Chapter Seven: The Live Stream
"Aubrey, sweetheart settle down"
My dad said sternly. We were finally back on the bus and headed to a different hotel.
"I can't daddy! I'm excited" I squealed. He chuckled at me. "I know sweetheart, but you can't run around on the bus, you're going to hurt either yourself or someone else" He said. I sighed but sat down on one of the chairs. "Daddy, when does the live stream start?" I asked. He looked over at Liam who was looking down at his phone. "That's a good question, Liam. When does the live stream start?" My dad asked.
Liam glanced up from his phone to look at my dad and I.
"Not for while, the live stream isn't until six tonight. We have a photo shoot, an interview, and a recording to do when we arrive in Dallas. We have to do all of that before we even get to the hotel." Liam answered.
I started to pout and crossed my arms. "Why are you guys always so busy?" I asked. My mom and dad looked at each other and both of them sighed. "It's a little hard to explain sweetheart but this is something you're going to have to get use to if you want to continue to tour with us." My dad answered. I sighed and slumped back my the chair.
"Where's uncle Harry?" I asked. "I think he's sleeping sweetheart, along with Zayn" Liam answered. "Actually, I'm right here" I heard Harry say with a yawn. I looked over and Harry was standing in the hallway of the bus just before you reach the bunks.
"Uncle Harry!" I shrieked. He gave me a tired and waved at me. "Ello, Sunshine" He greeted. He stretched his arms up to the ceiling and groaned out slightly. "Back?" Liam asked.
Harry nodded and rubbed his eyes then walked over and sat down in the chair next to mine. I looked over at Niall and his face was glued to his phone as well.
"I'm bored.." I said with a huff. "Well come here then" Harry said. He held his arms out to me and I leaned over. He lifted me into his lap and grabbed what he called and Ipad off of the table next to him. "Wanna watch some videos with me?" He asked. I nodded and leaned back against his shoulder while he pulled up videos for us to watch.
After a few videos, the bus came to a slightly screeching stop.
"We're here fellas!" I heard the driver call out. "Eleanor, Paul is here as well, he agreed to take you and Aubrey to the hotel and check us in while we do what we need to do." I heard Liam's voice speak.
"But I wanna go with daddy!" I shrieked. "Not this time sweetheart, you're going to stay with mommy." My dad said. "No!" I cried out.
I hopped off of Harry's lap and clung on to my dad's leg. "I wanna go too!" I shouted.
Tears began to form in my eyes as I clung tighter to his leg. My dad sighed and knelt down to my level. "Aubrey Mae, we have talked about this a few times now, you cannot go everywhere with me." He said. I let out a sob and clung tighter to his leg. "Sweetheart please.." My mom said with a sad voice. I looked up at both of them with tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Let me go!" I sobbed. My dad looked at me, he had a look of heartbreak in his eyes as he carefully detached my arms from his leg.
"I'm sorry baby, but you have to stay with mommy." He said.
He gave me a tight hug and kissed my head then lifted me up and handed me to my mom. He then began to walk off of the bus and my mom followed. He went towards the car and my mom went towards Paul. I continued to sob on my mom's shoulder as she rubbed my back.
"He'll be back in no time sweetheart, and remember, when they come back they're going to do the live stream!" My mom reassured. I sniffed and looked up at her. I wiped away my tears and slowly calmed down.
"What're we going to do while daddy and uncles are gone?" I asked curiously. She then thought for a moment and hummed. "Hmmm..Do you maybe want to go swimming? The hotel has a pool." My mom said. "Swimming?" I asked. "I don't have a bathing suit though." I said sadly. My mother slightly giggled at me and lightly pinched my cheek. "Daddy and I bought you one a little while ago." My mom said.
My eyes lit up and I looked at her. "So I get to go swimming?" I asked with beaming eyes. She smiled and nodded. "But you have to listen to me" My mom said sternly. I nodded my head and squealed. "I get to go swimming!" I shrieked.
She laughed at me and kissed the side of my head. Pretty soon we were at the hotel and getting on to the elevator. Once we made it to the right floor we walked to the room and went inside. "Mommy, I'm hungry" I groaned. She looked at her phone then down at me. "What do you want to eat sweetie?" She asked. I shrugged and held my stomach. She looked back at her phone again and started typing on it.
"Do you want to go swimming first?" My mom asked. I quickly nodded and smiled at her. She giggled at me and went over to our bags and rummaged through it.
Aubrey and Eleanor got around and went down to the pool of the hotel. At first Aubrey was absolutely terrified as a lot of people crowded around them but she soon realized that none of those people we're going to hurt her. In fact, a lot of the fans were playing with her.
She laughed as some girls would tickle her sides or even play peek-a-boo with her. Eleanor watched on with a huge smile upon her face as she caught the whole scene on video. It warmed her heart to see Louis' fans accept her and Aubrey.
She and Aubrey even took pictures with some of the fans. After a long while of swimming, Aubrey began to grow tired and even more hungry. So, they, left the pool and went back up to the room and changed. Eleanor ordered room service so Aubrey and her could eat.
Soon after they ate, Aubrey started rubbing her eyes, indicating that she was tired. She tucked Aubrey into the bed and kissed her little cheek. "Daddy will be here very soon." She whispered to her as Aubrey closed her eyes and fell asleep.
After a few hours, Aubrey awoke from her slumber and heard the voices of her father and four uncles.
"Daddy!" I shrieked as I hopped out of the bed. He looked over at me and smiled. He had tears in his eyes. I frowned and stopped.
"Daddy, why are you crying?" I asked. He chuckled at me and sniffed then pulled me over to him. "I'm crying because I'm happy sweetheart" He said. "But I thought you only cry when you're sad." I said, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. He sniffed then chuckled again and kissed the side of my head.
"There's happy tears and then there's sad tears. Sometimes you can be so happy and moved that it can make you cry" My dad explained. "Mommy just finished showing me the video and pictures she took of you guys at the pool." He said.
"Did you have fun?" He asked. I nodded my head and smiled. I soon began to notice that everyone else had happy tears in their eyes as well.
"We're definitely going to have to start the live stream with a huge thank you to our fans." Liam suggested. My dad nodded his head then placed me down on the floor. "Indefinitely." He stated. He looked at his watch then at everyone else.
"Well it's almost six, is everything already set up?" He asked. "Of course it is, Niall and I have been excited about this live stream for weeks now." Liam said. "Aubrey is just as excited." Zayn said with a laugh.
I was jumping up and down in one place, squealing.
"Is it time?" I asked. They all laughed and Harry picked me up. "Almost Sunshine, just a few more minutes" He said.
We walked over to the table that had the laptop on top of it and walked in front of the camera, I could see my own face on the screen. "You see those numbers right there and how they keep getting smaller?" He asked. I nodded my head and glanced at it with a bewildered look in my eyes.
"That's a timer, once those number reach zero, we'll be live online." He said. I smiled up at him and then watched the timer intently. I started seeing words pop up on the side and tilted my head in confusion. "What's that?" I asked. "Our fans are already logged on to the live stream, waiting for it to go live. What they're doing right now is commenting and saying how excited they are for us to be live."
He explained. "Oh" I responded. "Are we going through with adding some fans to the live stream?" I heard Niall ask. "Of course, that's the big surprise" Zayn replied. "Hush! the timer is almost to zero!" Harry exclaimed.
"3..2..1! Ello everyone!" Harry shouted at the camera. "Hey guys!" The others chimed in. "We'd like to start off this Live stream by thanking the fans that are currently staying at the hotel we are, for accepting Aubrey and Eleanor." My dad said with a smile.
"We are all very grateful to have such amazing and supportive fans." Zayn continued. "And for those who do not know yet, this is miss Aubrey Mae" Harry stated as he bounced me up and down slightly.
I let out a giggle and smiled at the camera. "Aubrey is Louis' and Eleanor's five year old daughter." Niall said. I watched as words started popping up on the screen at a very fast pace.
"Today's live stream, we will be answering questions, making shout outs, and for the first time, we will be adding fans to the live stream via video call!" Zayn announced. "We'll say this now, we will not be answering any personal questions about Aubrey at this time. I will announce a full explanation about Aubrey here in a few days." My dad said.
Harry set me down in a chair in front of the laptop and hovered over me as he scrolled through the comments. "I love you guys!" Harry read aloud. "Awww Thank you, we love you too! Carsonluvs1D" My dad said as he was reading the comments along with Harry.
"Aubrey is so precious!" Harry read
I looked at my mom and dad, they were both smiling, as they read through all of the comments.
Pretty soon they began calling fans. A lot of them screamed, some even cried happy tears but almost all of the fans they called talked to me too. After two hours of the live stream, they all started saying goodbye to the fans and closing down the live stream.
I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "Did you have fun today Aubrey?" Zayn asked. I nodded tiredly and leaned against who was ever next to me. "Aww, she definitely tired herself out today." Liam said.
Someone began to run their fingers through my hair causing my eyes to become heavier. "Haz, do you mind taking her to bed?" I heard my dad whisper. "I got it" I heard Niall's whisper. He was the one I was leaning against. He lifted me up into his arms and I clung on to him. My eyes became heavier and soon I couldn't hear anything as I fell asleep.
"She's completely zonked out" Niall said as he rubbed Aubrey's back. I smiled lightly and walked over to him and carefully took Aubrey into my arms. She slightly stirred then started to whine a little bit.
"Ssshh" I whispered. I started to lightly bounce and rub her back to calm her back to sleep. After a few minutes of that she was out once again. "We should all probably go to sleep now, we all have to be up early again tomorrow." Zayn stated. We all nodded, silently agreeing, and went off to our beds.
I walked over to the bed Eleanor and I will be sleeping in and gently laid Aubrey down into bed. She stirred again only this time she whined a little bit more. Her eyes opened and she sat up. She began to whine and Eleanor sat down and laid her back down then ran her fingers through her hair in order to calm her back to sleep.
It didn't seem to be working, Aubrey continued to whine no matter what Eleanor and I did. Harry came over tiredly and glanced down at Aubrey then looked at me.
He lifted her up into his arms and laid her head on his shoulder. He started to sing a random song softly in her ear and very soon she was asleep once more.
"Seriously? That's all it took?" I whispered. Harry quietly chuckled at me and shrugged. "Mind if I steal her for the night? I'm kind of scared to put her back down" He admitted. I laughed quietly at him and just nodded.
He walked over to the bed he was sleeping in and carefully laid down in bed with Aubrey. I yawned and looked at Eleanor and shrugged. "I guess she wanted Harry tonight" I whispered. She quietly giggled at me then kissed my cheek. We both laid down and snuggled into each other. Pretty soon we were all fast asleep.
I looked around me and noticed I was all alone. I whimpered slightly to myself and hopped out of the bed.
"Daddy? Mommy? Where are you!" I cried out. I looked around the unfamiliar room when suddenly, someone burst through the doors, and grabbed my arm.
"Foster mom!" I shrieked with fear. "You're ours again you little brat! Like I said before, your daddy doesn't love you." She screamed. Her grip on my arm became tighter as I winced and whimpered from the pain.
"You're a liar!" I screamed. Her hand lifted up then collided hard against my cheek. "Don't you scream at me you little bitch!" She snarled. I cried out and grasped my cheek as it throbbed in pain.
"Daddy! Daddy please help me" I sobbed out. "You're a pathetic excuse for a child!" She yells. "No one's going to help you now Aubrey!" She snickered. She hit me again and I cried out in pain once more. Out of no where I began hearing another voice, Harry's voice call out my name.
My eyes shot open and I sat up in the bed. I was drenched in my sweat and trembling. I looked over next to me and Harry was staring at me with worry in his eyes.
"Aubrey?" He asked worriedly. I started to cry and he wrapped me up into a tight hug. "Haz? What's going on?" I heard my dad's voice call out. I started to cry harder. "I think she had a nightmare Lou" Harry said.
He had concern tone to his voice as he spoke. I felt someone start rubbing my back a few moments later as I sobbed in Harry's chest. "Aubrey honey, come here" I heard my dad's voice say. I looked over and saw him sitting next to me and I quickly crawled over to him. "Daddy!" I sobbed out.
He held on to me tightly and gently rubbed my back. "Sweetheart it's okay, daddy's here" He said softly as he rocked me side to side. "D-daddy" I said through my sobs. "P-please don't leave me alone!" I cried out.
I felt his grip around me tighten slightly. He kissed my forehead and played with my hair lightly. "I won't princess." He said. I'm not sure what happened next because moments later I had fallen asleep with my head leaned against his shoulder.
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