Part 36
Sydney's point of view;
"Hey, Nick." I say walking to the cash register. He looks up at me but doesn't say anything and then looks back down. "Last night I-"
"No. You don't need to tell me anything." He continues to look ahead of me like I'm not even here. "I just thought you'd want to know." I say staring at him hoping to get his attention.
But it's like he's hypnotized. He keeps staring at I don't know what. He looks gone- he's physically here but his spirit is not. "You thought wrong." He says after a while.
"Ms. Sydney, get to work please." The manager says. I walk away slowly from Nick, he doesn't blink. Doesn't move. Something's wrong with him. I can tell.
"Would you like to go eat something?" I ask Nick. It's our lunch break and I thought maybe we could go out to eat and he can go back to being himself. "Not hungry." He says, his head is laying down against the furniture beside the cash register. "Then we can sit down and talk?" He doesn't respond for a while and I start to think he fell asleep.
Finally he picks up his head, "Nah. Ima go out for a walk." He says taking off his name tag. "Oh, I can go with you." I say as he walks to the door. "No-!" He turns around and I notice his hand is shaking. "Nick- are.. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." And just like that he walks out the door. I am tempted to go after him. But as I go out looking for him he's nowhere near. Where did he go? How did he hide in less than five seconds?
I walk back in and sit down on a table wondering. I'm worried about Nick. He's just not being himself.
"Hey. Can I sit here?" I look up and see Alice standing there with a plate and a cup. I nod slowly and she sits down in front of me. "Would you like some?" She asks. There's a sandwich cut in two pieces on her plate. "Sure," she hands me a piece. "Thank you." I mumble.
"You're welcome." She says taking a bite out of the sandwich. I do too and it's surprisingly good. "Where's your friend? You know the tall one with curly dirty blonde hair?"
"He's ... Taking a walk." I say looking at the door. "Oh, that's nice. Why didn't you go with him?" I shrug, "Didn't feel like it." Actually he was the one that didn't feel like it, but I don't mention that. She keeps taking small bites and occasionally drinking out of the cup. I keep glancing at her feeling awkward. I would've never imagined myself sitting on the same table with Alice Fletcher. I would've never imagined Alice Fletcher sharing her food with me. I would've never imagined Alice Fletcher talking to me. Never in a million years.
"Do you want me to leave?" She asks putting her cup down. "Huh?" I say feeling dumb for not even realizing what she asked. "You just look very uncomfortable. I can leave if you want." She says, "No. I was just thinking." I say, she raises an eyebrow. "About what? If I can know. You don't have to tell me if you don't want." Should I tell her? Because I feel like if I do she will laugh at me. But then again she's not the same Alice from three years ago. Or at least she doesn't act like it.
"I just wouldn't never thought a cool kid would sit with me. I remember wishing I was one of the cool girls so I could fit in." She stares at me, "I'm really not a cool kid," she takes a deep breath. "At least not anymore." Oh yeah Brittney and her are not friends anymore. "Don't you miss being a popular girl?" I ask she shakes her head no. "It was exhausting. Everybody always knew what happened in my life, they were all in my business. I kinda wanted to be invisible."
Invisible? Alice? "But then you'd get picked on. For being the weak girl, the quiet shy girl that can't defend herself." I say referring to me and she notices. "Thats the bad thing about being popular. You feel forced to stomp on other people just to be 'cool' and to fit in with your friends." I never thought about it that way. Maybe Alice isn't so bad after all.
We stay silent for a moment but then I get the courage to ask. "Why aren't you friends with them anymore?" I emphasize them so she can know who I'm talking about. She gulps and her breathing gets faster. "I- uh-"
"You don't have to tell. I understand if you don't." She puts her short hair behind her ear but it's useless because it comes back to her face. "They didn't trust me." She says slowly. "W-why?"
"I swear it was karma, Sydney. That night it happened it was karma." She blinks fast trying to keep the tears in her eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about, Alice." She closes her eyes rubbing her temples. "We went to a party the Friday before we started our high school senior year. The thing is I was having trouble sleeping those night, I kept thinking of you. Of everything that happened to you. The guilt was terrible, it kept growing in me, in here," she puts her hand on her chest.
I watch her carefully as she explains. "I didn't want to go to the party- oh gosh I wish I wouldn't have went! It was my worse mistake. He was there.. He was in my math class my junior year. He offered me a drink, I didn't think he was a bad guy so I took it," fat tears fall down her eyes. "And after a while I felt dizzy- I felt bad and he promised he would take care of me," she sobs and wipes her eyes but more tears come. "He promised he wouldn't hurt me. And he lied."
I stay silent trying to get it all in my head, when I finally realize what she's saying I feel my chest tighten. "He raped you?" I whisper, she nods and a loud sob escapes her mouth. I know what it feels like to be touched by somebody you don't want. That guy tried to do it to me, he tried to rape me. But luckily I got away. Alice didn't, he drugged her so she wouldn't try to stop it.
"You know what the worst part is? It wasn't just him, his friend did it too. That same night I was raped by two guys." I hand her a napkin so she can wipe her tears, then I look down at the sandwich and feel like throwing up. This makes me feel sick. So sick. How can a guy do that to a girl? How can two guys take advantage of a girl knowing she's helpless?
"They turned on me. Brittney, Chase, Jena, Jade, and Miranda. They didn't believe when I said I was raped. They thought I had a one night stand with two guys at the same time. That's what they told everybody and my "friends" believed the guys. They left me behind, and I was the new whoree in the school. Alice Fletcher, the senior was marked as an easy girl. Guys didn't even take me seriously. Brittney destroyed my reputation. She destroyed it!" She covers her face.
"I wish I hadn't gone to Macy's party!" Woah, Macy? "It was Macy's party? Like Macy Cottle?" I ask she nods with her head still in her face. "That's how Brittney and her became friends. They're so vicious." She whispers.
She keeps crying into her hands and I can't stand this. I know that feeling she feels. She feels alone and vulnerable. I get out of my chair and bend down to give her a hug. She hugs me back crying into my shoulder.
I feel a lump on my throat and I feel my tears come. Brittney is truly the definition of evil.
*Hey guys! I made a trailer for this story, check it out and please give me a thumbs up if you like it!
Heres the trailer its called "The Stories In My Flesh- (Sequel to Scars) Wattpad trailer" and its posted on YouTube ;
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