🚫Nomi falsi.🚫
😌 word of the day:fake 😌
I woke up and went to school. I left home late so Samuelle left me. I went into school. Into form. Then I had English with miss Tokyo.
She was looking at us as if we had all killed someone. And I was like fuck I can't deal with this first lesson.
I had five hours of sleep so leave me alone. Then she stands in front of the class with a frown and pressed a button on the board and holy fuck😱.
22 of us didn't do our homework😱😰😳😓. So heartbreaking. She was like you're set one year 8 I expect better from you.
Anyways then the rest of the lesson was boring. Art😍. We were drawing African masks and that's it really.
Then at break I ate a melted wispa bar. Then it was pe😔 with Miss bush.I did high jump and long jump. What am I? A horse?
Maybe I look like one but I'm not gonna go around jumping two metres into the air.She was proper picking on me as well.
Every five seconds she was saying oh Leyla try your hardest. Try harder😩. Anyways I'm not going to try that much cuz 3 people twisted their fucking ankle.
I am not doing that. So it was long jump and you have to run a jump into sand.
This fatty patty chav called Kayla ran jumped and fell fowards and twisted her ankle weirdly. This quite competitive, athletic girl called Mae ran jumped and landed on her ankle.
Finally this girl called Willow ran and jumped all the way into the grass face first. The end of pe.
Then I had French and I hid Emily's book then when she found it five minutes later she snatched it off me.
Then I had English and nothing interesting happened then I was walking out the school with Samuelle and oh fuck.
There was a massive crowd by the road in front of school. Tons of teachers there then I saw him. A year 7 on the floor sobbing. He fell over and cracked his fucking head open.
Like 3 or 4 teachers were on the floor holding him and comforting him and some were standing around him cuz of cars. And it broke my fucking heart and what was Samuelle doing.
Laughing saying I hope your next. Such a fake friend and also so you know in year 7/ early year 8 I always used to tell Samuelle if your mum ever becomes less strict I would go out with her.
And now she's going out with her other friend asshole Amira. They've only been friends for a couple months and here they are going to each others houses, going to shops together, going out.
And what makes it worse is that Samuelle tells me all about their fun times and calls in the middle of the night.
(when I asked her before if she wanted to call she said she was introverted to do that. Like bitch I am too I'm just trying to be a good friend.)
Then here's her with another best friend. I fell like most the time she just uses me for emotional support and to walk with her cuz she scared to walk alone.
I feel like she uses me for emotional support or to be her "therapist" cuz whenever she has problems she always spams me with questions on what it is,why it is like that and how to fix it.
It's stressing me out cuz she's constantly joking about killing herself and idk what to say. Earlier I said if it's that bad get a therapist cuz I'm not training to do this.
And she took offense. I'm only trying to help. Whatever I do is always bad and negative according to her and Amira is an angel fallen fresh from heaven.
I don't know what to say anymore cuz I say something about how I feel she'll either tease me,laugh thinking it's a joke or take offense.
I've already briefly mentioned it but she just said ok and continued talking about her crush Elmo.
Anyways that's how I feel about Samuelle. Very emotional. I have an inset day tommorrow how exciting. All cuz of teachers striking.
The end😩
word count for my "rant":765
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