Part 43
Anthony's point of view;
"Anthony-!" Oh no. I try to ignore Macy but she's walking to me. She's wearing a ridiculously short skirt and a reveling shirt, of course she's trying to get attention. "What?" I say walking by her, she turns around quickly. "I need to talk to you."
"Macy, what's your deal? First you get mad then you talk to me then you get mad, like what the heck?" She rolls her eyes, "I'm just very-"
"Bipolar." I interrupt her, she gives me a mean look. "I'm not bipolar." Her voice went from all happy-happy to cold. "See what I mean?" She rolls her eyes again. "Whatever."
"Okay well what you need to tell me needs to be later cause I really have to get to class or I'll be late." My book bag keeps falling off my shoulder and it's starting to bother me. The thing is I can't ignore Macy because we come to the same college. And every time she has a chance to she comes talk to me.
"So class is more important than your psycho bitch- oops I mean Sydney." I turn around feeling anger build up in my stomach. "Don't call her that." I say slowly, she grins. "Calm down Anthony, it's just a joke. Geez."
"I don't like your stupid jokes." Her grin disappears. "You know it's true." She says, "Is this what you needed to tell me? Is this why you wanted to talk to me? Just to insult her? Yeah no I'm not hearing all that."
"No I'm not here to insult her, I'm just here to prove to you that Sydney- whatever her name is totally hooking up with roommate." She twirls her hair, "Macy, stop lying! That's just her friend gosh." She laughs like its super funny. "You're so blind!"
"I don't have time for this." I walk to the building, "I saw them kids outside the cafe! Why don't you ask her? She can't deny it because it's true! I saw it!" Im shocked my her comment. But I don't turn back because that's not true. It can't be true- Sydney wouldn't do that. I know she wouldn't, because I trust her.
I wait for Sydney outside the cafe, the sun is going down. I chew my lip nervously, Macy's words are stuck in my brain. I can't stop thinking about it, I know it's not true but it still bothers me. Sydney walks out and Nick goes behind her. He tells her something and she steps away and shakes her head. That's when I get off my car, when Sydney sees me her face goes pale. Why? Nick sighs and looks away.
"Hey." I say slowly watching both of their reactions. "H-hi, what are.. What are you doing here?" Sydney asks nervously, Nick walks away and as he walks by he bumps into me. I don't know if on purpose or not. I turn around wanting to push him back but Sydney grabs my arm. "Don't, please."
We walk to the car and I open the car door for her. "Why are you here? Not that I don't want you here but we were suppose to see each other tomorrow." She's playing with her fingers something she does when she's either nervous or hiding something. Panic starts to build up inside me, what if Macy was saying the truth-? Oh! How ridiculous of you Anthony!
"But I wanted to see you today." I say teaching my hand to grab hers. She squeezes my hand. "I'm sorry." She says, I look at her confused. "Sorry for what?" Her face is still pale. "Just for everything." Im still wondering what she's talking about but I don't ask.
After getting to my apartment and having some dinner we lay on the bed, she rests her head on my chest. "I love to hear your heartbeat." She whispers, "Why?" I ask. "Because it's beautiful. It makes me feel alive, and happy. Thats weird isn't it?"
"Not at all. Although love is weird." I tell her, I look down at her and she's already looking. "How so?" She asks. "It's weird because you don't even realize when you fall in love, at first is just confusing. Like you don't know how important that person is until something happens that makes you realize how important they are to you and your life."
"That's so true. When my parents took me away I realized I can't live without you. You're like my backbone, seriously. Don't ever leave me." She hugs me tight, like she scared. "I love you." I say, "I love you too." She sounds relieved.
"I really do love you though. I have so many feelings for you and I can't describe them so all I can say is 'I love you' I'm afraid if I repeat them lots of time it'll lose its meaning." I say, "It will never lose its meaning." I start playing with her hair and I don't even realize it's late. "I better get going." She says getting up.
"Tonight was amazing. Like always." She says letting go of my hand as I walk her to he building. I smile and kiss her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow?" She asks, I nod my head. "Of course. I'll pick you up from work." She smirks happily. "Okay, goodnight-"
"Wait, before you leave I need to tell you something." She freezes, "What is it?" I scratch my neck nervously, should I tell her what Macy told me?
"No. Nothing never mind." She looks at me confused. "Okay. Are you- are you sure?" I nod my head even though I'm not sure. But it's pointless to tell her because I'll just upset her and I don't want to upset Sydney.
"Goodnight beautiful. I love you." She hugs me tight before leaving and she tries to kiss me but then she pulls away like she remembered something. Instead she kisses my cheek and I'm not going to lie, it stung- it hurt.
*Hey guys! I made a trailer for this story, check it out and please give me a thumbs up if you like it!
Heres the trailer its called "The Stories In My Flesh- (Sequel to Scars) Wattpad trailer" and its posted on YouTube ;
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