Out of the Jamba Prison (Protologe)
Today's story begins far in the depth's of Gamble Galaxy where the Jamba Prison resides. In the prison holds many galactic threats. Necrodeus, Nightmare, Marx, Magolor. All prime example's. Tho there was one cage outside the prison. In the back area a large metal box with none but one small hole to see through. Inside the box was a crystal, Inside it was...a human? A dangerous one. The greatest warrior in all of Gamble Galaxy...Galacta Knight. He's been sealed there for a long time. Yes, he has escaped a few times but he would always come back...intill today that is. 'Come on, just follow through the plan...it's easy. You've escaped many times over. Just get out ' The crystal seal started to shake, and it started to crack. It cracked more. And in almost a second the crystal snapped and Galacta was free. He walked over to the box. He punched it once, a big dent. Again, another big dent. He went back and charged kicked the door, it flew open, landing on and most likely killing three monster soldiers checking up on him. Alarms blared, flaring off across the prison
???: "He did it, he really did it." Some one said. He had brown hair, light skin, yellow eyes, a blue shirt with a gear on it, blue pants, white boots with a gear pattern, a blue and white hood and a long white cape.
???2: "Of course he did it Mags, he's Galacta Knight." Another said. He had purple hair, purple eyes, light skin, a white shirt with blue and red suspenders and pants, striped mismatch socks, a yellow cape, and a red and blue jester hat with circles and triangle pattern.
Mags: "B-but Marx"
Marx: "Magolor, S H U S H"
Magolor: "ah.."
Galacta was barraged by many monsters once his escape, tho he easily took them out. He punched, kicked, and threw objects at then, merclessly killing them. One had an axe, which he gladly took. He was currently inside the prison, running through the halls slashing everyone in his way. He then hided to spy on to nearby guards.
Guard 1: "What job do you have today?"
Guard 2: "I'm checking the armor, weapons, and power sources in the vault...but"
Guard 1: "You forgot the code again?"
Guard 2: "Yes"
"It's 293"
"Ok, 293"
Galacta(whisper): "Bingo"
He was then off to the vault, kicking a poor helpless guard in the balls while doing so. He put in the code, and was in. He searched through the first area of the vault: The Armor, to find his set. He then found it ripping the door off the locker, and putting it on. He moved on to The Weapons, grabbing his set.
Guard: "He's in there, the vault!!!"
'Shit, they saw me. I need to get the power crystals and bolt 'He thought. He made a run for the power with the guards not to far behind him. He didn't need to search for his power crystal as his was the biggest one, which was in front of him.
Guard: "Stop him!!"
He ran up to the crystal, bashing it open with the axe (Bet you forgot about that huh?). The powers locked within' the crystal released, going into the cross on his chest piece. He stared at the guards with the most clear 'your fucked' smile plastered on his face.
Guard: "Oooohhhhhh shit, boiz we fucked up"
Galacta: "Ya fucked up indeed, son"
*ASS KICKING INTENSIFIES* One ass kicking later Galacta ran to two power crystals, A purple one and a blue one. He then dashed for the prison cells, coming to Marx's and Magolor's.
Marx: "Late much?"
Galacta: "Be greatful I even considered to make that fuckin' deal with you and i'm saving your asses."
Magolor: "Let's... not do this now"
He unlocked the cells and let them both out, before grabbing them both and flying out of the prison.
Marx: "We can fly on our OWN YA KNOW!!!"
Galacta: "Fuck off"
Two hatch door outside the prison and an army of space shuttles fly after them. Their approching, and doing so fast.
Magolor: "Umm, guys?"
Marx: "Let us GO!!!"
Magolor: "Guys?"
Galacta: "No"
The Shuttles started to shoot at the three. Magolor and Marx, took no hesitation and broke their crystals, gaining their powers back. Marx began to fire arrows at the shuttles, but they only scratched. Galacta took the fact the shuttles are distracted to open a rift with his lance. A bright light engulfed the three and they blasted into the rift.
Their headed to popstar.
And the protologe is out. I'll try my best to post. Bye :D
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