Part 18
"Are you sure this will work?" I ask Nick as we walk in the internet cafe. "Yes, I'm pretty positive." we sit down and Nick turns on a computer. "That was just a waste of money." I say looking at the prices, five bucks for 30 minutes. "We're just going to use it real quick. Five bucks isn't that much anyways." he says opening Google.
"We could've used those five bucks for something else." I say looking down at my nails. "Do you want to find Anthony or no?" he asks looking at me, I just nod. I do want to find him but I'm scared. What if he rejects me? What if he hates me? He probably does, and I don't blame him for it. I watch as he starts to type Anthony's name. "What's his last name?" he asks. "Smith." I whisper. He types his last name and presses the enter button. I chew on the inside of my cheek. A lot of Anthony Smiths pop up.
"Now you tell me which one is him." Nick says scrolling down slowly. I read about three Anthony Smiths but none of them are from California. "Maybe he's not on the internet." I say reading. "Trust me he is. Everybody nowadays is on the internet." what Nick said is true, I know Anthony is here somewhere but I'm still pretty terrified. "Wait." I say reading the seventh Anthony Smith. "It says he's from here." I tell him pointing at the screen, he clicks on his name and it opens up a page. His profile page. No doubt its him.
"Is it him?" Nick asks and I nod slowly. Nick scrolls down his page. "It doesn't say where he lives." I say, "Obviously its not going to say where he lives at exactly but at least we can get an idea where." he keeps scrolling down and then I see something that's posted on his timeline. 'Hanging out with the best ;)' its what it says. This girl named Macy Cottle wrote this and tagged him in it. Is it some friend of his? Nick keeps going down and then her name pops up again, 'Had an amazing night. Thank you for the birthday gift. Love you ;* x' my heart sinks to my stomach. Love you? What? "Let me see the comments." I say, Nick looks at me. "Maybe its jus a friend. Lets move on." he's saying this to make me feel better, but we both know this is flirty. "Nick, let me see the comments." he clicks on the comments. 'What he gave you was awesome!" thats what some random girl said to that Macy girl, then she responded, 'Yeah he sure knows how to make me happy ;)'
"Go to her page." I say, Nick looks unsure. "Do you really want to go check out her profile?" I nod and he clicks on her name. She's got strawberry blonde hair and shes extremely gorgeous. Nick scrolls down her page, she writes a lot about love. "This doesn't help us find Anthony." Nick says. "Well apparantly she knows a lot about Anthony so-" I stop talking when I see a picture that she posted about two weeks ago. Nick looks at the screen and he makes a face. Its her and Anthony laying down in what looks like a bed. Her caption is 'This boy is amazing. x'
I look down at the keyboard as I slowly feel the pain in my chest expand. "Sydney, are you okay?" Nick asks but I don't reply, I just stare at the letters on the keyboard. "Sydney." he says again, my chin quivers and I feel the tears coming. The pain on my chest is unbelivable. Its something so painful words can't describe. My heart feels broken. Literally. I take a deep breath and tell myself to be strong, I tell myself not to cry in front of Nick. I tell myself this can't be happening. I tell myself that everything will be okay. I tell myself that this is all a dream. But its not.
This is realitly.
Anthony forgot about me. At least that's what it seems like. "Don't cry, Sydney." Nick whispers. I wipe my tears but the ache in my chest makes me want to cr again. I cover my face, this hurts. It hurts so much. So much. "Sydney it could be just some friend." he says. "Some friend? Does that seem like just some friend? She literally tags him in everything!" I say. "But have you seem him commen or like anything? He doesn't post about her on his timeline. He doesn't upload any pictures with her. If he liked her he would've done that don't you think? Stop assuming things until you have talked to him face to face. Look in here it says what place the picture was taken, it could be where he lives or where she lives. We could go to that place and ask."
What Nick said made me feel a little better, and it stopped my tears. He writes down the place and I wipe the tears on my cheeks. "Umm sir your time is up. Would you like to keep using the computer?" a lady asks us. Nick folds the piece of paper and shakes his head. "No thank you." he closes the tab and we walk outside. "Don't worry." he says. I shrug and bite my lip.
How I wish I had a razor right now.
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