The memories of sunshine were drowning in the ocean, mere embers glowing at the horizon. Dusk set in, bringing with it cool night air. The faint rays glimmered at the edges of clouds that drifted through the sky. Sealshadow watched the sun dip below the ocean's surface among the soft, off-white sand. Callashine walked the shoreline a few fox-lengths in front of her, fascinated by how the waves pulled in and erased the prints he had left.
"I don't think I'll ever get over how beautiful it is here," the new warrior remarked, making his way over to her.
"I've always loved watching the ocean. Dolphincloud calls me a sandhead," she continued to watch the waves tumble over each other. They were energetic that night, coming in high and crashing down with force onto each other, as if they were in battle. But what is it fighting over? Is the ocean hungry? Is it fighting over territory?
"There's nothing wrong with loving the view here. It's beautiful," he sat down, looking at her fondly.
"I think it looks the best early in the morning." Mom used to take me out of the camp just to look at the sunrise before coming back inside. Her mom had told her to keep it a secret, because kits weren't supposed to leave camp.
"I think your clanmates need to appreciate things more. They don't appreciate the view, or what they have, or you."
Sealshadow swished her tail back and forth, and her paws kneaded at the sand.
"I know I just joined BluffClan, but I really do want to protect it with my life! I want it to be the absolute best it can be. Sealshadow, can I tell you a secret...?" She tipped her head. "I... I want to become leader one day. I know it's silly, but I want to become leader so that everyone will respect you. They'll be more grateful for their freedom, and for their clanmates! I'll make them understand. I know it might be silly... but I have a vision for BluffClan. It's going to be a bright future." The sunlight had been completely enveloped by the ocean, but clouds hit the swaths of stars that would have started to peer down.
"You told me your secret...? Secrets are secret, though." Callashine purred.
"They are, but I wanted to share my secret with you. If you're really close friends with someone, you can share secrets with them. Really close friends are like an extension of yourself, so you can tell them anything. I think you're a great friend, Sealshadow. You're a great listener, and you care about little things that others don't. You care about the ocean, and you make sure Company are always happy! You know all about the prey and creatures on the shore, which is so cool!" He smiled brightly. She felt her heart flutter, and she purred.
"I have a secret. Since we're friends, I'll tell you," he tipped his head with interest. "Crabberry says that there's a prophecy and that I'm in it."
"A prophecy?"
"Yes, from StarClan."
"I've heard of StarClan from passing talk. They're dead Clan cats, right?" She nodded.
"Yes, when BluffClan warriors die, they go to StarClan and watch over us. They help keep us safe. StarClan will give us a prophecy if there's danger, and it guides us. In the old Clans, they had prophecies all the time because they were always in danger. We've never had a prophecy in BluffClan! Until now."
Callashine had his mouth agape with awe.
"Well, what's the prophecy?" He seemed excited, and she fed off the energy with a bounce.
"'One who walks in darkness will destroy the light.' Isn't it cool? I'm the cat who walks in darkness, but Crabberry doesn't know who or what 'the light' is. It's kind of scary--"
"It's a lie." Callashine's eyes had darkened. She lowered down, her tail tucking slowly.
"But... StarClan sent the prophecy... to... to keep us safe--safe."
"It's a lie. Prophecies aren't real, they can't be," she blinked in shock at his words. Albatrossleaf did say the prophecy wasn't real.... Callashine seems kind of.. scary right now. Sealshadow backed up. "I mean, they're not real, but I am. Ya'know? I'm real, and my vision is real." She relaxed a little at this. "I'm planning a whole new future if I become leader. It's not some lie from the Stars, it's something solid that I know. I'm going to make this Clan great, and... I want you to be there with me when I do."
"I... have your back," she meowed simply. "I... I like you a lot, Callashine. You make me smile, and sometimes you make my heart beat really fast." He purred at this. "I'm sad my secret wasn't a real secret."
"Well... do you have any other secrets?" She thought for a moment but ducked her head. The memory of blood flashed in her head. I tried to stop it-- She could remember the salt waves crashing over head as she fought through a current. A cat at the shore was screaming her name. I tried to save him, but all that was left....
"I... do," she turned and pad away. Callashine blinked in confusion before getting up to follow. "I don't want to."
"That's okay, that's okay. But hey, Sealshadow?" He bounded up to her side, and she glanced over to look just below his line of sight. "Don't tell anyone about my secret, okay?" The dark spotted tabby nodded, and the pair climbed across the rock path lined with oat grass back to the burrowed camp entrance.
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