There was more energy in the camp than when she had left. As she looked down from the top of the slope at the entrance, she saw the two new loners, Calla and Shark, standing in the clearing surrounded by a few warriors. She jumped as she felt a brush by her side, but settled once she realized it was Piperwhisker.
"Sorry, didn't mean to bump you," he meowed as he dropped a small black and white feathered oystercatcher. "Did we get new Company while I was gone?" Sealshadow felt a purr rise in her throat as she realized that Calla and Shark had been allowed to stay as Company.
"We did! We should go meet them-- I'm sure they want to get to know the Deputy of the Clan they're staying with!" She purred brightly, her tail waiving with excitement. Piperwhisker ducked his head with a small laugh and a purr. He always looked at her differently than the other cats. It was a kind look, it wasn't mean like how Kelpwhisker or Dolphincloud looked at her. It was kind, and it was soft. He blinked, and awkwardly picked up the bird. Crabberry said I can't tell anyone about the prophecy... She looked to the undersized, pale gold tabby, longing to tell him of her newfound destiny, and decided rather to make her way down to the the new Company.
"...And so then, I tackled the rogue off of Shark right on time!" Calla pounced onto the ground, making the warriors around him jump back with shock.
"But how did you both escape alive against six rogues?! That's impossible!" Sandtail meowed doubtfully.
"I'm getting there, I'm getting there!" Calla purred, letting his tail flick over the cream tabby tom's nose playfully. His face twisted at the stranger's contact at first, but then he gave a small purr of amusement. Calla's blue eyes briefly caught Sealshadow's, and immediately he perked up and gave a smile. She looked off to the side toward the ground. "Hello, molly!" He's addressing me by my gender, again. That's so weird; I don't call him 'tom.'
"I'm not called molly, I'm called Sealshadow." She meowed indignantly. The three other warriors gathered for the story let our a ripple of a laughs. Piperwhisker followed up from behind.
"Alright, Sealshadow. I was just telling the story of how I got this scar!" He referenced to a long pink link running across his back leg. It was mostly hidden by medium-long fur, but was noticeable once pointed out. "It was just Shark and me versus six rogues. We thought we could take them in a fight, but we almost bit it. I managed to save Shark, but right as I tackled the rogue on her, another rogue barreled into me!" He fell to the ground, and laughter rose up from the cats; even Piperwhisker let out a short purr. Shark sat a tail length away, eye half closed with amusement as she watched the well-muscled tom tell the story.
"You're so dramatic. I could've gotten out of that hold anyway," the gray tabby point defended herself. Calla gave a deep nod.
"Without a doubt I know you could've; but you know me and how I have to be the star of every show. But, it was your idea that saved the day in the end!"
"I don't believe this! What was her idea?" Sandtail growled lightheartedly.
"Simple: we ran to a nearby twoleg den that had a dog! They chased us, but were too scared to go near the dog!" Calla jumped dramatically, landing neatly on his paws.
"Wow! I've never even seen a dog, you've seen a dog?!" Sealshadow couldn't hold in her amazement. Calla nodded.
"Yeah, they can be really big, but some are smaller than us! They always have a terrible stench though, and the big ones could rip a seasoned fighter to shreds." The spotted tabby jumped back with fear, but Piperwhisker flicked his tail giving her a soft look.
"Don't worry, there aren't any dogs on our beach; the twolegs never bring dogs here." The deputy comforted.
"Those rogues sounded scary, too. You must've been really brave to fight them." Sealshadow murmured. Sandtail shook his head.
"No, he's just telling tales. It sounds like something Sumacleap would make up to entertain kits," the cream tabby explained.
"...Oh. Why would he lie, though?" Sandtail scoffed.
"Because he 'has to be the star of every show.' It's just a story."
"...If you say so. But how else would I have gotten this scar?" Calla drawled. He let out a sigh. "Well, Shark and I should go make our nests in the den where the Company stay. Thanks for letting us stay in your Clan until we can get back on our paws, by the way."
"As long as you give us crazy stories, you can stay as long as you want, as far as I'm concerned." Sandtail purred. Piperwhisker had an odd look in his eyes as he followed the white loner. He looks at Calla a completely different way then how he looks at me. He looks... distrustful of him.
"I'll talk to you later, Sealshadow. I'm supposed to have a meeting with Stonestar," he dipped his head and padded away toward the den under the Speaking Stone.
Sandtail whisked his tail, walking off with the other warriors to sit outside the warriors den and talk. Sealshadow watched them leave without her, and looked to her usual spot on abandoned palm branches in the shadows. I guess I shouldn't bother them. I never ate my sandpiper that Calla stole, anyway; I'm starving! She grabbed a sandpiper from the fresh kill pile on her way to her spot, and settled in for her meal. She had just finished removing the feathers when she caught the sky-blue gaze of the loner outside of the Company Den. He crossed camp, making his way over to her.
"Sealshadow, right?" She nodded.
"You can't have my sandpiper. This is mine, and I'm eating it," she meowed simply. He raised his brows and gave a small laugh.
"Of course, I won't touch it this time." He sat down, grooming his white fur. "I noticed your clanmates keep away from you. Why?" He gave her an earnest look, and she paused as she finished her first bite.
"Well... it's more I keep away from them. A lot of my clanmates don't like me much. I'm different from them, I guess. I just don't want them to get mad at me." The white tom scoffed.
"Sand fleas! That's ridiculous. You're funny, and great to be around. I barely even know you and I know that much!" Sealshadow ducked her head with embarrassment. "Is it okay if I get food from the fresh-kill pile? I haven't eaten in days." She nodded earnestly, and he disappeared to grab a meal. This is why I like when we have Company. They're always so nice to me. Calla returned promptly with the oystercatcher that Piperwhisker had brought back.
"My clanmates aren't always kind to me, but the company we have are. I'm not sure why," She confessed. Calla thought for a moment as he plucked the dark plume from his meal.
"Well, I think it's because those cats that stay with your clan are usually loners."
"They are." Sealshadow confirmed.
"And loners... know what it's like to be lonely. We understand what it's like to be you. I understand what it's like to be you. Left out. Outcast. Hated. Just because you're different. I grew up in a group of cats; not a clan, it was much smaller and unorganized. Nobody liked me there either. The other cats excluded me from everything. I ended up leaving because I was just always... so alone. Then I met Shark, and things have started to get better, and now I'm here. Cats here are so friendly and welcoming; I don't understand how they could let you be alone." He tucked into his meal. Sealshadow felt her fur warm and she nodded. He understands me.... "I'll have your back, Sealshadow. I promise, from now on, I'll always have your back," Calla declared.
She nodded with a purr.
"I'll be there for you, too!"
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