Part 32
The apartment is so quiet, the only noise is coming from the street. I can hear the cars passing by and occasionally I hear people going up and down the hall.
Nick went out to the store to get me feminine hygiene stuff, I'm still pretty embarrassed about what happened while ago. I wish I could stop having all these flashbacks. But there's always something making me remember all those nasty things from the past.
My head is throbbing because I haven't ate much. There's a knock on the door and I quickly get up, when I get up the whole room spins around. I feel super lightheaded and I even see stars. I have to lean on the wall for a couple seconds to recompose myself.
"Sydney- open up." Nick knocks more, I open the door and he looks at me from head to toe. "Nick, I'm okay." I say calming him down, his face shows relief when I say that.
"You took quite a while to open the door." He says walking in closing the door lightly. "It was like five seconds." I tell him, "Lots of stuff can happen in five seconds." He says looking at me. That's true. Plenty of things could happen in five seconds.
"But nothing happened." He nods, "Yeah. But here you go." He hands me a small bag. Red-faced I take the bag, he has another two bags on his hands which I suppose are groceries. "It's fine, no need to be embarrassed." But there is a reason to be embarrassed.. This is embarrassing.
He walks to the kitchen and starts unpacking whatever he bought. "Be right back." I whisper walking to the bathroom.
A few minutes later I flush the toilet and stand in front of the mirror. The sink water is running and I'm looking at myself. After staring at myself for seconds I splash my face with cold water. A cold shiver goes down my spine as I turn off the water.
There's a knock on the door, I quickly dry my face with a towel. "Yeah?" I hear Nick say. I open the door slowly hearing what he's saying.
"I think I've got the wrong apartment." A voice says, that voice .. I can barely hear it but it sounds familiar. "No. I don't think so." Nick says, "What?"
"You're looking for Sydney, right?" Oh crap. My eyes widen because I know who it is. "Yes but you're-"
"I'm her roommate. Nick." Anthony doesn't answer for a while. "Are you deaf or something?" Nick says, oh no. I walk out the bathroom knees shaking. Nick turns to look at me, "This dude is looking for you." Nick says walking back to the kitchen.
Anthony is standing there with roses but has a blank expression on his face. I step out nervously looking back at Nick who's looking at us.
I close the door behind me and we are now in the hallway. Anthony doesn't say anything. "Anthony-"
"Why didn't you tell me your roommate is a guy?" He asks. I knew this day would come but I was hoping it wasn't soon. "Anthony I know this looks wrong but- it's not what it seems like."
"Your roommate is a guy! Who is that guy anyways!?" His voice is easing and I flinch. He takes a deep breath, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scream but oh my God! Sydney! Who is that guy?"
"He's my friend." I whisper, "Your friend? How come you didn't tell me of this friend?" He emphasizes the word friend. "I was going to tell you but-"
"But what?" He asks, "I was afraid you'd get mad." I whisper. "Well I'm not really happy about it." He says clenching his jaw. I put my hand against his cheek, just like I use to. He doesn't move it away.
"He's a friend. I promise." I say, he doesn't answer and I remove my hand from his cheek. Then I look down at my feet and back up to meet his gaze. "He was in the hospital with me."
"Huh?" He says after I say that, "He- we escaped the hospital. He was the one that helped me find you. If it wasn't for him- Anthony if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have found you." He looks at the floor and then at me. "You should've told me, I would've understood." He says.
"I know, but I was scared." I whisper. "I'm still not very happy he stays with you." He says, "Anthony there's nothing to worry about. Nick cares about me but only in a friend way."
He hands me the flowers he brought me, "What time do you get off work tomorrow?" He asks. "Around seven or so."
"I'll pick you up from work tomorrow, I mean if you don't have plans with your- friend." His jaws clench after he says the word friend. "Anthony," I say in a warning voice. "I'm just saying." He says.
"Okay, I'll be waiting for you." I whisper, I'm ready for a kiss but he doesn't give me one. He starts to walk away and I feel a pain in the chest hit me hard. I lean my head head down to smell the roses he gives me. I'm trying to ignore this feeling that's expanding all over my body.
"I love you." My eyes open as I feel Anthony's lips kiss my forehead. I.. I love you too."
"Did he get mad?" Nick asks as I walk in with the roses. I shake my head no, but I know deep inside Anthony is pretty bothered by the fact that Nick stays here.
"I'm sure he did get mad. You should've seen the way he looked at me- I wanted to punch him right in the face," he stares at me and then clears his throat when he sees my face expression. "Sorry." He says. "It's fine just don't say stuff like that."
"I'm a lunatic. Can't help it." He sits down on the couch. "You're not a lunatic."
"I am. My parents said so, people said so, the doctors said so- Jessica said so." Jessica. The "precious girl with the beautiful face and green eyes was an anchor that would eventually drown me in her sea." That's the way Nick described her.
"People say I'm a self cutting freak." I say, he throws his head back and looks at the ceiling. His mouth forms a sad smile, "Ha. Who would've thought a lunatic and a self cutting freak could get along?"
"I would've never thought that either." I say, he glances at me. "I'm glad I met you."
"Me too, Nick."
The roses are right beside my bed. I keep staring at them thinking about Anthony. I wonder what he's thinking about. I wonder if he's mad. I wonder if he's still awake at one in the morning thinking of me like I am thinking of him. I wonder.
I get up slowly walking to Nicks room.
His room door makes a noise and I freeze thinking he will wake up. But he doesn't. His bag is by his bed and I go grab it. All I can hear is Nicks soft breathing while he sleeps.
I dig through his bags until I find the sleeping pills Im looking for. He probably thinks I haven't realize he keeps them here but I have. The doctors back at the hospital use to give these to Nick so he could sleep properly because his anger pills took his sleep away.
I open the bottle and pour about eight of them on my hand. I get tempted to take them all so I can sleep for a long while. But I end up taking only two. The pills scratch my throat as they make their way down to my stomach.
Then I walk back to my room and lay down, I stare at the roses for a few minutes but then I feel my whole body go numb. My eyes start to feel heavy and I close my eyes feeling nothing. Thinking of nothing.
No worries. No feelings.
*Hey guys! If you haven't seen the trailer I made for this book check it out and please give me a thumbs up if you like it!
Heres the trailer its called "The Stories In My Flesh- (Sequel to Scars) Wattpad trailer" and its posted on YouTube ;
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