Putting A Stop To This Nonsense
Fear has two meanings; ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours.
~Zig Zigler
Third Person's POV:
He doesn't know when it started happening.
All he knows is that at one point he would be staring at a wall or the person in front of him, or anything really and the next he would wake up and be in a completely different place than he was hours ago.
It's a frequent thing now, having blanks in his memories, only remembering like five hours of his day.
No one's noticed, at least he doesn't think anyone has. He hopes they didn't.
He doesn't want to worry anyone. Especially his dad and brothers.
He's already worried them a lot, being the burden he always has been.
Today had been one of the better days, he thought as he woke up. For once, his anxiety was calm, and there were no immediate bad thoughts. The exhaustion was still there, it's always been and always will be there, but it wasn't as bad as it had been lately. His limbs didn't feel like lead, uncooperative, and unnecessarily heavy as they usually did when he had to get up in the mornings. He had a decent amount of sleep (3 hours, but it was good in his book), only being woken up by nightmares only once.
All in all, it was a good day for Izuku.
He still knew though, that he would still be getting glares from his classmates. He knows that whispers would follow him as he walks down the school hallway. Knows that the words villain and monster will be spoken behind his back.
Maybe they thought he couldn't hear him, or maybe they knew and just found a sick type of pleasure in that.
It hurts. He won't lie. It'll always hurt, but he's used to it. Used to being called names, being hated, ignored.
Used to be a burden.
Of course, Izuku had been right about the glares. The whispers. The hurtful namecalling.
He ignored it. He could ignore it and had experience in ignoring it.
He could do it.
Izuku couldn't ignore it.
He tried, really he did. He thought he was doing a good job in it too.
Today though, it seems his class had decided to be extra vindictive.
He was excluded from every class activity. His things either mysteriously disappeared or broke. Homework went missing, getting him into trouble with at least four of his teachers.
He knows that he would get into trouble with his parents. Especially when, in one of those cases, his pops had been one of the teachers not receiving a homework assignment. And by the disappointed look, he has already heard from his other teachers.
Izuku just lowered his head defeated and accepted his fourth detention slip.
He could hear some of his classmates snickering in the background.
During their change in periods, he would get tripped or pushed around, and if he hurt someone in the process, it would be his fault and he would find himself at the end of more disappointed glares from his teachers.
The worst of it all, though?
His brothers didn't stop them.
If they were joining in on the fun or just standing by and watching it happen, he didn't know.
Al he knows is that it hurts, more than their words and jabs ever could.
By lunchtime, Izuku had decided.
Aizawa let out a heavy sigh when the last bell rang.
The whole day had been shit.
He woke up late, didn't have time for his coffee, had one hell of a migraine, and to top it off, had to hear from multiple teachers (his husband included) that Izuku didn't turn in his homework.
Aizawa had pinched the breach of his nose, closing his eyes and asking for whatever deity existed to just give him patience, not strength.
Cause fuck knows he's going to kill a kid if he receives strength.
Frowning, Aizawa looked at Izuku as he packed his bag.
This wasn't Izuku. This was so out of character for him, Izuku always turned in his homework on time, sometimes even earlier than the due date.
He has always been a star student, but lately, since the Kaminari incident, it seemed as if Izuku had changed.
Just as he was about to call out to Izuku and ask him to stay behind, a message through the intercom came and informed him he was wanted in Nezu's office.
Sighing, he looked towards Izuku's desk, only to see him already gone.
Aizawa groans, but makes his way to Nezu's office.
It's an hour later when Aizawa finally steps foot in Heights Alliance.
The meeting with Nezu hadn't gone at all how he thought it would. Yes, he had an idea that it could've been about Izuku and if he's caused trouble at all, and in a way he was right.
He just didn't expect the meeting to go like this.
He needs to get to the bottom of this. And ASAP.
Stepping into the common room, in search of a curly green-haired teenager.
When he couldn't find the teenager in question, he turned to the rest of the class and asked them where he is.
When no one answered him, he had admittedly lost his temper a little.
Finally, it was Iida who answered him.
"Last we saw him, Sensei, he was headed towards his room."
He nodded and took the stairs two at a time towards his son's room.
He knocks, waits two seconds, and enters.
He expected to see him doing homework, maybe even sleeping.
He didn't expect to come in and see his son sitting on his bed, staring at the wall in front of him, unblinking, unfocused.
Immediately he went towards Izuku, not too fast, slowly, enough to alert Izuku that he was there and to not startle him.
Though, it seemed the boy didn't even notice him, totally out of it.
Making sure Izuku had his hearing aids in, I start to talk to him.
" 'Zuku? Little one can you hear me?"
No response.
Fuck. Okay.
Making sure to be gentle, I put an arm under his legs and behind his back and picked him up.
Turning around, I rushed out of his room, making sure not to jostle him too badly.
Kaminari Denki knows what people thought of him.
He knows that everyone thinks he's just an idiot, the class clown.
He never did try and stop them from that way of thinking. After all, it's better to not have all of the attention on you. Attention is bad.
But having lived the life Kaminari did, didn't go without having picked up a few tricks.
Like observation.
So really, he isn't surprised that he is the only one ( except for the three brothers) to have noticed Aizawa fast and swiftly makes his way down the stairs of Heights Alliance, an unresponsive Midoriya limp in his arms.
He wanted to jump up and run after Mr. Aizawa. He wanted to make sure that Izuku is okay.
And that Izuku couldn't have already broken his promise could he?
But he was stopped by two firm arms around his waist.
He turned around, only to see it was his boyfriend Hitoshi.
Hitoshi firmly shook his head no, a frown on his face.
At that, Kaminari felt pure rage bubble up in his chest.
How dare Hitoshi tell him no?!
Was he not worried for Izuku? For his brother?
But when Kaminari looked at Hitoshi, really looked at him, he saw the fear, anxiousness, and rage in his eyes.
He relaxes.
Of course, he's worried. He's Izuku's brother, for goodness sake!
He'll just have to wait for any news then.
Fuck. He hates this waiting game.
Three hours later, after Aizawa rushed out of the 1A dorm with Izuku, he storms back in, this time without the broccoli-headed teen, looking livid.
Oh boy.
"Class meeting now!"
Long time no see, huh?
Almost a year, I think?
Yea, sorry bout that, wasn't planning on it :(((
I hope you enjoyed it?
Remember to stay safe and healthy!
Have a wonderful night/day!
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