Desperate Times
Ariah: I can tell you was asleep
Kaori: Ms. Dann overreacting and kicked me out
Ariah: She just don't like you
Kaori: That's the same thing I said
The cafeteria is serving spaghetti, Kaori decides not to eat lunch.
Sierra: Why you not eating lunch?
Kaori: Not hungry today
Sierra: Okay something is wrong with you, because you're not eating
Kaori: Why something have to be wrong with me? I could be disgusted by the lunch, after all it is nasty as elephant feet
Ariah: Ms. Dann kicked him out and made him sit in the upperclassmen class
Sierra: I would just stop going to her class
Brian: I had her last year, she did the same thing to this one dude then she failed him because she didn't like him
Suddenly everyone's attention is caught by a group of boys going back and forth with each other, then they end up fighting in the middle of the cafeteria. The security guards rush to the scene to break up the fight. One of the security guards gets punched in the face in the process but manages to break up the fight.
Sierra: That was Suderious
Ariah: They stay caught up in somebody else's beef
Shayla: If one fight they all fight
Kaori: That man Suderious think he the coolest thing since the freezer
Ariah and Sierra laugh.
Ariah: That was corny
Kaori: Ain't nothing on me corny, honey bun
Brian: This morning they was trying to jump Haze
Kaori: Man, Haze knock all of their blocks off. I don't even like them like that. The stuff they do is lame
Shayla: I remember when Suderious was trying to talk to Erykah
Sierra: Yes! She embarrassed him in front of everybody
Ariah: Well they got a clean 10 day suspension at best
Sierra: They'll be back sooner than we know it, they'll never get kicked out of school because of the system
Shayla: They don't care, it's like it's not even school anymore
Brian: This is West Hacoda, they don't care about anything on this side of town
Soon the lunch bell rings and Kaori heads to Engineering class. As soon as he walks into the classroom Dr. Queen says something to him about his absence from yesterday.
Dr. Queen: Kaori, where were you yesterday?
Kaori: What do you mean?
Dr. Queen: You know what I mean, you skipped my class yesterday
Kaori: No I didn't
Dr. Queen: I seen the attendance log. It said you went to all of your classes except mine so I'll write you up for skipping and send it to the front office
Kaori: Okay, do what you do I hope you get some kicks out of that
Kaori goes to his seat.
Dr. Queen: Good Afternoon everyone! Today we'll be finishing our online booklet portfolio
Kaori: A portfolio?
Malik: Majority of everybody is finished and she put it in as a project grade
Kaori: That Bat Lady Witch did that on purpose!
Dr. Queen: That Bat Lady what?
Malik starts chuckling and puts his head down so Dr. Queen can't see him.
Dr. Queen: Do you have something to say Kaori? "Out Loud"
Kaori: I said that Bat Lady Witch did that on purpose
Class: *Gasp* / *Chuckling*
Kaori: What? I'm supposed to be scared to say what I said, "Out Loud"
Dr. Queen: I'm not going to tolerate this! You're in my classroom! In my presence! You going to sit here and act like you have some type of respect!
Kaori: Where did respect come from? You told me to say what I said out loud so I said it. You don't know what I was talking about, it could have been anything
Dr. Queen: Get out! You don't do any work anyway, you're nothing but a seat warmer
Kaori leaves the classroom and sees Jewels leaving the Counsel's Office.
Kaori: Why you not in class?
Jewels: I just came from the counsel, they're letting everyone know where they stand if we're graduating with our class.
My GPA is a 3.6! Yay!
Kaori is happy for Jewels but jealous at the same time, not because of Jewels but because everyone else was able to manage all their classes except for him.
Jewels: Why are you out here? Are you skipping again?
Kaori: No, Dr. Queen kicked me out
Jewels: You stay getting kicked out of somebody's class
Kaori: I'm eventually just going to stop coming to this class
Jewels: I'm going back to class now, try not to get kicked again
After minutes of standing in the hallway the bell finally rings and Kaori heads to Chemistry class.
Ms. Tamson: Today we are doing an assignment on Chemical Bonding
Ms. Tamson passes out the Chemical Bonding assignment.
Ms. Tamson: It's due at the end of the class period
Everyone else seem to understand the assignment and completely but Kaori struggled through the first 3 questions.
At the end of the class period Kaori completes 7 questions out of 30. Soon the bell rings for dismissal. After school Kaori meets up with Jiro and Taichi.
Kaori: So what's the move?
Jiro: Alright so, they checked out the area and it's full of neighborhood watch dogs
Kaori: That's a disappointment
Jiro: But the mansion the least guarded
Taichi: But aren't there cameras down there?
Jiro: Oh, right there is
Kaori: Let's step this thing up a notch
Jiro/Taichi: Huh?
Kaori: Did ya tell you where the cameras are?
Jiro: No
Kaori comes up with an idea for the three of them to cover them selfs up in thin blankets just in case they walk pass an unseen camera. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the destination.
Taichi: I feel like a sissy
Jiro: Well take off the blanket so the feds can recognize you and hunt you down
Kaori looks inside the window of the mansion.
Kaori: I don't see anybody downstairs
Taichi: There's no one home
Jiro: How do you know?
Taichi: Because the Security System is on, you can see the laser pointers at the door
Jiro: Come on dude! You telling me we walked all the way down here for nothing?!
Kaori walks over to the electric box and cuts the wires shutting off the power including the Security System.
Jiro: How....How did you?
Kaori: I'll tell you later
Kaori picks the lock on the door and gets inside. They steal jewelry, clothes, shoes and disc players. The total cost of the items they take are about 2600yos. Just when they are about to go downstairs the owners of the home arrive.
Kaori: Shh! They here!
Taichi: How are we supposed to get out?!
Kaori: That window over there
Taichi: Jump from the second floor?
Jiro: It's either that or get caught
Man (Home Owner): Hey! What happened to all of our decorations?!
Woman (Home Owner): Someone broke in while we were gone! Look at the door! They must have cut the power, none of the lights are working!
Man (Home Owner) I'm calling the cops
Jiro: Hurry up with the window! They calling the feds!
Kaori struggles but he eventually gets the window out and the three of them jump out. They run across the street and hide in the woods when they see the police coming.
Taichi: Do you know how close we were to being caught?
Jiro: It's just a good thing we don't live on this side of town, now let's get back before we do get caught
When they make to the other side Jiro goes turns the items into the pawn shop on his own to avoid suspicion. Jiro again lies about the value and where the items came from and the guy behind the cash register was dumb enough to believe him. The total amount of money from all the items put together is 5600yos.
Kaori's cut is 2750yos.
Jiro: This is the last heist for a while, people are starting to get suspicious
Kaori: For a while?
Taichi: It's the smartest thing to do right now, going again is just too risky
Kaori: I guess you're right
Jiro and Taichi head home. Kaori heads to the Hacoda Power Co. to pay the power bill on his house to turn his electricity back on. The amount due is 867yos, after the bill is paid an electrician follows him home and turns his power back on.
Kaori: Yes! Tonight is going to be lit!
Kaori turns on TV in his room. The cable bill isn't due for another month so all of the channels are still available. He turns the channel on his favorite reality show "Love & Fame". After hours of catching up on missed episodes he falls asleep. Kaori wakes up on a Saturday morning and hears someone knocking on the door.
He opens the door and sees Ariah and Shayla.
Kaori: What are y'all doing here?
Ariah: We just wanted to pop in and see how you was doing and all
Shayla: You live in here all alone?
Kaori: Yup
Shayla: I couldn't, I would jump and slightest creak in the wall
Kaori: I'm not a girl so I don't jump like you jump
Ariah laughs.
Shayla: Is there any food in here?
Kaori: Yeah, if you brought some
Ariah and Shayla feel bad for Kaori.
Shayla: We should take him grocery shopping
Kaori: What?!
Shayla: I got plenty of money saved up from my after school job
Ariah: Yes that's a great idea. Kaori get dressed and we're not taking no for an answer
Kaori puts on his day clothes and goes out to the grocery store with Ariah and Shayla.
At the grocery store Kaori gets milk and cereal, chips and other snacks and some stuff to drink. Shayla paid a total of 256yos for the groceries. As they're leaving the grocery store Shayla looks at the receipt.
Shayla: You are going to get so fat
Kaori: I never get fat, I'm slim trim forever
Ariah and Shayla go back with Kaori to his house and help him put away the groceries.
Ariah: You're house is cleaner than I thought it would be
Kaori: What's that supposed to mean?
Ariah: You seem like the type to have a dirty house
Shayla: Yeah, you kinda do
Kaori turns on the TV in the living room and the News Channel is on.
News Reporter: Caught on camera here on Balcony Street are 3 thieves wrapped in blankets breaking into a local resident and getting away with over a thousand yos in merchandise
Ariah: They cover themselves up, that's smart. Sad but smart
Kaori: Sad? Maybe they had to do what they had to do
Shayla: If they needed money they should have got a job, like me!
Ariah: Shayla you been acting like you all that ever since you got that small part time job
Shayla: I am all that, because I have more money than you
Ariah: Hey, I just remembered. Kaori I thought your stuff was getting ready to get cut off
Kaori: It was
Shayla: Why isn't it?
Kaori: I got some people to take care of it
Ariah: Some people?
Kaori: Yeah, some people
Shayla: He's not going to tell you who it is, he responded the same way when I asked him what girl he took to the prom last year
Ariah laughs.
Kaori: Why everybody wanna crack jokes today?
Shayla: I wanna walk through the mall, I'm bored
Ariah: Kaori, you coming?
Kaori: I'm not sitting here all day
Kaori goes with Ariah and Shayla to the mall.
Shayla: Those Go-Go Boots are cute!
Kaori: Go-Go Boots? What in the world?!
Shayla: What's wrong with them?
Kaori: What's not wrong with the name Go-Go Boots? It sounds like a shoe you go to the bathroom in
Ariah: Haha! Kaori you stupid!
The mall is crowded with shoppers and tourists.
Kaori: This is too many people to be walking through and if one of them touch I swear I'ma--
Ariah: Let's go to the cafeteria! No fighting! Fighting will get you arrested
Kaori follows Ariah and Shayla to the cafeteria.
Shayla: It is cold in here!
Ariah: I just wanted to get out of the house, my brother is getting on my nerves!
Shayla: My brother moved out after he graduated
Kaori: Mmm, yada yada, okay can one of y'all order me some food?
Shayla: Who are you talking to like that? You ask properly and say please
Kaori: Please order me some food
Ariah: Just get the boy a fish taco
Kaori: Eaahh! Them things nasty!
Shayla: We'll order something from D's Mickey
After spending hours at mall Ariah and Shayla head home and so does Kaori.
Two days later Kaori wakes up at his usual time and heads to school. Kaori walks into the school and sees two girls arguing over a boy.
Girl 1: You go with anybody and anything!
Girl 2: He wasn't even your's to begin with! You just mad because don't nobody want your nasty saggy cricked letter body!
Crowd: Oooo!!
The first girl swings first and it turns into a fight with them hitting each other on the head multiple times and pulling each other's hair. The administrators and security rush to the scene and break up the fight before one of them were badly injured. After the girls are taken to the office while Kaori heads to History class.
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