Chapter 1
A/N: Sorry this is out so late I have been busy with finals, looking for work and collages plus this is my first fan fic, I suck at writing so please bare with me! anyways enjoy the first chapter if you have any critiques please let me know! I always welcome constructive criticism :)
Yume was in her dimly lit studio making some designs for the new heroes in training she was working with, the place was a bit messy, she had papers everywhere, Monster and coffee cups around the place, different color squares and fabrics pinned to the wall and she had a tablet in hand taking notes and drawing out designs She low key forgot that the 1-A kids she was working with were coming today. Yume had a lot of designs and marketing tools ready for them but the place it's self wasn't too presentable, she had been staying up late and passing out in the studio a lot and it was obvious due to her messy hair, the dark circles and bags under her eyes, and her messy smock she was wearing. She heard a knock on her door and jolted awake and turned around seeing 7 very confused faces of 1-A.
"O-Oh.....I forgot you all were coming today! sorry about the mess....hold on let me get some seats for you!" she said groggily as she rapidly set up an area for them.
"Dumbass.....can't even tidy up when you have guest huh!?" said the explosive blonde
"Bakugo! don't be so rude!" the red head that was practically attached to his hip huffed
Yume looked at Bakugo and tried to keep her cool "Sorry I haven't gotten much sleep due to having to make such guady merch for......King Explosion Murder" she smirked while finishing her some what tidy area
Kaminari started laughing as he sat down "I like her! she's kinda funny!"
Bakugo huffed and pouted "Shut up!"
Mina eyed her up and down " look kinda I know you?"
Yume looked at her and smiled "Yeah! I go to the dance gym thats right over here" she gestured her hand in the direction it was located "I usually go across the hall from the hip hop class and go to the pole room!" she explained
Mina beamed "Oh yeah! I've seen you a few times-"
Mineta cut Mina off "So you do pole dancing? mind stripping for me sometime!~" he was staring to grope her
Yume laughed and put him on a chair "Maybe if you play your cards right~"
Everyone in the room started choking and staring at her
Yume looked around " was a joke?"
Sero chuckled nervously "Its just unexpected most girls push him away or fight him off!"
Kaminari nodded in agreement then smirked "But hey if that offer is for dorm room is is in the 3-F section~"
Jirou rolled her eyes and zapped both boys "Behave!"
Yume laughed "I really don't mind! but lets get onto introductions! My name Is Yume Akuma and what we will be focusing on is building up your appearance as a Hero!" she beamed
Kaminari gasped "Wait Akuma!? as in Akuma Heroes!?"
Sero looked at Kaminari and blinked "Huh!?"
"They are one of the biggest Hero Promoting Companies out there! and I think they are owned by the commision!" Kaminari explained
Kirishima looked at her "Thats so manly!!"
Bakugo scoffed "Tch....never heard of them...they're probably just some dumb extras!"
Sero taped Bakugo's mouth shut and noticed Mineta lurking towards Yume so he taped him up
Mina giggled "Ignore him! he's an ass!"
Jirou nodded in agreement and then noticed Yume was a bit uncomfortable
"Can we not talk about my family....please..." she mumbled as the tension in the room became thick. They all agreed and sat down while discussing their hero persona's and a bit about themselves personally.
Yume wrote down a schedule "sense it would be tricky meeting you all at once every day I made a schedule for the best times for you each to come! that being said if you need extra time with me in the week I will be more than happy to make some time for you! you just need to let me know before hand!" she showed them all the set days and times for them on her phone but as she did so she got a notification from someone labeled as "Angel ❤️🍆" which made Yume jump and pull her phone away before texting him back
Bakugo furrowed his brow "Oi! Dumbass! the fuck is that about!?"
Yume seemed a bit pale "O-Oh nothing! just my boyfriend! but hey I'll email you guys the times you need to be here next week! but uh...for now you should all go back to your classes sense we already talked" she chuckled nervously as she guided them all out the door "see ya later!" she said quickly before shutting the door.
Kirishima looked around "That was kind weird...."
Sero nodded a bit and looked at the door
Kaminari shrugged "Maybe she is getting a D appointment!"
Mineta pouted "Lucky bastard!"
Jirou smacked them both upside the head
Mina giggled a bit "well if so good for her!"
Bakugo looked at them "Whatever....who cares about what some damn extra is doing!" he huffed as they all walked off to class together.
Yume looked at her phone and finished texting her boyfriend before completely cleaning the studio to get ready for when her group comes by next week but now she also had to think of a plan to balance work with her 1-A kids, the big three, some of the pros, her school work, family time, and time with her boyfriend not to mention keeping him from getting jealous over all the guys she works with. it was going to be a lonnnggg week so she better started preparing now looks like sleep was not gonna be an option for a while
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