🌸KL/INH Crossover Pt 1🌸
🌸Before you read🌸
🌸This is a short-story crossover with my fic, I'm No Hero, and sd1229 fic, Kita's Legacy. We both gave each other permission to create a short-story with our characters.
🌸Her idea, to be honest, as she wanted to create a crossover with our fics, so special thanks to her for making this all possible. If you want to read the short-story that takes place before this, the link can be found in the comment section in this particular paragraph.
🌸You don't need to have read Kita's Legacy, or the short-story to understand what's going; however, they are both good to look into as this short-story does allude to both and are a good read. There will be spoilers from I'm No Hero being that this takes place after that (well, actually, it takes place after What Makes a Hero, but there's absolutely no spoilers to that). No major spoilers to Kita's Legacy.
🌸This does take place in an Alternate Universe because there's physically no way these two would have met, so there are minor changes, and none of this is really cannon in my book (though, this short story will be referred to in WMaH, so something like this probably did happen to Tami at one point in time).
🌸These changes include: class sizes being of 10 students, there being 3 sets of hero classes instead of 2, my characters being in class 1-B while KL characters are kept in 1-A. Tami will be in the General Department of class 1-D instead of 1-C as 1-C would technically be a Hero Department class. In my short-story fic, the dorms are not a thing and Kita's from Mustafu...sorry Shelby.
🌸Oh, and if anyone can guess why I named Shin "Shin" or can guess the little nicknames I gave him outside of writing, you get a huge round of applause (Shelby, you can't participate since we talked about this!)
🌸Special dedication to all my Tami shippers...enjoy.
🌸The Internship Struggles🌸
Most people who wanted to go to U.A. did so to become some great hero. I started out because of the same reason, well, more because that was what people expected from me. It didn't take long for people to see right through me, causing me to transfer over to 1-D. While most people would have found that devastating, I didn't. Being transferred was the answer to all my problems as I could still go to U.A. to see all my friends, yet, at the same time, I didn't have to go through the Pro Hero training.
There was just one problem with being in the General Studies Department: I had to do one internship at a Hero Agency. I had thought that if I had gone to Umbra's Agency, a hero—who wasn't as well known as other Pro Heroes—I'd be able to get by. I mean, my internship wasn't even interning her exactly. It was interning a Survivor Caregiver, who takes care of kids who were involved in a villainous attack. My job was to make sure those kids felt safe and were doing okay until the system could either give them back to their families or, if something happened that they couldn't return back to their homes, they'd be put into foster care.
The last thing those kids or a Survivor Caregiver was expected to go through was a villain attack. Somehow, yesterday, that was exactly what happened. All the kids were fine. At least, they were fine in the sense that many didn't suffer too many injuries. Looking at them in the nursery, I could tell they were all far from fine. There was something about being attacked by a villain that really caused these kids to go into a panic. No matter how much I tried to get their minds off of things with board games and crafts, all they could think about was the villain who had barged into the agency without question. No one should go through something that terrifying, and these kids had.
And these kids had to go through something terrifying twice.
Normally, it would be my job to help keep their minds off the tragic events they had all endured, but there was a horrendous smell coming from my arms. My nose scrunched in disgust as I looked down at the baby boy, Shin, who was shifting around in my arms. It wasn't long after that I felt something seeping out of his onesie.
"Oh boi," I sighed as I started to march toward the changing room, which was a small room in the nursery, concealed behind a wooden door. "You couldn't at least stay clean for five minutes?"
We stepped into the changing room, where I quickly flicked the light on, showing off the gray paint on the walls. The only thing of color here was the changing table, which was a wooden table with a peach colored square pillow laying on top. It wasn't the same pillow a person would use at nights as it was much firmer.
I swiftly laid Shin on there and grabbed a wet wipe from the box they were kept in, wiping off most of the brown stuff off my arm. I would've completely cleaned it, but the baby started to cry once again.
"No, no, no, it's going to be okay," I promised as I tossed it in the small trash can beside me and grabbed another wet wipe and clean diaper from the drawer that was built inside the changing table. It didn't take long for me to go into my usual routine of changing his diaper.
Well, this wasn't a usual diaper change. Shin was lactose intolerant, and somehow, someone late last night must've mixed up his baby formula with the normal stuff they usually have stocked here. It was a disaster waiting to happen as he couldn't stop going to the bathroom all day. That was why there was slimy poop all over my arm, and now, all over the changing table.
I continued to change his diaper, cleaning up everything all while making random sounds to keep his attention. For a baby to go as much as he was right now, well, it made sense as to why he was wailing on the tops of his lungs.
My hands grabbed the front of the diaper to pull over him when something else came out of his other end. The good news was that it wasn't more poop. It was something else that came from that end. My eyes squeezed shut as the liquid splashed all over me, covering me in a very nasty scent.
Once he was done, I wiped my forehead with my arm and looked down at him. Somehow, I must have looked amusing to Shin as he started laughing, forgetting about the little fit he was giving just moments ago.
"Hey, Tami, there's someone here to see you," Kita's voice said just as I heard the door to the changing room from the nursery opened.
"Just one minute," I said, trying to keep a cheerful tone of voice. It wasn't that I was frustrated, but honestly, the other intern could have waited until I was done. Well, I guess Kita wasn't an intern for the Survivors Caregiver like me, meaning she didn't really know how busy I was at the moment, but she worked here as an intern for the Pro Hero, Umbra.
The moment my hands reached for a new diaper, I noticed another hand reaching out to block me from grabbing it. I was thrown off guard when I saw it. The hand wasn't the light skin tone I knew Kita had. It was a rich bronze color with calluses all over the palm. Seeing it, I froze, especially since I recognized that hand all too well from our countless training sessions.
I snapped my head up, seeing a boy my age towering over me. Like Kita and me, he went to U.A., wearing the usual gray blazer with green embellishments all over it. He had his dark backpack swung over one shoulder with a yellow folder tucked under his other arm.
"You're really going to grab for a clean diaper when you've got shit on your face and arms?" Raiden Yamamoto asked.
My eyes widened as I quickly looked down. Surely enough, because I didn't have time to exactly clean myself before I changed Shin's dirty diaper, there was a thick brown streak covering my left arm. At least it wasn't dripping, but it came all the way down to my hand that it was pretty gross.
Before Raiden could say anything about it, I quickly grabbed a wet wipe and cleaned the stuff off of me. I never really minded. I mean, I was going to clean it off before I took Shin back into the nursery, but seeing Raiden's judging look was enough for me to put the baby on hold and clean my arm off.
Once I was done cleaning my arm, I went back to finishing changing the Shin's diaper. It didn't take long for him to be done, and for me to pick him up. The baby kept turning his head at me, looking at Raiden. I decided to turn to face him as well, but unlike Shin—who was intrigued because Raiden was a new person—I did so to apologize about what he had just seen.
"Sorry, I just, well you see—"
"Just take care of yourself next time too, okay?" Raiden asked before giving a heavy sigh. "Look, I realized you weren't at school today..."
"Oh," I said as I looked back up at him. "That was because of my internship."
Raiden nodded. "I heard. Tami, you need to tell me when things like this happens."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked. "It's just my—my internship."
"But what about yesterday?" Raiden pointed out. "I heard on the news this morning what happened yesterday. You need to be more careful."
"It wasn't my fault that a villain came in here!" I nearly shouted. "He just came out of nowhere and—nothing bad happened. I mean, K-Kita and Pro Hero, Umbra, were there to help stop him."
I looked over to where Kita was standing, but she was nowhere to be found. Of course. That was just my luck. Here, I thought Kita would have stayed being that Raiden and her were both a part of the Hero Department, but that definitely wasn't the case.
"Look, I'm just happy you're okay, but you need to take it easy," Raiden explained before he took the yellow folder out from underneath his arm and gave it to me. "Here. I want you to have this."
I grabbed it from him with my right hand. "What is it?" I asked.
"Things for you to work on for training. Apparently, the Pro Hero I'm interning for wants me to work with him a few more days and wants to take me out of town for a mission. I won't be back until this weekend," Raiden said.
Hearing that, I felt my heart sink a bit. It shouldn't have, but it did. With Raiden gone for the next couple of days, that meant we weren't going to be training together for a while. Sure, I should have been relieved because I was always exhausted afterwards, but it was really the only time I got to see Raiden. I got to see Sakura before and after school everyday, and Kaito lived nearby, so it didn't really matter. With Raiden living on the other side of town, well, it made it harder to physically see him.
Guess that was one reason why I enjoyed training with him. Sure, we saw each other at school in the halls or occasionally at lunch if I didn't have a big project to work on with the rest of 1-D. It just wasn't enough time to actually get to talk to him.
"I see," I said softly as my eyes glued onto the yellow folder. "Where are you, uh, going?"
"Honestly, I wish I could tell you," Raiden told me. "But I can't because of what's going on."
"Oh," I said as I looked up at him, giving him a smile. Hero Work did that sometimes, where they weren't allowed to tell anyone what was going on. The work could have been a top secret mission, or dangerous, but it would be even more dangerous if word got out. "Well, I have fun at least. I mean, I hope you have fun, and be careful with everything."
Raiden nodded his head. "Sure. Work hard, okay?"
Not trusting my words this time, I nodded my head. We stood there for a moment, not really knowing what to do. Honestly, I had no idea what to even say to him. He probably would have been the one to say something if it wasn't for Shin in my arms starting to squirm a bit. Guess being less than a year old and knowing how to crawl made being held all the time not so fun.
We didn't have to say a word when Shin started to grow restless for Raiden to turn around and leave the changing room. I put the baby down on the ground, letting him crawl outside before I turned to look at the yellow folder Raiden gave me.
For a moment, I just stared at it, not even opening it up. He could have given it to me tonight when I'd go to his place for some one-on-one defense lessons. True, with him coming here and everything he had just said, I doubt now would be a good time to go there. He probably didn't want me to come over.
No, that wasn't it. By the way he made it sound, Raiden was probably upset that I didn't tell him what happened yesterday. My lips pressed together at that thought. I didn't think word would get out about what happened that I could just let it slide. Well, I did think about telling him at least, maybe when we saw each other for training or if I got the chance to see him alone at school. There was just too much on my mind yesterday that telling my friends what happened was the last thing I thought about.
"So, you and Yamamoto are going out, huh?" Kita's voice boomed from behind that I literally jumped around, flung my arms in front of my face, shielding it away. My heart leapt out of my chest, even though it was just Kita.
The pink-haired girl took a few steps back, holding her hands up in surrender. I could hardly breathe when I saw her, so I just concentrated on the small details about her. Kita was a student in class 1-A, a class where the top students of U.A. gets into. It was honestly no surprise that she made it in either. The girl literally had yellow horns that curved down the sides of her face! Her head was just as hard as a ram's too. All she needed to do was head butt someone, and they'd be out for the count.
It was a good thing her pink hair was short, otherwise it might have been a gigantic tangled mess when that happened.
Kita's hand covered her mouth as she started to realize she had scared me. "Tami! Are you okay? Gosh, I didn't mean to scare you like that."
I shook my head, as I continued to take in some deep breaths. "Sorry, I-I just wasn't expecting that."
"Understandable," Kita said. "So, how long have you two been dating?"
My eyes widened at that word. Dating? Was she nuts?
"No," I told her. "Rai—I—we aren't dating. I mean, we're teach—I mean he's my teacher for self-defense, then there's the fact that I dated his best friend a few months ago, so it'd just be awkward. I mean, if I liked him it'd be weird because—what am I even saying? We're just friends. I'm not dating anyone. I—he just came over to give me this."
Without thinking much about it, I grabbed the closest thing behind me and handed it to her. Kita raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms.
"That's a diaper," Kita said.
When she said that, I could feel my face growing red. "I-I know that. He, uh, gave me that to—oh, never mind."
Before Kita could say anything else, I turned around to see the yellow folder sitting in the middle of the changing table. I smacked the middle of my forehead, feeling something stick right between my head and the bangs on my forehead. My eyes widened as I carefully ran my fingers through it, wishing I didn't.
To think this day couldn't get any worse! Maybe it would've been best if I had just sacrificed myself for the kids and Kita to get away. If I did, I wouldn't have been going through all this embarrassment right now!
I felt Kita's hand patting me on the shoulder as she stood beside me. Instead of looking at her, I just hung my head, hiding my face. My clean hand swiftly pushed the folder over towards her.
"Hey, Tami, it's going to be alright. You know, it's fine to like someone who..." Kita's voice faded away for a moment before I felt her hands grabbing my shoulders to turn me around. "You've got—"
"I know!" I cried. "Of all the days Shin had to get sick, it had to be today."
"It's an easy fix," Kita tried calming me down as I felt her use a wipe on my hair to clean it off. Again, I didn't say a word as she did, embarrassed with everything that had happened.
Why should I have been embarrassed? I mean, Raiden saw me all sweaty and gross during our training sessions. Not to mention, this wasn't the first time something like this has happened to me. After all, when I was about Ollie's age, I had to help Mom clean his diapers all the time. Getting pooped and peed on was nothing.
Remembering that, I shouldn't have gotten so embarrassed, but I was mortified. Guess I just wanted Raiden to see me doing something well for once. Once I landed this internship, I told him and our friends how much I really enjoyed it. Kaito wasn't exactly the happiest about it, but he at least understood. Being around kids and helping them out was my niche.
Yet, all Raiden got to see was me do was struggle to keep a baby clean.
"I'm sorry if I overstepped," Kita apologized as she took the wipe away from my forehead.
I shook my head. "Yo-you're fine. I—it's just, well, it's complicated. Raiden always sees me failing at things. The Hero Department, what happened a few months ago with...well, I guess you don't know that, and I don't want to explain that mess again," I told her, "and now this. I mean, we train for self defense, that's it. I just, I just want to prove to him that I'm strong and am capable of handling myself."
When I looked up, I noticed Kita was nodding her head, listening to me. There was a small smile on her lips as she did, which wasn't abnormal for Kita to have, but it kind of scared me a bit. I don't know why, but I had a bad feeling about it all.
"So this doesn't have to do with the fact that you have a crush on him?" Kita asked.
Once again, I could feel my face heating up. "We're just friends," I told her, waving my hands in front of me. "Honest!"
Kita giggled. "Okay, okay, I was just making sure. If you were just doing some defense lessons I could help while he's gone. I take Muay Thai, and it could be useful if you ever needed to know, you know, defend yourself."
Muay Thai. Before Kita had even mentioned it, I had never heard of something like that. If someone were to casually say that word with no context, I might have thought it was some kind of food, but I guess that wasn't the case.
I took a step back from Kita, looking at her. She was built a bit differently than I was, but that could also be the fact that she was part ram, or so, her Quirk was Ram, that it gave her the horns of one. Besides that, her legs looked a bit more muscular than mine. The way her yellow hero costume with black embellishments seemed to cling onto her body, that was, made it seem like she could use a powerful attack from there.
Then again, yesterday, I remembered her using some powerful kicks. Whenever Raiden and I did self defense training, he'd have me use my elbows for an attack. His reasoning was that I was too short and dainty to really do damage otherwise. If I had used my arm to throw a punch or try to flip someone over that was way too big, I would end up hurting myself.
Kita's kicks were something to be admired. If I had to guess, maybe this Muay Thai was what got her into U.A.
Maybe for once, I wouldn't be beaten to pulp by Raiden. True, that was why I asked him to be my teacher anyways. Not because I wanted him to beat me senseless, but because I knew he wasn't going to go easy on me. But, if I could just show to him I was getting stronger, that I wasn't as useless as I was when I was in 1-B, I guess I'd just feel a sense of accomplishment.
"You know what? I think I'd like that," I told Kita.
The girl smiled. Seeing it, I thought she was just happy that she could help me with this.
Little did I know there were some ulterior motives that Kita had for training me as well.
🌸End of Part One🌸
🌸Character Spotlight: Raiden Yamamoto🌸
Quirk: Ultra Strength
Book: I'm No Hero
🌸Character Spotlight: Shin🌸
Quirk: N/A, cuz he baby
Books: Crossovers!
Yes, two character spotlights for this short story being that this is a crossover of two different fics. With the odd amount of chapters, I wanted to give each story an equal opportunity to showcase their characters...although, since Shin is a baby, I'm counting him as one of the Kita's Legacy mainly because I couldn't find a picture to fit one of the other KL characters I'm going to use. Also, the author and I created Shin together, so it's only fitting he gets a character spotlight here as well.
Before I go, did anyone figure out why I named him Shin? (Shelby, don't answer!)
Song: Light Dance by Akira Kosemura
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