Part 25
"Where have you been?!" Nick asks as I walk in his hotel room, he's got the little bit of clothes he has packed already. Oh I forgot we're moving to the apartment today. "I uhhh- was with Anthony."
"All night?" He asks zipping up his bag, I nod and before he says something I quickly add, "We did not have sex. I just needed to talk to him. It's been forever." He just nods and looks away. "What's wrong?" I ask walking towards him. "Nothing, you need to get your stuff packed. We need to be at work in fifteen minutes." Crap. I almost forgot about our job. I walk out and to my room. I'm still so happy from last night, I wish I could've stayed in his arms forever. His voice, his hands, his hugs are still right here close to me.
"Ready?" Nick asks as I walk out, I nod "I already payed. Let's go." He walks ahead of me, "Are you sure nothing's wrong?" I ask as we exit the hotel. I'm so glad we don't have to sleep there anymore, not trying to be picky or anything but the place was kinda nasty. "I'm sure." He says, "I feel like you're mad or something." He chuckles, "Why would I be mad?" I feel pretty stupid now, he's right why would he care?
We arrive at the cafe just in time, I quickly run to the bathroom to get changed. As I walk out I bump into her. Alice. I freeze, it was obvious I was going to have to face her sooner or later but I didn't think it was going to be soon. She drops her cup. The clients turn to look at us and I quickly bend down to pick it up. Her face is pale- paler than usual. "Sydney?" She whispers. I don't answer and walk to the kitchen to throw away the broken cup.
She follows me behind, "Sydney? Is that you?" I don't answer and just stare at her. She looks so different from the Alice three years ago. She doesn't wear makeup anymore, she looks thinner but is still in a good shape and she doesn't seem as happy as she used to. The only thing that still remains the same is her pixie haircut. Its still short and brown.
"Oh my God." Shes shaky and rubs her temples, she's whispering something while closing her eyes. "I think I'm going crazy. Im confusing you," she opens her eyes and she tries to look for my name tag but I haven't gotten it yet. She then examines my face and her eyes tear up. "I'm going crazy." She says again closing her eyes. Oh, what have they done to her? Why is she so anxious? Where's the happy perky Alice?
"You're not going crazy." I whisper, she opens her eyes. "So it is you!" She says loudly and the workers look at us oddly. She brings her voice down, "It's you, it's you." I nod, "It's me." I confirm. "Oh my God."
"Sydney! There you are!" The manager says behind me, Alice wipes her eyes and turns around and begins making a coffee. "Hello sir." I say he smiles wide, "Look I've got your name tag." He hands it to me. I fake smile, "Yay."
"Good now get to work, girl." He says walking out the door. I turn around to look at Alice. She's already looking, I walk out and grab my notepad and pen. A lady with bright red hair walks in and it's my first client, she sits down and I walk to her. "Good morning ma'am, what would you like to drink?" She looks at the menu, "Hmmm good morning and I would like a French vanilla coffee please." I write it down even though I know I will remember it, but that's what witnesses do here so I'm trying to blend in. "Is that all?" I ask and she nods with a small smile.
I turn to walk to the kitchen, Nick is in the cash register waiting for a costumer to pay. He's just looking at the cash register and doesn't even glance when I walk by. As I get to the kitchen I hand a lady there the note so she can prepare it. "I already got it, Linda." Alice says handing me a French vanilla coffee. I look at her confused but try to take it, she doesn't let go. "I need to talk to you." She whispers, I try to pull it again but she still doesn't let go. "Okay." I say and then she lets go.
I walk back outside feeling weird, I don't want to talk to Alice. Even if her and Brittney aren't friends anymore they were before and I can't talk to her. I just can't. The lady receives the French vanilla coffee, "Thank you." She says. "You're wel-" I'm interrupted by a loud voice I recognize. "I want her to be my waitress." Macy.
She's sitting down at the far end, she's got a smile on her face but her eyes- her eyes are killing me and I can tell. The waitress stands there as Macy is looking at me. "Didn't you hear me? I want her to be my damn waitress." The waitress walks away. She's so rude. Even though I don't want to I see my manger looking at me, he won't be happy if we don't please our clients. So I push my pride away and walk to her.
"Good morning-" she interrupts me again. "Hmm there's nothing good about it. A skank ruined my day. Can you believe that?" I swallow trying not to show any emotion. "What would you like to eat or drink?" She looks at the menu humming, "A latte and a slice of pecan pie. You know to get some protein cause I don't want to have an ugly skinny body." She looks at me from head to toe, she's talking about me.
I write it down and walk away feeling embarrassed. This time Nick does glance at me as I walk by. I bet he saw my flushing face. Three minutes later the latte is ready along with the pie and I really don't want to talk back out there.
But I do. When I approach her she grins again. That grin of hers bothers me and I have to stop myself from throwing the latte on her. When I hand it to her she immediately tries it, in about to walk back when she makes a noise. "Gross! This tastes disgusting." She says making a face. "I don't see what's wrong with it." I say. "Excuse you, but you're not the one that has tried it. So bring me another one. That's what you're here for." She smiles and I take the cup.
"She wants another one." I tell the girl at the kitchen. I really hate doing this. I'm pretty sure that now that she knows I work here she'll come just to bother me. "Here you go." She hands me the latte. Once again I approach her, she's talking on the phone and my insides twist and turn. What if she's talking to Anthony?
"We should hang out sometime," I hand her the latte she rolls her eyes at me. "Yeah I would love that Brittney!" Brittney? "Hello like go away." She says and I do, "Stupid people Brittney." She says on the phone. She couldn't possibly be talking about Brittney Hollingsworth, or could she?
*Hey guys! So I have a question, if I were to write a book telling Alice's story would Yall read it? I would like to write a story about Alice after im done with this book but I want your opinion. So please comment and let me know if you would read it! Thanks xx :D
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