Chapter 5
TW: Swearing (I think)
"Hey, Cassio! Wake up!" I hear Jack say.
I hum back in response. He knows I can make sound – I just won't speak, like I told Crutchie last night. So humming is fine.
"C'mon, we gotta go get Davey," he says, shaking my shoulder. I grab his wrist, slowly turning over to face him.
"Jeez, dat was creepy." I smile, just to freak him out. "Aaaand now its even creepier. Anyways, I'se'll wait for ya outside, alright Cassio?" He back out of the small room as fast as he can, leaving me laughing.
A few minutes later I join him outside. I swapped the shirt, so today it's mine that I'm wearing, but I'm wearing Crutchie's pants and waistcoat.
Jack whistles. "Damn, kid, that waistcoat fits ya poifectly. It's like you'se're da same size." He continues to throw random stupid compliments at me.
I hit him playfully on the arm until he submits, laughing quietly. He opens the door for me, and I see that it's barely light outside. I look back to Jack, who shrugs, whispering, "By the time we get to Davey's it's gonna be a little brighter. Trust me."
I hop down the steps, grabbing Jack's arm when he offers it. Thanks, I mouth. He nods. I still have the pencil in my pocket, but nothing to write on, so Jack and I walk in silence. He walks with me, too, rather than at his own pace, which I appreciate.
A little while later Jack picks up his pace a little, beckoning me. "C'mon, Cassio, we'se nearly dere." I manage to keep up with him, half-skipping, and I really just want to get out of here as soon as we can. We're in the same neighbourhood I used to go to school in before becoming a newsie, and I don't really want anyone recognising me. I don't want to talk to people I barely remember and then have to pretend like I do.
We stop outside an apartment complex, and Jack explains to me that when he and Davey were talking yesterday he said that the best way to come in wouldbe the front door, rather than up the fire escape like Jack was planning.
I shake my head at that, hopping up the steps.
"You'se don't have ta come–"
I scowl at him and he backs off. I hear him mutter something under his breath and I have to hold back a laugh. ("Damn, remind me not ta say somethin' like dat again.")
He knocks, and I hear footsteps running up to the door. A child yells, "They're here! They're here!" and throws the door open. Les stands before us. He's not wearing his shoes or hat, his shirt is half untucked, he only has one suspender properly on his shoulder and he's grinning his head off.
"Mornin' kid!" Jack says.
I smile at him and ruffle his hair. A woman appears in front of us, and introduced herself.
"Good morning, boys. David's told us a lot about you."
"Good mornin' Mrs. Jacobs," Jack greets, tipping his hat. I just send her a small smile and wave.
"Oh, please, call me Esther," she says.
"Okay, uh, Esther... I'se Jack, dis is Cassio. I dunno if Davey's told you our names yet–"
"Oh, don't worry, Jack, he's told us about the strike and all of that. He talks about all of you a lot–"
"Non-stop since he started, actually!" A man yells from another room. I presume that's Mr. Jacobs. Mrs. Jacobs leads us through to the kitchen, Les running off to who knows where.
"You're welcome to stay for breakfast if you like. We're just having eggs – I know it's not much, but breakfast isthe most important meal of the day – what?"
She's just noticed Jack and I staring at her. We were both thinking the same thing: Food?
"Are you boys telling me you're happy to be getting breakfast?"
We glance at each other and nod vigorously. Jack tells her, "We don' usually have da time to do dat." I notice he leaves out the very minor detail that we do not have enough moneyto have breakfast. We barely have enough for a small meal at the end of the day.
"Well, David should be out of his room soon, so you can stay for a little while and then head off to Brooklyn. Come, sit." She motions to the table. "I'll go get Mr. Jacobs."
Jack and I sit patiently, unsure of what to do. Les comes running, pulls a chair out (loudly) and sits, bouncing like a little rubber ball.
"What's up, kid?"
"Well y'see, I'm going to school today cause it's Monday and it's free for me to go but I helped Davey sell papers the other day 'cause he needed it an' I get to see my friend Sally and our teacher, Ms Hammond, said we could play a game today so I'm really excited to go to school and Davey's dropping me off before he goes to Brooklyn with you two–"
"Les!" Davey yells, laughing. "Stop bornin' them, will ya?"
The boy rolls his eyes. "I'm hungry. I want food." Davey smacks him – playfully, of course.
"Mornin' Dave," Jack says. I wave again.
Davey waves back at me, smiling. "Mornin' you two! When'd you get here?"
"Ah, not too long ago, and the shortstack's only been hawkin' our ears off for a minute or two."
"HEY!" Les yells, making us laugh.
"So, we're gonna have breakfast and then head off to Brooklyn?" Davey asks.
I nod. Ms. Jacobs – Esther– comes in with a man on a crutch.
"Oh, David!" she exclaims, "You're up! Good, now I can finally start on breakfast."
"Are you sure we're not intruding, Ms. Jacobs?" Jack asks.
"No, not at all! It's good to meet our sons' friends!"
Davey waves to the man. "Mornin' dad!"
"Oh, yes! Sorry, boys, this is Davey's father, Mr. Jacobs," Esther says, obviously ashamed she didn't say anything before.
"Please, boys, call me Meyers," he says as we get up to shake his hand. I stumble as we sit back down, nearly falling, but Jack catches me.
"Thanks," I whisper as quietly as possible. He nods, pulling me up.
"It's good to know I'm not the only one who has some trouble walking," Meyers laughs. Jack glares at him, but I smile. It doesn't matter that he doesn't realise he's being rude, I'm glad he can still joke around about it even though it happened.
"Now! How about we all sit down and you boys can talk while I make breakfast, okay?"
The boys sit, but I go over to help Esther in the kitchen.
She tries to usher me out, saying, "No, dear, please, you're my guest!" but I really do want to help. Eventually Davey stands up as well, and we both help his mother.
***TIME SKIPPPPPPPPPPPP (brought to you by Race's cigar) to when they're leaving cause I can't be bothered to write it lol – also small talk is a nO-***
"Thank you so much, Mrs. Jacobs," Jack says, shaking her and Mr. Jacobs' hands (separately of course lol).
"C'mon! I wanna gooooooo!"
I chuckle at Les – we're taking him to school on the way, and even though he does want to go with us, Dvaey doesn't think that bringing a small child with us to see the King of Brooklyn won't make the best first impression, and he's sorta right.
"We're coming, Les, hold on," Davey mutters, grabbing his newspaper bag (even though he doesn't need it) and hugging his mum goodbye.
"Be back before dinner!" Esther calls after us. Davey reassures her that he will, and the secondthe door is closed Les bolts down the stairs, Davey running after him.
Jack, on the other hand, stays behind to help me down the stairs. I didn't think I'd need it, but of course I stumbled on more than one occasion and the 'Hattan leader was there to catch me.
Davey's calmly waiting at the bottom for us while Les is bouncing around, hyper as all hell (me everyday lol). The boys (except Les) both walk at my pace, albeit a little bit ahead of me, meaning I don't have to tire myself out before we even start the actual walk.
For once, though, I'm not thinking about food while I'm walking. Esther fed us really well considering we just showed up at her doorstep with little warning. I must remember to thank her again when I next see her.
"C'mon!Why're you all so slow?"Les whines. Davey scolds his brother while I laugh with Jack. The boy keeps pushing us along till we get to his school. There are little kids milling about everywhere, completely oblivious to the world outside their school and home.
"Les! Remember you're going to Sally's after school and Dad's picking you up!" Davey calls after his brother who's running to his friends.
"I know!"
And we headed off to Brooklyn.
A/N: hey guys! Sorry, I know this is a LOT shorter than usual but I wanted to give you something for the next couple days.
I'm working on Chapter 6 now - and we WILL be seeing Spot in that one (I've rEALLY been looking forward to writing it lol) so keep a look out for it! Seriously tho I plan to have it out in the next like couple days/week so yay!
gtg, love ya all!
- Quills
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