The School Life
Brian: You know Spring is in my 3rd period class
Kaori: I can't not stand her bruh!
Brian: Why not?
Kaori: She's a Tasmanian Devil, she could fall off a cliff for all I care
The bell rings and Kaori heads to Chemistry class.
Ms. Tamson: Today you have a quiz on Balancing Equations
Rick: We had a quiz on Monday
Ms. Tamson: Today is Thursday it's a whole different day so suck it up
Ms. Smith: Did you even study?
Rick: I'ma be completely honest, no I didn't study
Ms. Smith: See that's why, don't come crying to me to boost your grade when you're about to fail
Ms. Tamson passes out the test and calculators.
Ms. Smith: And if I see anybody cheating that's a automatic 0
Kaori looks at the problems and equations on the paper.
Kaori (In His Mind): This is impossible. How am I supposed to manipulate this over this and how does that go together?
The test has a total of 15 problems and Kaori barely answers only 3 of them before the test is over. After the test Ms. Tamson gives the class an assignment to finish before the bell rings but Kaori ends up not doing it at all. The bell rings and the school is dismissed like usual and Kaori is called over by a group of boys in his grade level and some upperclassmen.
Jiro: I heard ya boy got locked up yesterday
Kaori: Yeah, he did
Taichi: We got a perfect way for you to get some coin before you lose your house
Jiro and Taichi come up with a plan to break into a couple of houses in the rich side of town and Kaori agrees and follows them. Kaori was so desperate and so in need of money he would do anything and not even care about the consequences.
It takes about 20 to 25 minutes to get to that side of town on foot and that's with taking a shortcut. On the way they see neighbors that live right next door to each other arguing.
Neighbor 1 (Female): You keep putting these notes and messing with my windows! Disrespectful!
Neighbor 2 (Female): I did not mess with your windows I did nothing but left a note!
Neighbor 1 throws a rocks into the other neighbor's house.
Neighbor 2 (Female): You a dumb side of street slang foon!
Neighbor 1 (Female): Come outside!
Neighbor 1 throws another rock and breaks the neighbor's window causing her husband to come to the door.
Neighbor 2 (Male): Stop breaking my house! This is my house! Stop destroying my house!
Neighbor 1 throws a metal pole shattering two more windows.
Jiro: What in almighty?
Taichi: She is going in
Kaori: Are they gonna fight or what?
Neighbor 1 (Male): Your wife is disrespectful!
Neighbor 1 (Female): Come outside so I can rock your face!
Kaori: Okay let's go they not doing anything but arguing
Jiro, Taichi and Kaori leave the area and find a house to break into. They sit on the side of the house and wait for the people to leave then Jiro picks the lock on the door.
Kaori: I never understood how people do that
Jiro: You wanna learn?
Jiro demonstrates how to pick a lock.
Jiro: You got it
Kaori: Yeah, I think so
When they get into the house Taichi is the lookout while Jiro and Kaori find valuable goods to steal. The people don't return in time to catch them and they ended up stealing 800yos of items. They then head to a nearby pawn shop to sell it for money, Kaori is about to walk in but Jiro grabs him.
Jiro: You can't just walk in there like that!
Kaori: How else are we supposed to get the money?
Jiro: Put this on to cover your face
Jiro gets Kaori a black scarf.
Jiro: If they remember what you look like then they could easily trace the crime back to you when those people find out their goods is missing
Jiro and Kaori go in the pawn the items and get an extra 100yos for lying about the value of the items. Kaori's cut is 400yos but still not enough to live off of.
Jiro: This isn't the last heist, we got much bigger ones in store for us
Kaori goes home and uses the money he got for a meal for the night and a couple of things to drink. As bad as the situation may seem Kaori was actually happy about what he did, not because of the stealing but because he had a way to support himself. Hanging with Jiro and Taichi was like a way out for Kaori and it gave him a little hope. The next day Kaori goes to school in a much better mood than the day before. In History class Ms. Frickle assigns a group project and Kaori's group members are Brendon, Trailyor and Ariah.
Ariah: Kaori I swear if you don't contribute to the project in anyway I'm telling Ms. Frickle to give you a 0
Kaori: She not going to listen to you
Ariah: If you don't do any work she will
Kaori: She not going to have prove, Ms. Frickle don't pay no attention to us
Ms. Frickle: Ms. Frickle don't pay no what?
Ms. Frickle was standing behind Kaori the whole time.
Ms. Frickle: Miss Hadori please let me know if Mister Sidosen doesn't contribute
Ariah: I will
Ms. Frickle walks away.
Brendon: Ms. Frickle got you in check now so you have to help
The instructions on the project are to make a diagram on a poster board on the events that happened 300 years ago on the Civil War with the power and the powerless.
Jasmine: I have a question, are there still people out there that have "powers"?
Ms. Frickle: Yes ,there are
Jasmine: How come we don't have powers?
Ms. Frickle: Because we're not from that region. Their powers come from families and ancestors. You know some of them don't even know we exist
Brendon: You lying
Ms. Frickle: I am serious
Trailyor: Could one of them live down here?
Ms. Frickle: I mean if they wanted to but they probably wouldn't fit in because they're incredibly feared here. What if one of them gets mad and blows you through the rooftop? Would you want that? See there would be nothing I could do because I don't wanna get blown through the rooftop, I got things to live for
Eito: What kind of powers did they have?
Ms. Frickle: They could shoot rockets and bombs out their barehands. Their families would organized into what they call "Clans" where the power came from that family. They could kill us in a heartbeat that's why I'll never leave Hacoda, my husband talking about he wanted to take my son and I to Akemi I said no! No no no
Jasmine: They down there too?
Ms. Frickle: Yes they made a little nest down there
After the class works hard on their in class projects the bell rings.
Ms. Frickle: Make sure you place your poster boards onto the 1st period section
Kaori is on his way to Mathematics but then he is stopped in the hallway by Jiro and Taichi.
Jiro: We got another stun, it's a mansion on South Rain Senchu. I got some folks that checked it out yesterday, they even keep their money in a safe
Taichi: A safe and we taking the goods? That's a double take right there
Jiro: Problem is we don't know how to crack a safe
Kaori: I do. I still got some experience from when I stayed with my moms
Taichi: When are we doing this?
Jiro: Right after school?
Kaori: I don't have nothing to do so why not?
Jiro: After school it is
Kaori: Who's class are y'all in this period?
Jiro: I got Literature
Taichi: I'm retaking freshmen Mathematics
Kaori heads to class and makes it as soon as the bell rings.
Ms. Dann: What are you doing?! You're late!
Kaori: I came in as soon as the bell rang! What are you talking about?
Ms. Dann: No! You're body wasn't in this classroom so you're late! Now go get a tardy pass!
Kaori: Man, I got enough of them already
Ms. Dann: Then go get another one! And I'm not a man!
Ms. Dann kicks Kaori out of the classroom and sends him to the tardy table.
Ms. Smith is the one that gives out tardy passes.
Ms. Smith: Kaori I have seen you in here about a thousand times
Kaori: I was right there at the door when the bell rang, she be tripping
Ms. Smith: You should know how strict Ms. Dann is by now
Kaori: She not strict, she's extra. She makes a big deal out of nothing for no reason
Ms. Smith: You know how many people have said that?
Kaori: Because it's the truth
Ms. Smith writes a tardy pass for Kaori instead of putting it in the computer.
Ms. Smith: You're lucky you caught me in a good mood, next time it's going in the system
Kaori goes back to Mathematics and gives Ms. Dann the tardy pass.
Moe: Ms. Dann is so extra
Raiku: She didn't even have to do all of that
Kaori: She don't like me, I told y'all
Darren: I seen the computer, she gave you a 0 for the opening question
Kaori: What?! I'm about confront! Hold up
Kaori storms to Ms. Dann's desk.
Kaori: Why did give me a 0 on the opening?!
Ms. Dann: That's what happens when you don't come to class on time
Kaori: You kicked me out unnecessarily
Ms. Dann: Who thought I gave you a 0 anyway?
Kaori: That doesn't matter
Ms. Dann: Go back to your seat before I start instruction
Kaori goes back to his seat.
Moe: What did she say?
Kaori: "That's what I get for coming to class late". She tripping, I'ma end up failing anyway
Moe: But then you'll have to take it again
Kaori: The thought of that just...Woo!!
Darren: Calm down, we don't need someone else blowing their temper off in here
Ms. Dann goes to the board and goes over the opening question. After everyone completes the opening question Ms. Dann passes out an assignment. After the assignment is given out Kaori angrily rips up his paper and Ms. Dann sees him from a distance.
Ms. Dann: Kaori step out
Kaori leaves the classroom and stands by the door, Ms. Dann comes out moments later.
Ms. Dann: You are you ripping up my assignment?! It's already bad enough you've been failing the entire semester, you're not even borderline! Everyone else in there had above a 70! You need this class to graduate! You have to pass it! You have to! It's not optional!
Kaori: You acting like I don't know that
Ms. Dann: Your actions tell me something completely different! Now since you tore up my assignment that's telling me you don't want to be in here!
Kaori: You're telling yourself right
Ms. Dann: Go to Ms. Reeves class and if she calls me about you doing anything out of the ordinary that's a write up!
Kaori: Tripping
Ms. Dann: Do something in there and I'll show you who's really tripping
Kaori goes to sit in Ms. Reeves class who teaches upperclassmen math.
Hiroto: What did you do?
Kaori: Man she kicked me out for no reason
Ms. Reeves: Young man that just came in, no talking or I'll send you back to Ms. Dann
Kaori goes to sleep in till the lunch bell and runs into Ariah.
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