Adopted: Part 2
Third Person's POV:
Aizawa was on patrol like any other night.
So far, he only stopped a mugging and a woman from being raped. (I know it sound wrong, like it's no big deal but that is not the case. I meant that the night was slow and that those were the only crimes he stopped so far)
It was a quiet night overall. Well, that was until he saw something out of place.
He was sitting on a rooftop watching over the city when he saw someone running into a alleyway.
He would normally leave it, as that often happens, but that someone was a kid.
He followed the kid and saw him hiding behind a trash can.
He went to approach the kid, but the moment he saw Aizawa he panicked and tried to run away.
Aizawa had cought the kid with his scarf in time, making sure not to hurt him.
He crouched down infromt of the kid, only to realize he was having a panick attack.
Aizawa began to talk to the kid, calming him down. After a few minutes, the kid had calm down enough for Aizawa to properly talk to him.
Aizawa's POV:
When the kid calmed down, I took time to look him over. He had bandages on his arms and legs and bruises on places that weren't covered by either clothing or bandages.
Looking at his face, I only now noticed that he was wearing a mask but not just any normal mask.
He was wearing a mask that stopped him from fucking talking.
What the fuck.
I went to take the mask off when the boy flinched. It hurt seeing a young boy flinch away from me, scared I would hurt him.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I just want to take of the mask okay" I said softly.
I had raised my hands to show him I mean no harm and when he nodded I continued what I planned on doing.
After struggling to get it of, it finally did an I heard the boy sigh in relief.
"Can you tell me what's your name?"
He looked at me with wide eyes, as if he was scared to talk. I waited patiently for his response not wanting to scare him further.
After a minute he replied but it was in sign.
'I can't talk. My quirk is brainwashing and if I talk to someone and they respond I can control them'
He looked as if he was about to burst out in tears, looked scared to what my response would be.
He was waiting. Waiting to be beaten, to be yelled at.
It made my blood boil. How could they abuse a child for his quirk!
This world is so fucked up.
Letting out a slow steady breath, as to control my anger, I looked at the boy and gave him the gentelest smile I could manage.
Don't judge me ok, I am not one for smiling.
"Don't worry. You don't have to speak to me. We're gonna have to go to the police though"
I saw him flinch, again, before slowly and hesitantly nodding.
"Don't worry, I promise you they won't hurt you ok. Even if they try to? I will personally kick their ass"
His eyes widened in shock at the choice of my words. I cursed myself mentally, reminding me that he is just a child.
"May I pick you up?" I asked him, as to not scare him into another panic attack.
He nodded looking at me, before stretching his hand out to me, looking so adorably innocent.
I smiled slightly and hid my smile in my scarf.
I was going too damn soft. Damn kids.
Our way to the station was quiet. It wasn't an akward quiet, just quiet.
When we arrived, I asked for Detective Tsukauchi spesifacally.
"Eraserhead, what can I do for you?" he asked appearing from a doorway.
"I need your help." I said as I gestured down to little Shinso here.
He looked down before turning around.
"Follow me" was heard from the detective as we made our way to his office.
From there, began the long process of qeustions, reassuring the boy he is safe when panicking and filling out paperwork.
"What would happen to the boy now Detective" I asked Tsukauchi as I filled out the last of my report.
"Well, his foster parents would be arrested on grounds of quirk descrimanation, child abuayse and child neglectance.
He would then be send to either a different orphanage or a different foster family."
As Tsukauchi finished explaining, I saw Shinso stiffen in his seat, obviously apposed to the idea.
I sat there looking at him deep in thought, before I stood up.
"Tsukauchi, look after him for a few minutes. I'm gonna go make a quick call"
He looked at me then nodded. I looked at the kid nodding my head and giving him a smile that I hope was reassuring.
Smiling is just not my thing.
Anyway, I walked out of the office and into the hall, before taking out my phone and going through the contacts.
Scrolling until I found the name, I clicked on it and place the phone to my ear.
It rang for about a minute before the person on the other line picked up.
"Shouta, what's wrong. Are you ok. Did you get hurt. Do I need to kill some-"
I cut my husband off, knowing that I was the cause of his worries. It was about an hour after my shift ended and I usually get home within a few minutes depending on my location.
Not calling or texting him after an hour had obviously made him worry and I wouldn't be suprised if he called Numeri to know if she had seen or heard from me.
" 'Zashi, calm down. I'm fine. Sorry for not texting or calling I got caught up. No, I'm not in the hospital, I'm at the policestation and no, you do not need to kill someone"
I heard him sigh in relieve and smiled softly, knowing that I had one of the best lovers you could ask for.
"Sho, what happened?" he asked in a soft voice.
He knows from experience you could say, to not yell at me when something like this happened.
You see, a while back, about a month after adopting the boys, that I was victim to a harsh villain attack.
Not only me, but Katsuki too. We had gone out to visit his parents grave and while there his best friend's parents grave.
We were told that they were like a big happy family, with the mothers being best friends had obvioulsy led to their sons being like brothers.
They were also involved in the same villain attack as his family and the last time he saw the boy was when they were in the car.
When we finished visiting them, we were on our way home when a villain had striked.
What was worse was that the villian took Katsuki victim, he saw it as a ticket to escape.
I jumped in, fighting the villain that took my kid and won.
Katsuki had unfortunely, suffered a broken arm and a few bruises.
While they were treating him at the hospital, I called 'Zashi, but he had started to yell.
In that moment, everything was too much and I had a panic attack.
Hizashi, upon realizing this, tried calming me down and telling me soft comforting words.
You could have heard shuffling in the background indicating he was moving.
He stayed on the phone with me the entire time until he arived.
He left Shouto with Numeri. He came and embraced me in a hug.
After calming down, I had told him what happened. He was shocked but apologized for yelling.
From that day on, never again has he yelled at me again.
" 'Zashi, I found a kid. He ran away from home because he was abused. H-he's their age and I wanted to know if-" I couldn't finish my sentence when he cut me off.
"Sho it's fine. I don't care as long as you're fine with it." he said in soft voice, you could hear a smile in his voice.
"What about the kids. We need to let them know" I said, slightly worried that they would feel like we don't love them anymore.
I hadn't even realized that Hizashi had called the kids and explained to them what was happening.
You could hear his voice before exited chatter was all you heard.
"They're fine with it. They can't wait to meet the little listener."
I smiled before saying goodbye, telling them we would be home in the next hour.
When the kid saw me entering the room, his whole face had lit up, happy that I was there.
I sat down, facing Tsukauchi before speaking.
"If you would please give me the adoption papers, I could fill it out and get it done with"
After I said that, I looked at Shinso, who's eyes is wide with suprise before continueing, "His brothers would like to meet him. And they are not the patient kind"
I smiled at Shinso, showing him I was not joking before he jumped up out of his chair, onto me and hugging me with tears streaming down his face. I smiled and hugged him back, still slightly suprised.
The paperwork didn't take as long as the first time, so we made it home sooner than expected.
When we stepped through the door we were both tackled to the ground.
Hitoshi yelped in suprise but didn't protest.
He was greeted with lots of hugs and smiles and I think he actually enjoyed it.
He wasn't Hitoshi Shinso anymore, but Hiitoshi Yamada-Aizawa.
Hey readers!!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think it's a bit longer than the others but I had an idea and I couldn't not do it.
I hope everyone is well and safe and keeping up with school or work. Comments are welcome!!
I hope you have an awesome day!! ;)
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