Adopted: Part 3
Izuku's POV:
I smiled as I looked up at the night sky, the wind blowing in my face, cold air biting at my skin.
I sighed as I looked down to my arms, seeing blood trickle down and drip onto the stone. The cuts I made earlier stinging a little bit.
I smiled as tears ran down my face, may it be of relieve, fear or happines I don't know.
Looking back at where my shoes was with the letter in it, not that anyone would care, I laughed humourlessly.
Today is the day the world will get rid of one problem. Of one kid who meant nothing, who wasn't even meant to be born. Who was a mistake.
They will be happy to find my body knowing they got rid of me.
But it hurts.
It hurts not to get to say goodbye. To see him one last time.
To not get to see his smile and the way his ruby red eyes burn with determination when being challenged by something new.
To not get to hear his voice one last time, to not get to feel his warm hugs and him whispering encouraging things to make me feel better.
I sucked in a deep breath as I looked down, knowing that when I jump, there is no turning back.
With that, it only took me one step forward to fall toward the ground at a fast speed.
Before I reached the ground, the world around me went black.
Third Person's POV:
For Shota, catching a suicidal teen mid jump was not his way of ending a shift.
Tonight, he had gotten an early shift and he was on his way home when he spotted a figure on the rooftop.
He went to investigate, only to find that the said person was a teen, barely.
He tried talking to him, but he didn't seem to hear Shota, nevermind noticing him.
Just as Shota was about to call ot to him again, the boy jumped.
Now, he was seated in the waiting room filling out paperwork, again.
After about an hour, the doctor came out and told Shota he could see the boy.
Luckily, he didn't have to worry about 'Zashi and the kids, as he had already sent them a message.
Walking into the room, he saw a boy that looked around 10 or 11, with dark curly green hair and forest green eyes.
The doctor told me the boy was deaf and that I would need to use sign language to communicate with him.
That explains why he couldn't hear me.
I walked infront of him, making sure he knew of my presence before sighning.
'Hi, my name is Shota Aizawa, also pro hero Eraserhead'
The boys eyed widened at that before getting a huge smile on his face.
Ok, so he knows of me, don't know how but ok then.
After explaining to him what would happen, the docter came in with the release papers.
He was going to stay with us until we found him a new home.
The ride home was silent. Not that it would help talking.
When we arrived home, you could hear loud music coming from the place.
We had to move into a new place since our apartmant was to small.
Izuku, the boy, looked scared. I looked at him reassuringly, letting him know that he would be okay.
When we got inside, the sight to see was to say the least, hilarious.
My husband, along with my kids, were in the living room, singing to the song, 'Let it go'.
I wanted to laugh but I have a reputation to keep.
When the song finished, the all looked at each other before bursting out laughing.
After giving them time to calm down, I cleared my throat making my presence known.
When they turned around they all blushed.
Everyone was snapped out of it by a soft voice though.
Third Person's POV:
Izuku looked at the family, a small smile playing on his lips.
He missed the days when that was him and his family.
As they turned around, his breath got caught in his throat when his eyes landed on a certain red eyed blonde.
He only knew one person with that hair and eye colour.
Softly, barely audible, he breathed the name of his childhood friend, of his brother.
The same person who he has not seen since the car aacident when he was four. That was ten hears ago.
The entire roomed stilled, everyone but one confused as to who this 'kacchan' was.
Before they could qeustion the boy, he was tackled by Katsuki in a hug, both of them crying.
It had shocked everyone. Katsuki, while holding the boy in his arms repeated the same word over and over, as if trying to reassure himself.
'Izu, you're okay. You're okay...'
After a few minutes, they pulled away from each other, Katsuki wiping the tears from Izuku's face.
He had started to speak to Izuku, only for said boy to look at him sadly and in confusion.
Aizawa had placed his hand on Katsuki's shoulder, making the boy look up at him.
"Katsuki, Izuku is deaf."
Katsuki's eyes went wide in horror and shock, disbelieve written over his face.
When he looked over at Izuku, the boy was smiling at him reassuringly, as if telling him everything would be fine.
Katsuki began sighning to him, asking him what happened after the accident.
The boy had tried to sighn only to be stopped by Katsuki hugging him as he was crying again.
Shota and Hizashi stood next to each other, their other two sons with them.
But the next qeustion asked by their son, Hitoshi, had caught the two adults completely of gaurd.
"We're keeping him, right?" was his oh so wonderful qeustion.
Their face probably showed their shock as their sons gave them amused looks.
Shota looked at Hizashi and when the man smiled he knew.
"Yeah, of course we are." was the words heard coming from the eraser hero.
The small family smiled as they watched the two. Although they didn't know the green haired boy, they know Katsuki was close to him and he cared deeply.
They were happy the two were reunited.
"Sho, what was the reason you brought him home? Usually something must have happend for you to bring him home seeing as you didn't know the two boys knew each other."
With that, his smile quickly vanished, a look of realization and horror taking over.
Hey readers!!
So, two chapters in one day! I am so proud of myself.
I hope you enjoyed tgis chapter and comments are welcome.
Also, now that their little family are all together at last, the real story can start.
This was just to give you an idea of how everyone met, how they came to be a family.
The next chapter and further into the book, will be about their journey as U.A. students and drama drama drama.
You gotta love the drama.
I hope everyone is safe and well!!
Have an awesome day/night!!
~Author ;)
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