could see the hurt in his brothers eyes and the worry in his parents, but by that point he didnt care. Yeah, it made him feel bad, but what they had done had honestly hurt him, it had felt like getting stabbed over and over again, a wound never given the chance to heal. Whenever he needed to be in the same space as them, he would take out his hearing aids under the pretence of needing a break.
He could see his brothers trying to get him alone in a room to speak, but he always managed to escape. It seemed though, that Neito was just so done with him.
Just speak to them, Izuku. Honestly, this game of cat and mouse is getting pathetic.
I can't do that Nei, they had hurt me, and it doesnt just go away overnight. he argued back.
You think I dont know that? How do you think we are able to to talk to each other know? Because I gave you a chance. I gave you the chance to explain yourself. Just... talk to them, Zu, because you never know if things are different from how it seemed to you.
Izuku wanted to argue, but one look at Neito told him that it was best not to. So sighing, he, very relunctantly, gave in, promising to talk it out.
The next day he found himself face to face with his brothers.
It has truly been a while. I hope everyone is doing well.
I would first off like to apologize for my continued dissapearrances, but adulting sucks and so does life, hopefully yours has been better.
Now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I truly did try my best, even though I may still not be satisfied. I wrote it on my brand new first ever laptop that I bought. MYSELF.
So hopefully, longer chapters and more frequent chapters will lay ahead of us, but no promises.
I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and that you enjoy the holidays.
Stay safe and healthy!
Have a great rest of the day/night!
P.S -> @Istorger I would literally die for you, do you need hugs? Do I have to kidnap you? Name a time and place <3
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