Regrets and Apologies
Never regret anything that has happened in your life, it cannot be changed, undone, or forgotten, so take it as a lesson learned and move on.
Kaminari just wanted to go to the bathroom.
Okay, no. That was a lie.
He wanted to wash his face and calm his nerves before facing Mido- Izuku.
He wanted to fix what he had caused and become Izuku's friend once more.
That was not what he got.
When he arrived at the bathroom, he saw that it was already occupied by someone.
Most likely Izuku, since he had passed all the others in the living room.
He was about to turn around and walk away when he heard soft sobs and heavy breathing.
Concerned, he turned toward the bathroom door and knocked, calling out Izuku's name, only to receive no answer.
Once more, he knocked, and again it was only followed by a silent sob.
He was about to knock again, harder this time when he heard a thud of something heavy falling onto the floor.
Even more concerned now, he told him he was going to come in, to warn him so he doesn't get startled.
When he did open the door, he couldn't breathe.
Snapping out of his shock, he ran forward, falling on his knees, and grabbed the nearest towel, wrapping it around Izuku's writs.
So much blood, too much.
He was trying to stay calm but it was hard.
Without even knowing it, he yelled for Aizawa and Yamada.
He yelled and yelled, desperation filling his voice, cracking as he kept yelling.
He didn't stop, even as he was pulled away from Izuku. He tried to get out of the strong grip, tried to get back to Izuku, to save him.
He didn't even notice that he had worked himself into a panic attack, not until he saw Hitoshi in front of him, telling him to breathe Kaminari. I need you to breathe for me.
No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't look away, and oh gosh that reminded him of the time he did the exact same thing not too long ago, and suddenly the urge was back, and fuck, now he's scratching at his wrist, and he needs a blade right now-
Suddenly he was pulled from his thoughts as someone - Hitoshi - gripped his wrists, and he was forced to look into that beautiful violet eyes.
Distantly he hears him, hears a Hitoshi guiding him to breathe, and to concentrate on me Denki, look at me.
And he does, he focuses on him, and how somewhere when he was in his panic, his hand found its way to just above Hitoshi heart, and now his breathing the same rhythm as the heart, and oh, that feels better, to finally be able to breathe again.
He looks at Hitoshi and sees the worry, for both him and Izuku, and he looks at him long enough to smile before suddenly he's falling forward, totally exhausted, feels arms circling around him before darkness has engulfed him.
Yamada Hizashi is usually always a happy person. He doesn't easily get sad nor does he easily get mad.
Yes, he gets worried, especially when Shouts or the kids get hurt, but never made or anything.
The last time he felt either that emotion, really felt it, was when he and Shouta was still in high school, and they lost Oboro to a villain attack in their second year.
But now...
Sitting here in the hospital, waiting for the news on how Izuku was doing, having to watch as his family names themselves for something none of them could control, could've predicted.
They had thought he was getting better, that the therapy and everything was helping.
He had been doing so good, having been clean for two months, so having heard Kaminari shout for help, that they need to call an ambulance because Izuku is bleeding out on the floor!
Watching all of this unfold, like a scene out of a movie, and fuck how he wish it was actually a scene from a movie and not reality, it makes him mad.
No, livid.
Because he didn't deserve this, none of them deserved to go through what they had gone through. Life is just so fucking unfair and he hated it.
He hated the fact they they had to live through that. Hates the fact that they had to witness and learn that the world out there was big and it was ugly, filled with evils and monsters.
It was a world full of things that you never want to learn or hear about, because it's so fucked up.
It's a world children should not witness and be made aware of at such young age.
And they are just that.
They should be out there, living like Fe to the fullest without having to worry about a single thing.
They should go out there and make friends and be a little childish and laugh everyday.
Instead, they're always fearing for their lives, always on guard, waiting for the next villain attack, the next bad thing to happen to them.
And it makes him livid.
He wants to protect them but he can't and it hurts so bad.
He just wishes that things could've gone differently. He hopes that things change for the better.
Katsuki doesn't know what to feel, what to do or what to say.
This wasn't supposed to happen again. He was supposed to be okay and happy and laughing at home.
But he's not. Instead his brother, his best friend, is laying on a hospital bed, unconscious with badanges wrapped around his arms. Again.
He's lost count on how many times this has happened since Izuku first got adopted, that's how many times he's had tried to kill himself.
It's not supposed to be like that.
He should've been okay, he has been going to therapy and was helping, or well, so he thought.
Sitting here in the waiting room, he realised that it wasn't alright for a while now.
Since the incident with Kaminari, things haven't been okay.
And he should've known, and he hates himself for not knowing, even though there is nothing he can do right now.
But, he's angry.
He's angry because Izuku didn't come to him to talk or to ask for help.
Not only does it make him angry, but it hurts so much, because it feels like Izuku didn't trust him enough to go and talk to him which hurts.
So, he promises to himself.
He promises that, even if it kills him, he would do anything and everything in his power to help and protect Izuku, because he deserves it.
After two hours of waiting, they were finally allowed to see Izuku.
When they entered, Izuku was sitting up, looking out of the window. He didn't even qcknowly their presence, and everyone except Kaminari realised that he didn't have his hearing aids in.
They saw that Kaminari was about to call out to Izuku, but he was quickly stopped by Hitoshi, who shook his head at him. Kaminari gave a confused look at Hitoshi, before the other boy motions to him to be quiet and watch. He recieved a nod in return.
Kaminari watches as Yamada-Sensei walked up to where he stood infront of Izuku, long enough and patient until he was noticed him. They started signing, which confused Kaminari, or did until he saw Yamada-Sensei help Izuku put the hearing aids in.
Kaminari mad an 'oh' face, understanding what was going on.
When he was set, Izuku turned to them and smiled, though when he saw Kaminari his smile dropped and he started crying.
Confused and a bit hurt, Kaminari made a noise in the back of his throat, looking around for answers, though no one knew what was wrong.
When Izuku was more calmed down, he started talking.
"I'm so sorry. So sorry. I heard when you talked with Hitoshi and I know it's wrong to have eavesdropped but I wanted to ask something and I heard you, and I'm so sorry, because you don't deserve to be treated like that or go through that and I'm basically the same as that man and I don't-" Izuku's rant was cut off by Kaminari throwing himself at Izuku, hugging him.
Both of them broke down, holding each other. The others smiled, (well, Hizashi did. The rest tried to hide it) knowing that they would be just fine.
Hizashi and Shouta was glad, that no matter what happens, they're kids will always be there for one another.
Hey guys!
Long time, huh?
Anyway, so I hope you enjoyed it. I think this is the longest chapter that I've ever written so I really hope it's worth the effort.
Also, I apologise for having Izuku try to commit suicide so much, but I think it's done. I'm not gonna write another suicide scene (for Izuku atleast) ever again. That does not mean that his depression and anxiety and all his trauma has gone away. There will still be some up and downs, but that is what makes the book fun.
Enjoy your day/night and stay safe!
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