Chapter 1-My Earlier Years
My name is Jesse Ryan Rowe and I was born on November 27th 2002, almost fifteen years ago. I honestly don't remember too much when I was a baby like most people but have some memories from back then. I'll talk about some of the first people I remember meeting that aren't close family (ex.parents,siblings etc.). Forgot to mention that I'm an only child and always have been, I'll tell you more about that later though.
When I was around one or two I started to meet some people that would stick to my mind for year to come.
Age 1: One morning my Dad and my uncle were in the backyard and they wanted to introduce his son to me. This of course, would be my cousin Garrett. To this day we still have a strong rivalry against one another. He even tried to attack me when we were that young and honestly much hasn't changed. Garrett is a year younger than me but is somehow still taller than me ha ha. Other than that I don't really like to be around him but you're gonna learn all about him in some of the stories I'll share later on in this.
Other than that I don't remember too much when I was a year old but when I was two is when I started to see someone i still think about to this day.
Age 2: My mother was and still is really good friends with this one lady who's name is Laura. They wen't to school together but present day don't really hang out too much anymore. Anyway, this is when I met one of my so called best friends Madisyn. Although, everyone mostly called her Maddy including me. It was a warm day from what I remember and her mother and mine decided that we should see each other for the first time and see if we'd get along as friends. Well we did and for years it stayed that way. I was really shy back then and somewhat to this day but from what I can remember communication isn't something I recall with her until when I was like three or so. But there's one thing that I remember too well about her and that's that she was my first crush and admittedly had feelings towards. I was two and probably didn't even know what basic love was but I could just feel a connection with her.
Age 3: To mention, I didn't really get any pets until a couple years later but remember the first cat I was around. His name was Dutch and barely remember what he was about or what he was like but for some reason I'd always love to be around him. He was my Mom's cat and was pretty old already. He ended up dying a year or two later due to old age or from what I vaguely remember getting into some left out chocolate. Shout out to him since no one really talks about him or seems to remember him around the house anymore.
Mostly everyone realizes that video games are my passion and my all time favorite past time and probably always will be. My first experience with an actual video game console was with the Gameboy Advance. I remember sitting in the kitchen when my Dad had just come home with a bag of some sort in his hand. He then surprised me with the first ever gaming experience that I'd always cherish. The first game I remember playing on it was some Pac Man game and this Mario golf game that was fun too.
Speaking of gaming, this was when my Dad finally showed me what a computer was all about. The first site I remember was in fact Youtube. I'd always look up all these funny videos along with some Mario and Pac Man videos here and there. Also, I remember I would play some games on the Internet here and there too. In all, I loved to use our computer and with that a little too much.
But along with that, here's something that changed my life and still has the effect on me to this day and age.
Age 3 1/2: I was outside in our neighborhood on a warm cloudy day and ended up being surprised with a green game cartridge. Perplexed I made it and effort to check it out. Walking to my room where my Gameboy would usually sit, I inserted the blank game into my console. This game was in fact my very first Pokemon game Pokemon Leaf Green. At first I didn't really find it interesting and honestly was bored but after some time you could say I was addicted. I would play it night and day just traveling around Kanto with the previous owner's Blastoise and Zapdos just adventuring all over the place. I don't have the original cartridge now which sucks (I think I lost it) but have bought one a few years back to quench my nostalgia for the game. I would just sit in my room without a care in the world playing Pokemon.
Age 4: My Dad, seeing my strong interest in anything video game related had decided to introduce me to some of the games he would play when he was a kid. That of course, would be the NES and along with that he also got me a copy of the original Super Mario Brothers. It took me a while but with how young I was I somehow beat the game and saved the princess. And with that, my Dad would get me more games and a couple would be Mario 2 and along with 3.
I didn't really have many friends until about 5th grade so video games would just be my friends kinda as lonely as that sounds. Anyway, I didn't care and thought that I could do this for the rest of my life.
With all that I was a little antisocial in most cases but it didn't really have a negative effect on me in the long run. I also loved to watch cartoons such as Spongebob and this is going to surprise a lot of you Family Guy and South Park. My Dad was pretty cool with it since I didn't really know what most of the jokes
meant but in all were some of my favorite things to zone out to.
One of my first pets that were considered mine that had died were two goldfish that my parents had got me. My Mom decided to try cleaning my fish tank without my Dad's directions and ended up freezing them. It didn't really affect me too much but got a trip to Chuck E Cheese's anyway so yeah that was kinda neat. I think I named one of them Sam but can't really remember what I named the other one for the life of me.
Along with all of that I remember that I'd always enjoy going out to stay at my grandparents quite a bit.
But the time would eventually come to where I'd have to face my greatest challenge yet and that would be none other than my first day of Preschool.
Hey Everyone!
I hope you've enjoyed chapter one so far of my autobiography and hope that you'll stay tuned for the rest. I plan on publishing every so often and when a new chapter is released I'll make an announcement. With all of that out of the way stay awesome everyone!
PS: Next chapter with be about not only preschool but about kindergarten as well and the stuff that took place back then too.
I plan on putting a couple of my grade levels in my chapters but 5th will be a bit lengthy so yeah.
And at last..... See ya next story!
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