Class Is In Session
Jasmine: Did y'all see that fight?
Carla: They stay fighting over a boy, I don't have time for that!
Brendon: Why did they have to break it up! I wanted to see who was gonna win
The bell rings and Ms. Frickle walks into the classroom.
Ms. Frickle: Settle down people, I know everyone's all hyped up after watching that fight break out
The class laughs.
Aoi: It's funny when she try to talk like us
Ms. Frickle: Answer the opening question on the board and then we'll go over it
Kaori: Ariah, you got the answer?
Ariah: Yeah but I'm not giving it to you, do your own work for once and maybe you won't have to keep asking me
Kaori: Why you got to be so difficult?
Ms. Frickle walks to the board and starts going over the question then Kaori makes a realistic fart sound behind Ariah's desk.
Ms. Frickle: See that's all types of nasty, let me get my spray
Ms. Frickle grabs her air freshener and sprays it on Ariah and the entire class laughs at her.
Ms. Frickle: Try to lay off the cheese Miss Hadori
Ariah: That wasn't even me! I swear!
Kaori puts his head down and starts laughing really hard and loud.
Ariah: Kaori, I can't even describe how childish that was
Kaori: That's what you get for not letting copy off your paper
Ariah: It's okay, I got something for you later on just wait
Kaori: Ah! Ah! Ariah no! Please! You see that? That's how I would sound if I was scared
Ariah: Okay, just wait
Ms. Frickle: Alright, turn to page 317 and complete the 10 question assessment
Kaori: This is too much to read
Ariah: I would've let you copy off of my paper
Kaori: You know dog on well you wasn't, don't even tell that lie
Kaori sneak copies off of Brendon's paper and completes 7 out of the 10 questions, the bell rings and he turns in his paper.
Kaori heads to Mathematics but when gets there Ms. Dan isn't there but a substitute teacher instead.
Moe: I know you happy
Kaori: Yess! I don't have to hear her big ol' mouth today
Darren: She'll be back tomorrow, enjoy it while it lasts
The bells rings and the substitute teacher comes into the classroom.
Substitute Teacher: Good Morning class my name is Ms. Almond
Moe: Why does she have the same name as a nut?
Kaori and Darren laugh. Someone from the counselor's office comes into the classroom and calls for Kaori to see the counselor.
Moe: That grade average review thing
Kaori: You did it?
Moe: Yes! My grade average is a 3.5!
Darren: Mine is a 2.9
Kaori walks to the counselor nervously and sits in the waiting room in till the counselor calls for him. After minutes of nervous waiting the counselor finally calls Kaori into her office.
Ms. Cook: Kaori Sidosen right?
Kaori: Yes ma'am
Kaori sits down.
Ms. Cook: Okay so if you're wondering why you were called is to look over your grades and calculate your time for graduation
Kaori: Okay
Ms. Cook: Freshman year here you only passed 2 out of 8 classes with barely C's.
Then sophomore year you failed foreign language which is a class that is mandatory you have to pass it to graduate. The average grade point average in juniors is 2.00 and you're not even a point yet
Kaori sits silently.
Ms. Cook: Even if you were to pass all of your classes this semester you wouldn't graduate. And you also need Psychology, how did you fail Psychology? That's easy
Kaori sits with a blanks stare trying to hide his emotions.
Ms. Cook: I'll print out a copy of your transcript and all the classes you need
Ms. Cook prints out Kaori's transcript and gives it to him in his hand. Kaori leaves the counselor angry and ashamed, having the lowest grade point average out of everyone in his year made him feel like an outcast. At that point Kaori felt no purpose in coming to school anymore, like he could just walk out of the school and not think twice about it. Kaori heads back to Mathematics.
Moe: What's your grade point average? I know they told you
Kaori: I don't wanna talk about it
Darren: See we now his grade point average is bad, look at his face
Moe: I'm not one of them ignorant folks, I'm not going to make fun of him for that.
It's that you're dumb, school is just not for everybody
Ms. Almond: Ms. Dann left a quiz for you all so make sure you complete and put it on the desk when you're finished
Ms. Almond passes out the math quiz.
Moe: I'm about to ace this quiz
Darren: Who still says that?
Moe: Me
Kaori watches his other classmates answer the questions on the quiz and he was completely clueless. The lunch bell rings and Kaori turns in his paper without answering a single question. Kaori walks into the cafeteria and seats at the table without going into the lunch line.
Sierra: What happened this time, Kaori? Ms. Dann kicked you out again
Ariah and Shayla come to the table.
Shayla: What's wrong with Kaori?
Sierra: I don't know, I thought one of y'all knew
Ariah: Kaori, what's wrong this time?
Kaori: I don't feel like talking about it
Kaori puts his head down.
Brian: Kaori you heard what happened to Spring?
Shayla: Kaori is in a bad mood right now
Kaori: What happened?!
Sierra: Dang! He jumped up like it was a riot
Brian: She got beat up in 1st period
Kaori: By who?!
Brian: Rachel
Kaori: The one with the pig braids?!
Brian: Yeah
Kaori: *Gasp* She in my 4th period! Yes!
I was hoping that was gonna happen one day, she deserve it
Sierra: How come you don't like Spring?
Kaori: Because she talk too much, she got a mouth like a motor. She always talk smack to boys but wanna bow down when it's another girl, woo! I can't stand her, but she got beat up today! That put me in a better mood
Ariah: So does that mean you'll tell us what happened?
Kaori: Nope
Ariah: I forgot to tell y'all what happened in 1st period
Shayla: What?
Ariah: The teacher was at the board going over the opening then Kaori made a fart sound like a 9 year old and Ms. Frickle thought it was me
Sierra: She thought you passed gas for real?!
Sierra laughs.
Ariah: And then she sprayed air freshener on me like I stank
Everyone at the table laughs.
Kaori: That was too funny, "See that's all types of nasty", y'all should have heard the way she said it
Ariah: Don't think I forgot
Kaori: I'm still not scared
Sierra: Scared of what?
Ariah: You'll see soon
The bells rings and Kaori heads to Engineering class. Dr. Queen walks to the middle of the classroom and starts talking about today's assignment but everything she says sound like "blah blah blah blah" to Kaori. After the assignment is given Kaori goes to sleep. Dr. Queen walks over to Kaori's computer and wakes him up.
Dr. Queen: Kaori let's go, if you're going to sleep you're not staying in here
Dr. Queen escorts Kaori to sit in another classroom, a class that Jiro happens to be in.
Jiro: Why you in here?
Kaori: I went to sleep in class
Jiro: Kaori you know you better than that
Kaori: No I'm not
Jiro: Why you say that?
Kaori shows Jiro his transcript.
Jiro: Oh.....Oh! Daanng!
Kaori: Stop being so extra
Jiro: My grade point average is a 1.9
Kaori: But that's not a 2.0
Jiro: It's close to one
Kaori: *Sigh*
Jiro: Did you blow all your money yet?
Kaori: No, I still need more of it
Jiro: Bruh, they had us on the news the other day
Kaori: I seen that! I bet y'all glad I came up with a blanket idea
Jiro: It's getting too risky
Kaori: Then we can try a different area, I can come up with the time and the place
Jiro: Is it risk free?
Kaori: This is not like one of them supplement pills on the TV commercial, there's always going to be a risk
Jiro: Whatever but I can't do it because I'm getting ready to move
Kaori: Move where?
Jiro: With my grandma in the next few days or so
Kaori: *Sigh* Alright
The bell rings and Kaori heads to Chemistry class.
Ms. Tamson: Make sure you complete the assignment that was left on your desk. There is no opening today because we're leaving to go to the lab
Kaori: This say "What To Do When Entering A Lab". Ms. Tamson we didn't go over this
Ms. Tamson: We took notes on it while you were sleeping last week
Chouko: I know the answers
Kaori: Are you going to let me copy?
Chouko: No
Kaori makes a face a Chouko.
Chouko: Just kidding, wait till I'm finished
It takes Chouko about 10 minutes to complete the assignment then he passes it to Kaori. Soon the entire class heads to the Chemistry lab.
Ms. Smith: Get into groups of 4!
Kaori gets into a group with Rick, Chouko and Rachel.
Rachel: I'm in a all boy group
Kaori: What you think you smarter than everybody now?
Rachel: I have the highest grade out of everybody in this group so I am the smartest
Rick: What do you even have in this class?
Rachel: An 89
Rick: I got a 75
Rachel: That's still lower than mine even if it is a passing grade
Rick: You don't even know what Kaori's grade is
Rachel: Oh I know, I seen it on the computer when Ms. Tamson was putting in grades after school yesterday. But I'm not going to say it out loud
Kaori: You always getting into people's personal space, you a noisy lil something
Rachel: I mean I was sitting right in front of the computer I couldn't help but to look, I even saw Masuru's grade he got a 16
Rick: Because he don't do no work, he fail all the quiz with single digit grades like 9's and 6's
Rachel: He might as well stop coming to school, no point in trying now it's been too long
The assignment is to boil food colored water over a flame and document what happens.
Rachel: Where's the paper?
Kaori: I don't know
Rachel: Kaori I just gave it to you! Ms. Tamson said she not giving out anymore! If I get a 0 because of you I'ma beat you down as soon as the bell rings
Kaori sees the paper on the floor.
Kaori: Here it is
Rachel: Give me this! I'm keeping the paper!
Kaori puts the test tube on the flame and melts it from putting it through for too long.
Ms. Smith: Kaori what in the world?!
Kaori: What?
Ms. Smith: How in the hella balloons did you do this?!
Kaori: Umm
Rachel: You can't let this boy do nothing!
Ms. Smith: I'll get y'all another test tube
Rachel: Give it to me this time, Kaori just document the reactions please
Ms. Smith brings the group another test tube and gives it to Rachel. Kaori watches Rick and Rachel boil the food colored water.
Rachel: Write that down
Kaori: Write what down?
Rachel: You weren't even paying attention?!! Ahh! Gimme the paper! You just sit there and do nothing and take that 0!
Kaori: Okay
Kaori goes the rest of the class period without doing any work. Soon the dismissal bell rings and Kaori heads straight home to think, he gets a paper and starts planning his next heist. After an hour he watches a couple of shows on TV then he goes to bed. The next morning Kaori leaves his house at 7:35 and heads to school. Kaori walks into History class.
Ms. Frickle: Good morning, Mister Sidosen
Kaori: Good morning
The bell rings and Ariah is the last to enter the classroom.
Ms. Frickle: Complete the opening question
Kaori writes down the question without answering it. Ariah turns around and gives Kaori a creepy smile.
Kaori: Are you okay today?
Ariah: Just fine!
Ariah pulls a green medium sized ball out of her purse and puts it on Kaori's desk.
Kaori: This thing stank! What is this?!
The green ball starts to make fart sounds.
Ms. Frickle: Is that Miss Hadori passing gas again? See that's the disrespectfulness I'm talking about, why do the children have to come to school and be so nasty
Ms. Frickle walks toward Ariah's desk.
Ms. Frickle: Woo! That's not Miss Hadori!
Why does it smell like rotten eggs over here?!
The green ball starts releasing a foul odor.
Ms. Frickle: Mister Sidosen?! Is that you?! That's just nasty! Why you got to be nasty?!
Kaori: What but it's--
Ms. Frickle: I don't care about the green toy you brought from home put it away.
Woo! Did you forget to go to the bathroom this morning?!
The green ball explodes with the smell reaching the entire classroom.
Ms. Frickle: Oh no! That's just horrible!
Carla: It smells like a landfill!
Brendon: Boy you got that nasty nasty!
Jasmine: How does it go that far?!
Trailyor: You dirty!
Yuna: Did you manure for dinner last night?!
Ms. Frickle: *Cough* Everyone exit the classroom! Immediately!
Everyone leaves the classroom and Ms. Frickle opens the window before leaving.
Ms. Frickle: I hope everyone brought all of their belongings because I'm not going back in the classroom and stay away from Mister Sidosen if you value your sense of smell
Kaori: You put a stink bomb on me?
Ariah laughs hard and loud.
Ariah: Karma is a bad montana!
Kaori: Now Ms. Frickle think I'm nasty
Ariah: Now you know how I felt yesterday
Kaori: I'ma let you have this one
Ariah: You don't have a choice, you get me I get you back even harder
The class proceeds to the gym and sit on the bleachers.
Ms. Frickle: Alright class read over Chapter 5 for the quiz tomorrow
Brendon: Kaori we all know you're not going to read
Kaori: You're correct because right now the only thing I wanna read is some Z's
Kaori goes to sleep for the rest of the class period. The bell rings and Kaori heads to Mathematics, he manages to get there before the bell rings to avoid Ms. Dann saying something to him and immediately goes straight to his desk and puts his head down.
Moe: What's wrong with you today?
Kaori: I don't feel like hearing Ms. Dann mouth today
The bell rings and the classroom gets quiet when Ms. Dann walks into the classroom.
Ms. Dann: Spread the desk out and get into groups
Kaori: Bruh I hate getting into groups!
Moe: Kaori come with us, I know you need all the 100's you can get
Kaori gets into a group with Moe, Darren and Jewels.
Ms. Dann: Has anyone seen Spring around? She's in my 1st period
Tagara: She suspended
Ms. Dann: Suspended?! What did she do?!
Darren: She got beat up!
Moe: Why you putting that girl business out like that?
Kaori: That beat down was long overdue
Moe: You don't like Spring?
Kaori: Nope
Moe: Why?
Kaori: She talk way too much, I should've slapped the troll hair off that dry nasty flakey scalp of hers
Moe laughs.
Darren: He stay flaming on Spring even after she got beat up
Ms. Dann walks to the front of the board writes a graphing problem down.
Ms. Dann: Darren you're passing this class come work out this problem
Kaori: Passing? You was just failing!
Darren: She boosted my grade
Kaori: What the---! See this the stuff that get me mad right here
Darren walks up to the board and works out the graphing problem.
Kaori: This man just had a 58 two days ago, how is he passing?!
Moe: I wish I could tell you
Kaori: Favoritism!
Darren completes the problem and gets it correct.
Ms. Dann: Good, that's extra credit
Kaori: What?!!
Darren: I actually thought I was about to fail this class
Kaori: She trifling!
Ms. Dann: Kaori running that mouth over is going to bring your grade down even lower
Kaori: Man, I don't care about that!
Ms. Dann: You trying to get smart with me today?! I can drop your grade all the way down to a 0!
Kaori: DO IT!!
Kaori throws a math textbook at the board.
Kaori: You pick and choose who you wanna fail and who you wanna pass!
What you need to do is fix this cricked ol' wig and send it to the dry cleaners!
Come in here everyday with the same old nasty scarf we all know you got from the flea market!
Ms. Dann: Get out!
Kaori: I will gladly!
Kaori knocks some books and decorations down before leaving the classroom.
Right after he leaves the classroom he goes to the bathroom and waits for the lunch bell to ring. After waiting for a while the bell finally rings. Kaori goes to the cafeteria and actually gets lunch and sits at the table.
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