🌸Summer Vacation Pt 2/4🌸
🌸Before you Read🌸
🌸As said before, this short fic is meant to act as a sequel to Shelby's Winter Crossover where they played 21 questions. Honestly, this chapter is the sole reason as to why I wanted to write this fic, so I hope you all enjoy!
🌸Before we get through it, there were a TON of other truths and dares I wanted to include, but story/time sake, this was all that could be fitted into it. Might have to do a "deleted scenes" in my random writing book about stuff that couldn't be included 🤔🤔🤔
🌸Truth or Dare🌸
All eyes were on Sakura after everyone had sat down in a circle. Her green eyes were scanning every single one of us, like a hawk searching for its next meal. When they landed on me, I knew I was done for.
"Raiden," she said with a menacing smile that'd give villains a run for their money, "truth or dare?"
This time, everyone's eyes were on me. Being in a dark place, this might have been hard to see, but we had Kaito. The boy's body glowed a faint light, allowing us all to see. He was closer to the darker side of the cavern, so everyone could see everyone without any difficulty.
Of course, it only made it that much more difficult to actually avoid eye contact.
The last time we did 21 questions per Misaki's request, I had to give up some information I wasn't comfortable letting anyone know. There was no way I was going to let that happen again, especially since I doubt Akiba would cover for me twice.
That only meant one thing.
"Dare," I said, not tearing my gaze away from Sakura as I did.
The girl smiled triumphantly, almost as if she wanted me to say that.
"I dare you to braid Tami's hair," she said, glancing over at the girl that sat near me.
Looking over, I realized she wasn't sitting beside me like the last time we had played a game like this. Then again, seeing how everyone was sitting, I guess there was a bit of a change since. Sakura was still sitting between Misaki and Mori, but to Mori's left was me, then Kaito, Tami, Kita, and of course, Akiba.
I wasn't looking forward to whatever he had planned up his sleeve this time with the game. Last time, it didn't end well because he had to ask a particular question that bugged Tami. Instead of saying a word about it, I just watched as Tami stood up. Her tiny hands grabbed the edge of the oversized t-shirt she had pulled over her swimsuit. Everyone seemed to have done that, which was probably for the best knowing we were going to be here for a while.
After all, the rain swished with the wind that I could see some of it escaping inside the sheltered area we had retreated into.
Tami sat in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly shifted so I was closer to her. Once I was at a comfortable position, I reached for the small thing holding her blonde hair together.
"Well," I said, looking up at everyone, "are you going to keep staring or continue the game?"
"Right," Mori said from beside me, turning everyone's attention towards him. As he did, I felt Tami's body slightly relax, probably relieved that the attention was no longer on her. "Sakura, truth or dare."
My hands parted Tami's hair into two as I tried to remember what a braid looked like.
"Dare, obviously," Sakura responded.
"Go outside and dance in the rain," Mori challenged.
The dark haired girl glared at Mori's request. "No way! I just got back from that cursed rain! I am not going back out until the sun comes out."
"Oh c'mon, Sakura," Yukimura's voice taunted. "You can't change the rules."
Sakura let out an aggravated sigh as she stood up. I didn't care to watch as she turned around and walked into the rain that quickly drenched the green sundress she must've put on before starting this game. Instead, my eyes glanced over towards Mori who pulled out his phone.
While Sakura's dare wasn't that embarrassing in front of a small group, he would always have the evidence of it. I rolled my eyes as I went back and tried tying Tami's hair together. Braids looked like they were just twisted together, yet when I twisted the two parts together, it unfolded when I tied the rubber band that was in her hair.
After giving it a few attempts, someone plopped a phone next to me. I looked up to see Sakura standing there, drenched in the rain. She tried wrenching out all the water in her hair, but nothing seemed to happen.
"One, that should help," Sakura told me, "and two, you're up next."
Tami's hair fell out of my finger tips as I looked up. I didn't really care who I chose, so the first person I landed eyes on was the person who I challenged.
"Yukimura," I asked, causing her to jump a bit out of surprise. "Truth or dare?"
"Dare," she said without hesitation.
Hearing her say that, I immediately wanted to challenge her to another fight. If not a fight, some sort of dual to test our strength, like a push up contest or something, but I couldn't. Sitting in front of me was Tami, and knowing Sakura, she'd probably complain that I had to stop my dare for this. My eyes scanned for something Yukimura would find challenging.
As to what, I wasn't entirely sure, until my eyes landed on the food bag lying between Misaki and Akiba. We each packed our own snacks in case things got too late. Seeing it reminded me of something I did pack.
"Akiba, can you pull out the bag of peppers and hand one to Yukimura?" I asked, before glancing back at the girl. "I dare you to eat one."
The boy pushed himself away from Yukimura and searched the food bag for the small bag I asked for. When he handed it to her, the girl plopped the entire pepper into her mouth as if she had no idea what kind of pepper it was. Within seconds, tears started forming in the corners of her mouth while her hands started waving in front of her mouth.
It didn't take long for her to start repeating the word, "hot" over and over again.
"What did you give her?" Tami asked as she turned her head to try to look at me.
"A cayenne pepper," I said. "I don't think they're that spicy, but most people don't think that."
"Yah think?" Misaki questioned. Everyone turned to look at her. "She looks as if she's about ready to have a stroke!"
Luckily for me, Yukimura shook one of her hands towards her friend. "It's fine. I had a feeling it was going to be hot, but gosh! That's insane!"
Akiba reached back into the bag and pulled back out a bottle of pop Kaito must've packed in there for himself. I had never seen Yukimura drink anything other than water, but the pepper was too hot for her to handle that she didn't seem to care. Once that bottle was in her hands, she quickly started gulping it.
Good thing Akiba knew not to give her one of the water bottles inside. That would've made things worse.
"Guess I'm next," Kaito announced.
I somewhat started to tune him out as I looked down at the video on Sakura's phone to help me with Tami's hair. When would I ever need to know how to braid someone's hair? It was pointless. If I could back out of it, I would, but doing so would cause too many problems. For starters, Sakura would make a big fuss about it. The others might have seen me attempt it and would give in, but I knew she wouldn't allow it. I also wasn't going to back down from a challenge.
Finally, while I'd never admit it out loud, I didn't mind sitting so close to Tami. Not for the reasons my friends might have tried hinting at, but because then I knew I could protect her if she was close to me. Not that any of our friends would do anything, but I just felt like I still needed to be close in case something were to happen.
How would I be a good hero if I just sat here and did nothing to protect my friends?
"I can't believe I didn't see it before," Tami muttered under her breath as I paused the video to attempt to try Tami's hair once again.
"What?" I asked.
She turned her head slightly towards the two sitting to my right. I followed her gaze, realizing Kaito must've dared either Mori or Sakura to hold hands with each other. Not that the two seemed to mind. Sakura seemed to be getting her revenge on Mori for forcing her to dance in the rain by leaning in close to him, getting him wet.
While Tami didn't say what she was talking about, I had a feeling I knew. The last time the group of us were together in a circle like this, we played twenty-one questions, a game that forced people to tell the truth. Sakura had asked who our crushes were, quickly finding out that Mori had a crush on her. She might not have liked him then, but since that happened, those two had gotten a lot closer.
Seeing her snuggling close to him as they held hands, it was a surprise those two weren't even dating.
"We should probably let Tami go," Kaito suggested.
"Oh, right," Tami said, snapping her head forward. I watched as I carefully clumped her hair into three parts this time, not two. "Akiba, you haven't gone yet. Truth or dare?"
My eyes snapped over towards the dark haired boy sitting next to Yukimura. Luckily, the girl didn't seem to be bothered anymore by the pepper as she just sat close beside him.
After hearing so many people taking dares, it was a bit shocking to hear him answer, "truth."
"If you couldn't be a hero, what would you be?" Tami asked.
Her question took everyone off guard, including the boy in question. Somehow, I didn't even have to ask where this question was coming from. All of us wanted to become heroes. We've always wanted to become heroes. There was nothing else to it. The same couldn't have been said about Tami, who was in the General Department, figuring out what she wanted to do with her life.
While I could understand why she was asking this, I still had one question, a question I would have to ask later if no one did. As soon as that question left her mouth, everyone seemed curious.
"That's a good question!" Misaki praised. "But I'm kinda confused why you'd ask that."
My hands started twisting her hair, but I didn't really pay attention to that as much as I did to Tami's words.
"Sorry. I just...I guess I'm still trying to figure that out myself," Tami explained.
"It's okay," Akiba quickly averted everyone's attention back to him. "To be honest, I haven't really thought of that before. I really don't know."
Akiba had a point. He was probably like most of us when it came to wanting to become a hero. Nothing would ever stand in our way of becoming one, so why even imagine thinking of anything else? The only exception to this was probably Sakura who was already planning on becoming a fashion designer at the same time. It was pointless as she wouldn't be fulfilling her duties as a Pro Hero, but I never said anything about it.
While I understood, and was certain many of our friends did too, some of them weren't as quiet about it.
"Oh c'mon, Akiba," Sakura whined. "You can't just dodge a question like that."
The girl to her right nodded her head in agreement.
"Isn't there something you've thought about doing? Maybe be a professional chess player or something?" Misaki offered.
Once again, Akiba just shook his head, confident in his answer. "I've never really thought about doing anything else other than this. Maybe I'll have an answer for you some other time."
He leaned back, inching closer to Yukimura. As he did, Yukimura's eyes started scanning everyone in the group, almost as if she was trying to figure out who should go next. Her golden eyes landed on Kaito when she decided to ask the infamous question. Seeing that it happened, I knew things were about to get good.
"Dare!" Kaito confidently answered after Yukimura asked the question.
I watched as the girl picked up the empty pop bottle and stood up. We all watched as she stood behind Kaito and placed the empty water bottle on his head. She didn't let go, even when Kaito shifted.
"I dare you to sit still for a minute, just so I can see how far I can kick this bottle off your head."
My lips tugged into a smirk as I felt my fingers froze into Tami's hair. All I had to do now was put the band back into her hair, but this was much more interesting. We all turned our heads to see Kaito shaking there as Yukimura stood behind him. Sweat poured from the sides of his face, and I was certain everyone could probably see it too.
"If you don't move, she won't kick you," I told him I'm a serious tone.
That didn't help. In fact, if anything, it made things that much worse for Kaito as Yukimura readied her leg. He had no idea what was happening, but as Yukimura's leg swung towards him, Kaito decided to chicken out of the dare.
Unfortunately for Kaito, he didn't seem to have a single brain cell in his head. If he wanted to dodge Yukimura's kick at all costs, he would've ducked. Nope. The guy decided that at that very moment that Yukimura was going to kick that bottle off his head, he decided to push himself off the ground and run.
At least, I think he was going to run out of the cove we were in. None of us would ever know as there was a giant "thwack!" Yukimura's foot slammed into the side of Kaito's head, causing the orange haired boy to topple over, head first into the sand.
His accident had a ripple effect of other people getting hurt, or at least one other person. Everyone seemed to have asked him if he was alright the moment it happened. Then again, who wouldn't in that situation? Yukimura's kicks weren't exactly a joking matter. The last place someone would want to get hit by them would be square in the head.
No doubt there'd be a gigantic bump there before the night ended.
While everyone asked, Tami decided to take it one step further. We sat right next to Kaito, so she instinctively reached over. Her head pulled against the strands of hair that was in my hands that she gave a softer "owe" than Kaito did.
Knowing there was no way that I was going to complete that braid, I just let go.
"Are you okay, Kaito?" Tami asked, placing her hand where he was hit.
When he didn't answer, Yukimura quickly bent down and helped the boy sit back up. He swayed back and forth, clearly disoriented from the kick.
"Do we have any ice packs in the cooler?" Yukimura asked.
Before Akiba could get to it, Mori dragged Sakura over to it and quickly grabbed what was needed before tossing it over to Yukimura. As he did, I could see Sakura's face flash with annoyance. She probably expected that the two of them would be sitting down the entire time. Holding hands as long as they have been must have been getting old for her.
Once the ice pack was in Yukimura's hands, she gently placed it on his head.
"I'm really sorry, Kaito," she apologized again.
"That's fine," Kaito brushed off with a weak smile. He looked up at the girl who had kicked him. "They weren't kidding when they say your kicks could kill."
Hearing that, Yukimura's face turned the same color as her hair. We could all see that she was speechless as she sat down between Akiba and Kaito. Meanwhile, Tami just stayed by Kaito's side, making sure he was really okay.
My eyes glued onto them for a moment as I remembered a time where they used to date. They were an odd pair as Tami never dared get close with him. Seeing her sit close to him made me wonder if things would've been different if he wasn't so headstrong in the beginning and was more patient with her.
As awkward of a pair that they were, would they ever consider going back to dating each other?
Before my thoughts could continue to wonder about it, Akiba spoke up.
"Guess if Kaito's fine," Akiba said as he cleared his throat. I turned to look at him, noticing his eyes weren't far off from mine. "Mori, truth or dare."
All the excitement that had happened seized at that very moment. No one dared to say a word as we all looked at the boy with the long bat-like wings. Sakura was still holding his hand, but this time, I noticed both of their hands tightened around each other almost as if something bad was going to happen.
While Mori, Akiba, Kaito, and I were the only boys in this group, none of us were relatively close. Well, except for Kaito and me, but that was only because we knew each other longest...if you don't count Sakura and Tami's friendship. Despite being friends, I could tell Mori and Akiba only hung around each other because they were friends with Yukimura and Misaki.
Somehow, I doubt they'd be in the same room as each other if they could avoid it. I'd never ask about it. It wasn't my business. All I could wonder was why Akiba would want to ask Mori out of all of us. Here, I thought he would've targeted either Yukimura or Tami. He might have even done Kaito had it not been for what happened with his last dare.
"Dare," Mori said in a low voice, keeping eye contact with Akiba.
My head turned towards Akiba as he looked around, trying to think of something for Mori to do. He lifted his head before dropping it down to where Mori was holding Sakura's hand.
"You guys have to hold hands until it's Sakura's turn again, right?" Akiba asked, though he didn't wait long for an answer. It was more like he was saying that just so we would all know it wouldn't be as long of a punishment for her as it would be for Mori. "I dare you to hang from the ceiling until I say your name."
The air stilled with that dare. Even Yukimura, who had always sat close to Akiba, pulled her hand away from him and wrapped her arms around her legs. Meanwhile, our other friends were slowly glancing from Akiba to Mori.
Of all the dares he had to give, it wasn't necessarily a bad one. I mean, we've all seen him use his Quirk in unique ways during training. There was even one where Mori would hide by hanging upside down from the ceiling. No one bothered to look up, giving him the perfect opportunity to swoop down and attack, catching anyone off guard.
While Mori could do that, Sakura couldn't. To be honest, I wasn't even sure if she had the stomach to do that, even if all it took was for Misaki's turn to be up for Sakura to come down.
"Why does everyone have to pick on me for this kind of stuff?" Sakura complained even more, not staying quiet.
"You only have to hang upside down for a little bit," Kaito tried to encourage. "Besides, not like you'll get hurt if that happens."
Hearing that, Yukimura glanced over at Kaito and apologized, which Kaito waved off. He didn't seem to mind. After all, Tami was still paying a lot of attention to him. Kaito always loved getting attention from anyone. Being that it was from Tami, he was probably sitting there on cloud nine.
I tore my gaze away from him, watching Mori as he stood up. Sakura stood beside him as he carefully pulled her close to him and spread out his dark colored wings.
"Guess a dare's a dare," Mori begrudgingly said before he flapped his wings and flew up. Surprisingly, Sakura didn't squeal like I thought she would. All she did was hold on tight to Mori with one arm while she held onto the skirt part of her dress with the other, so it wouldn't fall down.
This was getting ridiculous with the different truths and dares. I shifted my weight to stand up, when Misaki's voice prevented me from doing so.
"Tami," she said. I froze as I sat back down onto my legs, pretending I was only changing seating positions. "Truth or dare."
I didn't dare look at Tami as I dropped my head down to look at the sand in front of my towel. There, I could see small footprints from where Tami had walked to get to my towel.
"I'll take truth," Tami said, probably scared of what could happen with all the dares that have happened in the game so far. For all we know, someone could ask her to use her Quirk to turn into someone else, maybe even something else. While Tami never minded using her Quirk, that didn't mean she liked to.
"What's an embarrassing thing you did when you were younger," Misaki asked.
My head instinctively snapped to where Sakura was sitting, only to find that she wasn't there. She wouldn't be until after Misaki's turn was over. If anyone would have known what Tami would say, it'd be her.
But she was out of sight. Somewhere in the cove, she and Mori were hanging from the ceiling. It wasn't big that they were far away, but it was dark, even with the faint glow coming from Kaito.
"Oh brother," Tami gave a nervous laugh as she started to reminisce about the memory that was running through her head. I turned to look at her, seeing the girl scratch the back of her neck. She began to give a precursor for those who might not have known the cultural difference between Japan and America, and then how she meant to compliment her first teacher here, only to offend them in front of the entire class.
For some odd reason, I had a feeling there was much more than that which bothered Tami at a young age, but I didn't try to contradict her. Instead, once she finished, I just stood up catching everyone's attention. It was surprising too as Sakura was using her Common Vine Quirk to descend from where she was hanging upside down. Her face was red from the amount of time she had spent upside down, but she was going to be fine.
Luckily, she wasn't the one who spoke; otherwise, there might have been no hope in leaving.
"Hey, Raiden, you okay?" Kaito asked.
I nodded my head. "I'm going to get some fresh air real quick. I'll be back."
Everyone stared at me as if I had two heads. They had all rights to. Fresh air? I really couldn't have come up with a better excuse to just get away from everyone, but I felt the need to just get away from all of them for a bit. I couldn't deal with how they could all just sit here, goofing off, when there was other things we needed to worry about.
Tami was the first to tear her gaze away as she stared out to where the opening to the cove was. "It's still raining," she observed.
"I'll be fine," I assured before looking over at the short haired girl with golden ram horns that sat across from me. "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."
Yukimura opened her mouth to protest, but I ignored her. I couldn't deal with them much longer. Rain or no rain, I had a gut feeling I needed to get out of this cove for a bit.
Luckily, Sakura changed the subject as it was her turn, asking Misaki the next truth or dare question. I didn't even bother what the dark haired girl replied with as I stepped outside, feeling the cool rain drop on my skin.
No one knew at that moment that I had made a decision that could have put my friends in grave danger.
🌸End of Part 2🌸
🌸Chapter Question🌸
What's the craziest dare/thing you've ever done?
🌸Character Spotlight: Hiroto Mori🌸
Book: Kita's Legacy
Likes: Crab hunting at night
🌸Character Spotlight: Sakura Sakai🌸
Book: I'm No Hero
Likes: Tanning
Shelby had this picture commissioned by _Sspiinch_ from Instagram as we ship our characters so hard. I hope you enjoyed the little Sakori moments shared in this crossover. And again, thank you so much, sd1229 , for getting our crack ship commissioned!
Song: Sunset by Doctor No Sense
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