Phase 2 full moon sickness
Liam : Me and Harry are leaving. Narrator : Niall was holding on to Harry's leg. Niall & Louis : Please don't leave cause we can prove there's a werewolf h.... The werewolf cut Niall off. Narrator : Niall got bit by the werewolf Johnny. Harry got bit too. Liam&Louis : Ummm.... What's happening to them are they sick are they crazy insane weird. Narrator : it was the morning day October 21 , 2015. Liam : What is on their necks. Is that blood dots from a vampire it's not even nighttime it's morning. Niall : ( hissing sound ). Harry : ( wolf sound ). Liam : Wait they both got bitten by the SAME werewolf but Niall is making a hissing sound and Harry is making a werewolf sound. Narrator : It was November 1st and Niall is a vampire Harry is a werewolf and Johnny became their dad and Harry and Niall are brothers. Harry : I will make my pack. Niall : I will make my army of vampires. Narrator : Harry was making a pack of his own family. Niall was making a group of vampires. Niall : ( hissing sound ). Harry : ( werewolf sound ). Niall : ahhhhh the morning I have to go ( Harry was thinking the same thing). Narrator : Harry's and Niall's mom was a women named Maddie she was a werepire a werewolf and a vampire her parents her dad was a werewolf and her mom was a vampire.
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