Third Person's POV:
It was not a normal morning for the students of Class-1A.
It started as one, but did not end as one.
It has been two weeks since Shoto and Momo started dating. Momo was shy in the beginning, not really showing affection towards Shoto in public. It made Shoto really insecure, thinking she was embarassed to be with him.
It actually started a massive fight between the two, but in the end, they worked it out.
Currently, Momo was sitting on Shoto's lap, like everyday since the fight. They were talking to Izuku and Katsuki, along with Kirishima.
Everyone was laughing when the classroom door was suddenly swung open, making a loud 'BAM'.
A angry Kaminari stormed in and made his way towards his friends. When he sat down, Jirou, Sero and Mina asked him what's wrong. Kirishima emmediatly stood up and sat down with him, wanting to help his friend.
Not long after, Hitoshi came in and went to his seat. The siblings could see something was bothering him.
Katsuki and Izuku stood up and went over to Hitoshi.
Momo looked worried as she asked Shoto if he would be okay.
"Mmm, I cannot say. 'Toshi doesn't usually get upset over something. So when he does, it's serious. We just have to leave 'Suki and 'Zuku to talk with him," Shoto explained.
Momo nodded, understanding but still worried.
Suddenly, there was was another huge 'BAM' and this time not from the door.
Closely following the sound was yelling.
Eveyone in the classroom stopped what they were doing, looking over to where the sound was coming from.
They expected to see Katsuki standing there, being his usual angry self.
They did not however, expect to find Izuku standing there where he and Katsuki was talking to Hitoshi, looking absolutely pissed.
Before anyone could realize what is happening, Izuku stormed over to where Kaminari was and grabbed him by his shirt pulling him up.
"Midoriya, what-" but before Kirishima could finish his qeustion, Izuku had punched Kaminari.
Kaminari landed on the floor with the amount of force behind the punch.
Everyone was shocked. Shoto emmediatly stood up and went up to Izuku, trying to prevent him from throwing another punch. He was a bit late though.
Izuku went and sat on Kaminari's stomach to hold him down, before throwing punch after punch at Kaminari. The boy didn't even have time to defend himself.
Shoto went and tried to pull Izuku off of Kaminari, only to recieve a few punches of his own. Katsuki had went to help him along with Hitoshi.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" Izuku yelled. He was struggling against the three boys, elbowing them and kicking trying to get away from them.
"Izuku calm down!" Shoto yelled, trying to calm his brother only for it to fall on deaf ears.
Krishima and the rest of the class went up to Kaminari to help him up.
No one realized it, but Iida had gone and gotten help from one of the teachers.
Not long after, Vlad King came rushing in along with Ectoplasm and Snipe.
Just as they got there, Izuku somehow escaped his brothers grip and went to Kaminari, punching him twice before getting pulled back by Ectoplasms clones.
This time he couldn't escape them, but that doesn't mean he didn't try.
"ENOUGH!!!" Vlad King yelled.
Izuku stood there being held by Ectoplasms clones, breathing hard. Kaminari stood there, hands over his nose to stop the bleeding.
"Ectoplasm, please escort Izuku to Nezu's office and explain to him what happened." Vlad King asked, recieving a nod from him before he and Izuku left the room.
"Kaminari, come with me. Snipe, I'm gonna escort Kaminari to Recovery Girl. Please look after the class and make sure that this does not happen again." Snipe nodded in understanding before Vlad continued.
"The rest of you, you will continue with class today. None of you will bother Kaminari nor Midoriya when they return. If you do, I will personally see to it that you get detention. I will leave the rest of you to Aizawa when he and Yamada returns from their trip. Understood?"
They all nodded before returning to their seats.
Vlad King took Kaminari to the Recovery Girl and Snipe watched over the class.
The three brothers were worried. If their parents were to hear of this, all hell is loose.
It wasn't until lunch that Kaminari returned. He avoided the three brothers, Hitosho specifically.
There was a heavy tension in the air between the students of Class 1A, and it wasn't dissapearing anytime soon.
Hey readers!
So, what did you think of this chapter? I know it is slightly longer than normal but I am proud of myself.
I hope you guys don't mind though.
Remember stay safe and healthy!
Have a wonderful day/night!
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