Ivy was in extreme pain when she was brought back to her cell and chained up. Her back felt like it was on fire, and it ached painfully as it pressed against the wall. She stayed in a state of pain and distant awareness until at last she fell into a fitful sleep.
When she woke up again, her back pain had subsided somewhat, although she was still aware of a dull ache. As she shifted to get to a more comfortable position, her scabs reopened and began to bleed. Ivy closed her eyes, trying to endure the pain, and eventually fell back asleep.
The second time she woke up, it was because the door to her cell had been unlocked and opened. A male Stellas walked in, barefoot, carrying a tray with food on it. Ivy's stomach rumbled at the sight of it.
The red-haired Stellas walked over and set the tray on the cold ground. He went over to Ivy and unlocked her hands, moving then to the back of the room.
Ivy looked down at the tray, and studied the contents; Three blue ball-sized fruit and a small bowl of strange nuts. She picked up one of the fruit, discovering the skin was the texture of a peach's. Tentatively, she took a bit, finding the 'meat' of the fruit delicious. There was no seed in the fruit, and Ivy wondered how it reproduced. Finishing the fruit, she explored the nuts and found that they were tasty as well.
Once she finished her meal, the Stellas walked back over and chained Ivy back up. He left, taking the tray and bowl with him, and locked the door behind himself.
Sighing, Ivy closed her eyes and tried not to focus on her discomfort. She was alone for several minutes before the door opened again. This time, Lenan walked in.
His face was a mixture of emotions as he walked in. He stood in front of her, silent, for a few moments. Then abruptly, he began talking, "I know you do not know what Morocco is seeking."
Ivy glared at him, "Of course I don't." she snapped.
Lenan stiffened slightly, "I will help you escape."
"You were the one who brought me here in the first place!" Ivy's anger grew as she spoke, clouding her judgment, "I don't need your help." she ended with a hard glare.
Lenan's expression became a mix of grimness and anger, "Then I have been ordered to fetch you for another questioning." he produced a key and unlocked Ivy's chains. Grabbing her arm, Lenan walked her out the door where the guards joined them.
They walked swiftly to the building and through the doors to where Morocco and Nyssa were in their usual positions.
"Will you tell us where the Starbeam is?" Ivy could tell Morocco was completely done with pleasantries.
She hung her head, knowing what was coming, "I don't know," Ivy whispered.
Morocco lifted a hand and Ivy was forced back to the whipping pole.
"Please," Ivy begged, "Don't." She struggled to get away, but the Stellas held her in place, and tied her there.
Morocco nodded once to Casper, and the whip came down on Ivy's back. She screamed in pain, closing her eyes tightly.
The whipping continued, interspersed with the same question from Morocco. Eventually, after what seemed like forever to Ivy, Morocco raised his hand, indicating for Casper to stop, "Take her away." he growled, "We begin a new tactic tomorrow."
Casper nodded, and with another guard, untied Ivy and began taking her out the door.
Just before she was taken out the door, Lenan caught her eye, a question there. Ivy closed her eyes, and swallowing her pride, gave the slightest hint of a nod. She needed to get home.
624 words! ugh so sorry I didn't get this out Monday! Good grief, but here it is! The update named Chapter Eight (btw I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M ALREADY ON CHAPTER EIGHT!)
So whaddya think about Lenan? Comment your thoughts on him. I'm curious what you guys think!
Anyway, see you next Monday! Or maybe sooner if I get motivated to write!
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