I'm Really Sorry. Will you be my boyfriend?
"Be careful with your words. Once there spoken, they can be forgiven. Not forgotten."
Third Person's POV:
Kaminari just stood there and stared.
Because really, what else was he supposed to do.
'Welp. If this isn't awkward'
Right now, he was in the home of his teacher. Aizawa had offered to stay with him and his family while they sorted this whole thing out, and Kaminari was happy because no one had done that for him in the past.
But that's not the problem here.
Because right now, Kaminari was standing in Aizawa-Sensei's house, staring at four of his classmates just lounging around.
The four looked at him like deers caught in headlights as if this was some closely guarded secret.
'well, he supposes it was, seeing as no one knew of it before now'
Sitting there, in front of him, was 4 of his classmates.
There was Todoroki, which alright, he sort of understand, seeing as his father was arrested a few years back.
Then, there was Bakugou. That one is definitely a surprise.
There was the person who beat the shit out of him a few days ago, Midoriya, which is also a surprise.
And then there was his crush. Shinsou.
And just as he was about to say hi, Shinsou and Midoriya stood up and ran upstairs.
After a few seconds, you can hear two doors slam shut.
He stood there for a few seconds, staring at the space where they both were mere seconds ago.
Hearing a sigh, Kaminari looks up at Aizawa-Sensei.
"Just, wait here. Shouto, behave." Aizawa said before disappearing up the stairs.
Shouto looked at him - it's Shouto because he can't call him Todoroki because he is an Aizawa - shrugged and turned back to reading.
Kaminari just stood there in more awkward silence before he heard two pairs of feet come down the stairwell.
Looking up, he saw Hitoshi and - oh wow! Is that Mic-Sensei?
Kaminari just stood there, staring at Mic-Sensei dumbfounded for a few minutes until he spoke up.
"Hey there, little listener! Welcome to our home. You can just call me Yamada or Hizashi. Whichever you prefer," Mr. Yamada said.
Kaminari was still dumbfounded but nodded after a few seconds.
Hiroshi, who he only now noticed was holding a baby cat in his hands, went to sit next to Shouto.
About 5 minutes later, Aizawa came down the stairs, looking so done with life.
Just then he noticed Midoriya who was walking behind him.
He passed Aizawa and went to sit in between Bakugou's legs, where the blonde immediately started to run his hands through his hair.
Aizawa sighed as he went to stand in the middle of the living room and beckoned Kaminari over.
Awkwardly, he shuffled towards his homeroom teacher and went to stand beside him.
He made a point of looking down at the floor, not once daring to look up and meet anyone's stare.
When Aizawa cleared his throat, Kaminari, and the other four teenagers, had out of habit, look up at their teacher, giving him their full attention.
"Right. Kaminari here will be staying with us for a few days until we can find him a family that would foster and/or adopt him."
Immediately after that sentence had left his mouth, all four pairs of eyes looked at him.
He saw different emotions in each of their eyes, and there was one all of them had in common.
Though, none of the one emotion he had expected.
None of them showed any pity. Not even symphony.
There were anger and confusion in Bakugou's eyes.
Surprise in Todoroki's eyes.
There was, actually, he couldn't see what emotions were in Shinsou's eyes.
But, Midoriya, his expression held probably the most emotion.
Guilt. Fear. Anger. Understanding.
That was the one emotion all of them had in common.
Before he could say anything, Aizawa had dismissed them, but not before telling Shinsou to show him to the room where he would be staying.
Shinsou, of all people.
Nervously, he followed the purple-haired boy, hoping that this won't go wrong.
In all honesty, he knows that he needed to talk to him. He needed to apologize for being such a jerk to the boy.
And he knows, he knows that it doesn't excuse him from what he had done, had said.
On the way to the room, Shinsou had given him a tour, explaining where everything was and such.
Before Shinsou could leave the room he would be occupying though, he grabbed his arm and asked him to wait.
Shinsou stopped, back still towards him.
It hurts, he admits, but he guesses he deserves it.
Sighing, he started explaining what happened.
He told him how he had grown up in an abusive household. How when he found out he was gay, his foster father's abuse of him got worse, calling him names, any name that there was.
He told him of how he came home one night when he was 14, intoxicated, and raped him.
It hadn't stopped and only got worse.
Then, he told him that the day he confessed, he was raped the night before by his father and some friends he brought home.
That morning, his father called him names again, and after all of the years of being told that being gay is disgusting, he snapped when Shinsou had confessed.
He told him that he thought that if he told someone he was gay, he would just start to get abused by them to and he doesn't think he would've been able to endure that too.
"I know that none of this excuse my actions. It doesn't make the names that I called you to go away. I just-, I just want to apologize."
Shinsou who had turned around at some point looked at him with teary eyes before he hugged the boy.
No words were exchanged, it wasn't needed.
Kaminari pulled away from him, before nervously saying the next words.
"I'm really sorry for the way I made you feel. And I really do like you. So, will you be my boyfriend?"
Kaminari had looked down at the floor out of habit, nervously biting his lip and wringing his hands together while waiting for the answer.
The next thing Kaminari knew, was Shinsou pulling his back up and kissing him.
He smiled into the kiss, taking that as a yes.
Just as Hitoshi had gotten him to open his mouth and allowing his tongue access to his mouth, someone cleared their throat.
Pulling away, Kaminari saw Yamada-Sensei standing at the door with a raised eyebrow and a smirk before telling them that dinner was ready.
Blushing, Kaminari followed his boyfriend to the dining room and gotten their food.
The rest of the night was good. Nothing bad happened.
Little did they know that someone had heard their conversation, and now hates himself even more.
Hey guys!
Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you enjoy it.
The chapter is a bit longer than usual so..yea.
I hope you enjoy!
Have an amazing night/day!
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