Sealshadow lay near the nursery, Kangaroostep laying across from her. The pretty, russet queen's three kits were play fighting with Callashine, and the two she-cats watched the play from the side. It had been two full days since Callashine had told Sealshadow his secret. Clouded sunlight poured in from the cave's entrance and out from the cracks of the covered up exit, and a wind softly whispered through the cavern. Kangaroostep licked her paw, drawing it across her ear as she thoughtfully watched her kits tumble with the newest warrior.
"I never thought I would be where I am. I was so grateful when BluffClan let me stay when I was merely a loner. You were so kind to me back then, Sealshadow. I remember one time the fresh kill pile was empty and you went out and caught a piper just for me! I wasn't sure what was happening when you left after I mentioned how hungry I was, but then you came back a while later with the little thing. I think that's when I knew I wanted to become a warrior of BluffClan. And it wasn't long after that Vinesplash and I had these three crazies," she motioned to her kits as they pulled at Callashine's fur.
"I should bring you and the kits something to eat!" The warrior stood, and Kangaroostep purred at the suddenness of the declaration and swished her tail.
"You're far too kind."
Sealshadow trot over to the freshkill pile, excitement warming her fur. I like helping my clanmates. Kangaroostep still appreciates how I helped a long time ago! Her tail swished back and forth happily as she looked over the selection for the day. Her eyes lit up as they fell on a fish in the pile of mostly birds. I like bass a lot! Her stomach growled. I haven't had my meal yet today... but I think the kits should get to try bass.
She scooped up the large fish and made her way back to the reddish brown queen. As soon as the kits saw the meal, they leaped off of where they had Callashine pinned and raced over.
"I like fish!" Avocetkit announced. The reddish and brown mottled ticked tabby was the only she-kit in the litter, and definitely the loudest.
"Me too, fish is my favorite," Sealshadow swished her tail happily.
"I've never had this one though...," Ternkit whined. He sat down next to his mother, turning his nose up. "I don't like it."
"You've never tried it," she chastised, but he gave an indignant sniff. "Say thank you to Sealshadow, you three."
"Thank you!" Curlewkit, the last of the three, cheerfully waved his tail with a warm purr. He gave his sister a swat, snapping her out of her longing stare at the finned creature.
"Mm, thanks!" Avocetkit practically howled her appreciation for the whole camp to hear. Callashine padded over, slumping down nest to the kits. Ternkit muttered a thanks under his breath, and his mother narrowed her eyes and pulled him away for a stern chat. The two siblings left let out little giggles before diving into the meal. Sealshadow dipped her head and pad away with a purr, happy to have helped the small family. The dappled warrior made her way to the palm branches in the shadows that had become her spot, when she noticed a slinking figure in the darkness. She crept forward curiously, but relaxed as a familiar one-eyed figure could be made out. It was Shark, the cat that Callashine traveled with.
"Hey, dog-breath." The stocky silver she-cat greeted casually.
"That's not very nice...," Sealshadow meowed softly.
"I'm taking off. I'm not sticking around here anymore. I stayed long enough for Callashine's to become a warrior and all but I need to go," the one-eyed loner shook her head as she spoke. She paused, a curiosity touching her blue gaze. "Did he tell you anything about his past?"
"He said... he said he was a loner but left home because everyone disliked him." Shark scoffed at this.
"Calla has always attracted cats to him, and he's always craved for cats to be attracted to him. He loves attention," they both cast a look back to where the white tom basked in compliments from Kangaroostep's kits. "He didn't leave on his own accord. He was chased out. He's not who you think he is," she stretched low to the ground so that her long, pale belly fur touched the palms that cushioned the area.
"Why are you... telling me this?" Sealshadow flicked her tail back and forth.
"You're the only cat he wants to share a genuine relationship with. I've known him for several moons. Usually when he makes bonds, it's all on the surface for him. Whether it's for his advantage or whatever. With you... he truly wants the connection. He doesn't just want to swim at the coast, he wants to dive underwater and touch the sand and find shells. I don't know why, and I don't really care why. I just... I don't want him to hurt you or this clan like he hurt his group he grew up in." Sealshadow tipped her head to the side. Shark swished her tail to brush it off. "I want the best for him. But, I also think this Clan doesn't deserve to be toyed with by him. You were all very kind to take us in," she dipped her head. "I'll be going now." The bulky light gray tabby made her way out, sneaking past the warriors to avoid goodbyes. Sealshadow watched her disappear and sat down in her spot to watch her clanmates.
Callashine couldn't be bad like how she said. He's kind. He has my back, no matter what. He wants to help this clan. She felt a burning of watching eyes, and briefly caught the glance of Crabberry. The prophecy. The one who walks in darkness will destroy the light.... I will destroy the light.
What if... the light... is Callashine?
every time I read Avocetkit I thought it said Avocadokit
I meant to post this on Friday but I got distracted oops sorry.
edit: added a photo of Shark.
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