New Start
Pheonix was a new animetronic around Fadbear's pizzarea. She had just awaken from her spot on stage and was now exploring the Party Room. Bonnie was sitting on the corner of the stage, polishing his guitar while keeping a close eye on Pheonix. She stroked the ripped table cloth of one of the tables.
"I wonder how this got ripped." She whispered to herself. A random, and kinda handsome, animetronic appeared behind her from seeming no where.
"Who are you and what are you doing here? This is our restaurant." Foxy's sarcasm raised Pheonix's natural anger.
"Um, sorry, I'm new here." She added just a little sarcasm into her words for good measures. Pheonix started playing with her fingures while looking at Foxy's ripped suit.
"W-what happened here?" She asked Foxy. Bonnie, the bunny from the stage, walked up to the two animetronics.
"I'm Pheonix, Pheonix the red panda." She introduced herself to Bonne while Foxy played with his hook. She winked an eye and, did the peace sign with her other hand on her hip.
"Its nice to see who this fluffy and cuddly person really is." Bonnie said while smiling.
"Who you calling cuddily!?" She crossed her arms but her tail, Vixie, was opening and closing.
"Well, looks like someone is having issues with how things work here." Foxy said while crossing his arms. Pheonix stopped her tail from doing it's emotion thing.
"And who runs this place?" Once she said it, a figure appeared in the shadow of the stage cutain. It appeared to be of a bunnie.
"Who runs this place? I'd say Gold does, others say it's William..." The voice was glitch and deep along with forbidding. Shadow Bonnie opened his glowing purple eyes and stared at Pheonix. Pheonix got scared and her tail's fluff stood on end.
"W-who a-are you?" Pheonix said trembling in fear.
"Well, that's what you get for doing the weird tail thing." Bonnie said jokingly. Pheonix gave him a death stare and Bonnie started giggling. Shadow Bonnie dissapeared and a broken animetronic hung from the ceiling.
"I heard a new voice!" She said before Pheonix could introduce herself.
"I'm Toy-i mean, I'm Mangle." She smiles. Pheonix was looking from her broken endoskeleton to her black eye.
"Uh, I'm Pheonix." Mangle waved her broken hand and popped her head beside Foxy who seemed to be in a better mood now.
"Well hello there Mangle." He smiled.
"Hi!" Mangle smiled back warmly, like they've known eachother for life.
"So, who was that creepy guy in the corner and the two people he was talking about?" Pheonix whispered to Bonnie.
"Well, there's a long story behind this franchise. As you'll learn a lot about these animetronics and some cool, and dark, secrets behind them." He sighed.
"Cool!" Pheonix said in admiration while Vixie started to wag.
"Sure is." He sounded a little discouraged.
"Wait, but again, who is like, the leader I guess you call him leader?" Pheonix asked again. Vixie stopped wagging and sat there. A broken down and rotten bunnie animetronic thing appears.
"Woa! What the!" Pheonix jumped at the giant bunny and took a breath.
"Are you ok?" She said in sympathy and worry.
"Isn't this how I always am?" Springtrap said while looking at his new aquentance.
"She's a new one." Foxy explained. Springtrap nodded to him then looked back at Pheonix who looked very confused.
"And Pheonix, this is Springtrap, or William Afton, but mostly nicknamed Spring." Mangle said, giving Spring a frustrated look.
"Who's the red panda?" Springtrap asked while looking Pheonix up and down.
"I'm Pheonix." She calmed herself and Vixie down now that she had been introduced to him.
"Well that's a person who has secrets" Bonnie whispered to Pheonix. Pheonix got nervous and curious at the same time with having the urge to question more.
"Looks like he's seen better days, and what's the grudge with him and Mangle?" Pheonix whispered back to Bonnie.
"That's for you to find out. We only know so much." Bonnie answered. Pheonix looked very worried.
"Well, I suppose we should introduce you to Freddy and Gold then..." Mangle said.
"This is Freddy's Pizzeria. So, is this person so called Freddy in charge or something?" Pheonix asked Mangle.
"Yes." Mangle said while nodding her head.
"What are we waiting for?" Pheonix said while walking in the complete opposite direction of Freddy's office.
"Freddy's office is that way." He said after giggling and pointing in the other direction.
"I knew that!" Pheonix said while shifting direction and following Bonnie's suggestion with Mangle, Spring, Foxy, and Bonnie following.
"This is Freddy. He is sort of like the person in charge." Mangle explained.
"Hello Mr. Freddy, nice to meet you. I'm Pheonix!" She said with anthusiasm while her tail started wagging.
"Hello there Pheonix. Is there anything you'd like me to address to you? I see Mangle, Foxy, Bonnie, and Springtrap found you first, how do you like it here so far?" Freddy smiled.
"Well, so far, this place is very interesting and new to me, deffinantly better than Mia's Musical Party Singalong... i mean, uh. Oh, I've also noticed that every five seconds there is another one of you guys, how many of you are there!?" She said with winder. Mangle giggled nervously.
"Its a confusing story in general." Foxy said.
"Yeah, complicated indeed." Mangle said.
"Cool! I wanna meet everyone!" Pheonix said with wonder while her tail wagged faster. Bonnie tried to keep his giggle to himself, and succeeded.
"Everyone is diffrent in their own way, as you'll learn stuff about this place, you'll be amazed in how many of us are here." Foxy smiled at her anthusiam.
"Yeah! Oh, I know who you should meet!" Mangle smiled with excitement.
"Huh?" Pheonix asked.
"You should meet my two adopted sisters, Lolbit and Roxane!" Mangle said as Pheonix began to wonder.
"Cool." Pheonix said in amusement.
"She should meet Chica as well." Foxy said.
"True." Mangle answered.
"She'll think of her as a giant pepperoni." Foxy whispered to Mangle. Freddy giggled at their anthusiam while Mangle tried to keep her laughter at bay.
"So, um, i kinda don't know where to go..." Pheonix said while scanning the little crowd. Mangle nodded and they started heading towards the security room. Pheonix felt Vixie telling her to turn around, and sure enough, there Bonnie was, standing where they used to be when she met Freddy.
"You coming?" Pheonix asked Bonnie as he looks up at her with confusion.
"He likes to do whatever. He's been a mess ever since the glamrocks came." Mangle whispered to Pheonix.
"Its gotten worse over the years." Foxy whispered also.
"Oh, I'll gladly come if that ok with everyone else." Bonnie smiled as he hesitantly approached everyone else. Pheonix smiled while Mangle and Foxy looked very supprised.
"I mean, she's new here." Bonnie blushed and looked at Mangle and Foxy in offense. Mangle's jaw dropped the slightest but she fixed it.
"I'm speechless." Foxy said in utter confusion and supprisement.
"Same." Mangle said.
Only seconds later, someone's glitch and horse laughter echoed in the hallway.
"Oh no, not him!" Mangle said in worry as she and Foxy started looking around for the one behind the laughter. Glitchtrap appeared behind Pheonix and covered her eyes while keeping a tight grip so she can't wriggle free.
"A new puppet to play with with eh?" Glitchtrap laughed. His voice was glitchy.
"Glitchtrap!" Mangle yelled. Mangle wouldn't go near him because of her fear.
"Oh no. We can't see her like this!" Foxy said as he tried to jump forward but failed in getting 4 feet close to glitch. Pheonix squirmed and made tiny glitch noises.
"Well? I am not going near that monster!" Mangle yelled.
"I'm too scared..." Mangle hid behind Foxy who was trying to decide what to do.
"Guess we'll ask Mr. Permissive here." Foxy and Mangle look at Bonnie who is standing there, starstruck. Glitch's eyes started glowing purple.
"Slow pokes." As Glitch said it, his voice glitched a little. Vixie tried to chomp on Glitch but he just kicked Vixie, making her go offline.
"Well!? She is new! She can't get broken all ready! Freddy would kill us!" Mangle started panicking.
"Bonnie! We need you! Stop being Permissive here!" Foxy angerly yelled at Bonnie.
---Foxy's point of veiw---
I thought that Pheonix might had fixed him. I guess I was wrong. I wish that someone would just fix him, get him back to his old self.
---narrator point of veiw---
Mangle went up into the roof above Foxy to hide.
"Scared?" Glitch teased them. Pheonix's movements started slowing and slowing.
---Pheonix's point of veiw---
If I slow down, then maybe he'll loosen his grip and everything will get together.
---Narrator point of veiw---
Glitchtrap started squeezing tighter when he felt that Pheonix was slowing down. Pheonix screamed in pain while Mangle left to get Springtrap. Bonnie was staring and doing nothing..
---Foxy's point of veiw---
Why is Bonnie such a coward!? This was his one chance- ugh, fine, my turn.
---Narrator point of veiw---
Pheonix screamed more as Glitch tightened his grip.
"Gah! My ears! Ow!" He said as a orange, purple and white fox appears out of a camera and jumps on top of Glitch, making him fall to ground.
"Bet that was from me!" Lolbit said as she wrestled with Glitch.
"Agh! Hey!" Glitchtrap protested.
"Lolbit! You saved her!" Foxy said with happiness. Pheonix collapsed on the floor with a broken voice box.
"Yeah! And you didnt!" Lolbit yelled at Foxy while she and Glitch were still wrestling. Pheonix didn't move a gear.
"Now we have Mr. Permissive." He looked at Bonnie who was staring at Pheonix is terror and dismay. Mangle crashed through the roof and landed on Foxy.
"Ah! Oh, sorry Foxy. I was just upstairs getting Springtrap." Mangle explained as she got off of him.
"Its fine." He said as he stood up and helped Mangle back onto the roof. Mangle stared at Bonnie with concern and anger. Pheonix coughed, but with her voice box being damaged, it sounded glitchy and unstable.
"Larynx having issues there? You just came here." Foxy said as Springtrap arrived late.
"Wh *glitch at was th *glitch* at?" She tried to ask.
"Glitchtrap." Mangle answered. Springtrap helped Pheonix up, letting everyone see their dramatic size difference. Pheonix put an arm around Springtrap and he put an ar, around her with the other hand on her hand for support.
"Th *glitch* anks." Pheonix told Spring.
"No problem" He smiled at Pheonix and the looked at everyone else.
"Bonnie, can you fix her?" Mangle asked. Glitchtrap dissapeared and Lolbit was now standing beside Bonnie and looking at him for a responce.
"Even though my schedule is rough, i guess I have some time to do so." He said.
---Foxy's point of veiw---
He doesn't even have a schedule and the Pizzeria does that open for 3 days. What the heck is he talking about?
---Narrator point of veiw---
"You better, otherwise we will have to rely on Springtrap here, and you know how he is." Lolbit elbowed Bonnie.
"Yeah... true." Bonnie said. Pheonix sat on a nearby chair and waited for Bonnie to finish.
"Wait! Where's Glitch!?" Foxy said.
"Probably in the system or with Vanny if I had to make a guess." Lolbit answered.
"Who's vanny?" Pheonix asked after Bonnie had finished.
"That's was quick Bonnie." Spring complimented.
"It was nothing. Just a little glitch spell." He smiled.
"Anyway, Vanny is someone terrible." Mangle said.
"How terrible?" Pheonix asked while trying to walk forward but realized that her leg had a little Crack and her tail wasn't responding.
"Ow!" Pheonix said quietly as she winced in pain and flattened her ears.
"Hey! I never said I was finished." Bonnie giggled a little as Pheonix sat back down on the chair.
"She tried to kill Gregory and dismantled many robots." Mangle kept explaining.
"Who's Gregory?" She asked Mangle.
"Gregory is a boy who was, like, almost taken away from a security guard. And Glamrock Freddy is kinda protective over him, so I would suggest talking to Freddy before ever laying eyes on Gregory." Mangle explained more. Pheonix nods as Bonnie starts fixing the crack.
"I'd love to learn more about this Vanny and her overall appearance." Pheonix said. Springtrap looked from Pheonix, then to Bonnie, back to Pheonix, then Bonnie and shrugged.
"Well, she is like 6ft 2 in and lots like a white and brown spotted bunny women. Everyone thinks her and Glitch have something going on." Mangle continued. Spring started laughing.
"Vanny and Glitch!?" He kept laughing.
"Well, that's interesting." Pheonix said.
"Yeah." Mangle agreed.
"Ow." Pheonix folded back her ears and clutched her knuckles because of the pain from her leg.
"Well, i better be getting back to funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy in the security room to look for those two meanies." Lolbit said. She glitches into the nearby camera.
"Bye." Mangle and Pheonix said. Pheonix winced in pain again.
"I can see why you have pain in your leg. You will feel more pain as I continue to fix it." Bonnie said. Pheonix sighed.
"W-well... yeah... i guess." Pheonix tried to think of a defense but failed as her ear twitched and she folfolded them back again.
"I think we should leave you guys alone, right Foxy, Spring?" Mangle said, Springtrap nodded and left.
"It would be nice to leave a little privacy." Foxy winked at Bonnie who gave him a short death stare then kept working.
"Ok, b-bye guys." Pheonix said as she tried to lean back and relaxe.
"See ya." Mangle said as Foxy and her went to pirates cove.
---Springtrap's perspective---
I hid behind a shadow covered broken price of trashy wood to watch them. I didn't want to spy on them, just keep an eye on them. I dont want Pheonix to turn on Bonnie, and don't want Bonnie to turn on Pheonix.
---narrator's point of veiw---
"Remember about those people Shadow Bonnie mentioned?" Bonnie asked pheonix.
"Yeah." She replied.
"I'll tell you a little fact about this place." Bonnie started. Pheonix leaned in to listen to him.
"In 1983, there was something called the bite of 83." As Bonnie went on, Pheonix's ears relaxed and she forgot the pain.
"It was believed to be Gold where a child got bit and lost their frontal lobe. As you can live without a frontal lobe, you will undergo paralysis for the rest of your life." Pheonix gasped.
"Who got bit?" She relaxed her muscles as she asks.p
"Purple Guy's son." Bonnie said.
"Who is purple guy and who is his son?" Pheonix asked.
"William Afton is the purple guy." Bonnie said.
"Oh. Wait, I thought Springtrap was William Afton." Pheonix said in confusion.
"Its confusing and hard to explain, for that matter, it's hard to understand too." Bonnie said.
"Oh, is his son ok?" Pheonix asked.
"No. He died in a hospital after the incodent." Pheonix looked sad.
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