Sealshadow's mind desperately grasped for a paw hold in the situation, and she stepped toward the tabby deputy laying limp. "Piperwhisker is bleeding, we have to help him...!" She meowed, voice full of distress. Callashine cut her off though, the red staining his muzzle standing out sharply against his white coat. The dark clouds holding the humid tension in the air seemed to grow thicker.
"No, Sealshadow. I'm changing this Clan, and Piperwhisker is the only cat standing between me and Stonestar." She took a step back, her eyes full of desperation and confusion. He exhaled, and pressed on. "We'll raise BluffClan from the ashes, it'll be stronger than it is now. It'll be a Clan that is willing to do what it takes... for community and unity," he stepped aside and tipped his head toward Piperwhisker. "I'm doing what it takes to achieve that goal. I want you to stand with me. I want you to be by my side...," he ducked his head low. "Help me." He made his way to the deputy, grabbing his scruff and started to pull him toward the edge of the cliff. The small deputy let out a small whine of pain, and attempted to squirm away but couldn't muster the strength. No. Not again. I can't let my friends die again...!
"Stop!" She lunged forward, grabbing the thick fur just behind his front leg. He yipped in pain and let go of Piperwhisker's scruff. The snowy tom twisted in her grasp, and shoved her away. There was just a moment of eye contact. Just a moment of confused blue eyes meeting determined, hurt sea-green ones. He looked away. It was only for a heartbeat before he looked back, and pushed forward.
"Stop being a fool, Sealshadow. I'll give you everything. You won't have to work anymore, you can do whatever you'd like. You'll be loved by everyone. I'll make them love you... I'll make them see that bright and beautiful cat that I see. You'll be happy."
She shook her head, her face falling to look to her paws.
"No...," she whispered quietly. Then, louder, she repeated herself. "No. I won't be happy, because my Clanmates won't be happy." She could see it already: Crabberry and Albatrossleaf with darkened faces and Cloudpaw without any of the light she once had. Kangaroostep wouldn't be happily watching her kits play games anymore, and everything would be dark and tense and full of pain. "You'd be ruling a Clan of misery. I don't want that!" He grit his teeth, his face twisted with pain. The wind began to pick up, battering at their pelts.
He let out a yowl and lunged at her. She moved to get out of the way, but his claws managed to catch her shoulder. He dug in, bringing her in close as he slammed her to the earth. He raised his claws to strike again, and she tore herself free from his grasp with a 'tch' of pain. The dark tabby rolled back to her paws, and in the same movement jumped and grabbed his shoulder with her jaws. Callashine let out a growl of pain and shook her free, but not before receiving a claw swipe to the cheek. They went on for a moment before breaking apart.
Sealshadow breathed in a shaky breath. Dull dusk light cascaded across the sandy cliffside, and night winds battered at her bloodied and clawed up pelt. Everything was aching. Her paws, her muscles, her mind, her heart. She grit her teeth, shutting her eyes tight and forcing back a sob.
"You said you would be there for me, Sealshadow..!" Callashine cried. The battle-torn she-cat gazed up with blue-green eyes, though the edges of her vision were starting to blur. His once pristine coat was now matted with blood and mottled with dirt.
"I know... I know, and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...." She averted her gaze the second she saw it: the heartbreak and pain in his eyes.
"How could you do this? To me? To us? To everyone?! Please, just come back to me!" He yelled over the wind, his eyes closing as he yowled. Sealshadow gasped for air; she hadn't realized she had been holding her breath. Rain began to prickle at her pelt, and she hung her head, and her voice was barely audible over the wind.
"I should be asking you the same thing." He looked away, and the gales seemed to die down right as he spoke, so that his quiet words could be heard.
"Why can't anything ever work out for me...? Why can't things ever go my way, where I end up on top? I try, and I go the distance, but it never means anything! I always end up losing. In the gang, I fought and killed and it didn't mean anything! I was cast out because I was too much of a dreamer."
"Your dreams involve killing to get what you want. It's wrong." Sealshadow flicked her tail back and forth. Her paws kneaded at the ground, and she shook her head. I need to leave. I need to leave.... Her eyes went to Piperwhisker laying limp and she kneaded her paws again. I can't leave him. I can't leave Piperwhisker, but I need to go back to Albatrossleaf. She'll help me. Callashine spit angrily at her remark. A blast of wind and heavy rain buffeted at her as she tuned everything out.
"Fine...! You don't want me, that's fine! But I won't stop fighting for what I dream of!" He snapped, and unsheathed his claws. She looked up to see him jumping at her, teeth bared, but couldn't do anything to defend herself. His teeth dug into the back of her neck, just above the scruff, and his claws into her shoulder blade. His weigh pushed her down to the ground, and the urge to flee hit her harder than before. She twisted in his grasp, but stopped herself from rolling as she realized they were too close to the cliffside. She desperately brought down a paw on his temple, stunning him long enough to escape his grasp. She launched to her paws, but he bit down on her hind paw. She yipped in pain and kicked her other leg out at him. The warrior only heard the clatter of pebbles falling down the cliff, rain wash at the earth, and his quiet, innocent gasp of fear. Sealshadow swung her head back just as he tumbled backward. Her eyes grew wide. No-- Callashine!
She didn't even think. She was there. Her teeth dug into his scruff, and claws into the slowly soaking earth. Her muscled screamed as she held the tom above the crashing sea foam below. He looked up at her, and she wasn't met with the power-hungry, bitter face from before. Rather, she saw the same, starry-eyed and idealistic friend. His pelt heavied as the storm drenched it.
"You really did always have my back. I think... I messed up." He eyes, the color of the high, bright blue skies he shot for, rose up to meet her gaze, and then he squirmed, swinging his claws up at her. The claws connected and his grasp on him loosened, and the heavy tom fell from her grasp. She could only watch as he fell, hitting the cliffside along the way, and disappeared into the hungry ocean. Her gaze desperately searched for the bob of his head, but all signs were swallowed up by the frothy waves. She took a few steps back, feeling lightheaded. This can't be real. This can't... She made her way to Piperwhisker, but felt her paws falter, and watched the world swirl as she collapsed to the ground.
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